Vivek Ramaswami

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Vivek Ramaswami

Postby Masato » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:34 pm

Hey all

Wondering what everyones thoughts are on Vivek

He is undoubtedly saying a LOT of the right things. Unbelievable things in fact. And yet the mainstream media isn't pulling a Ron Paul on him, nor the slander that Trump had to endure.

How can someone come out of nowhere and suddenly be spouting sensible conspiracy truther talk like this?

Flashbacks to Obama's campaign, he seemed like such a fresh young articulate voice saying all the right things

I love 90% of clips I see of Vivek, but my intuition has consistently been to get the fuck away from him. He just does not smell genuine. Like I said, flashbacks to Obama :?

Please share if I am wrong about this, I'd love to listen to him on these topics.

Is he a Limited Hangout to spilt the Trump vote?

Is his past and sudden rise to wealth as a legit Presidential candidate as shadowy as Obama's was?

Is he too good to be true?

Should I not be complaining, and be thrilled we have a candidate calling out bullshit corruption maybe even more succinctly than Trump did with his 'Drain the Swamp campaign?

Some interesting facts this guy pulls up on Vivek, good place to start the thread maybe:

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Postby theraskal » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:50 pm

I haven't been following the political POTUS scene at all. If I start to see a buzz where some candidate/politician seems to generate forum discourse and I scan the HLs or just do a name/websearch and see some HL which will get the wingNUTS bickering then I'll do the copy/paste for a good chuckle but Bernie got too OLD and AOC is yet too young for POTUS so I'll have to wait a bit for my UBI/Universal-HealthCare promotion is back in the HLs as a main talking point ...... this Vivek promoting those policies?

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Postby Masato » Sun Jan 14, 2024 6:59 pm

Here is (IMHO) controlled opposition Candace Owens from the Daily Wire going WAY too far to kiss Vivek's ass, lol

Food for thought I think. There is a heavily-funded Limited Hangout new media establishment being propped up right before our eyes it seems.

If that very group is hanging on Vivek's nuts like Candace is in this clip, it may be self explanatory what's going on

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Postby Masato » Sun Jan 14, 2024 10:47 pm

Here Elon Musk says he 'trusts' Vivek.

I suspect Elon to also be part of this new controlled opposition media network

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:22 am

His exchanges with Nikki Haley in the Republican debates wound up inspiring a few days of epic Indian trolling from Owen Benjamin on twitter, which has probably been the best thing about his candidacy so far. Benjamin in fact got so carried away with it he almost missed the Jew Tunnels story. At it's peak he must have had half of India reacting to him. it was funny as hell.

A big thanks for brining him to our attention btw Masato :)
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Postby Som-Pong » Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:20 pm

Vote for him if you want India.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:02 pm

Another one:

Who is this girl?

Here she is saying a lot of the same things; Vivek's unexplained connections to WEF, Soros, Big Pharma, way too much money coming in from all these places much higher up on the ladder than he is.
Several hypocrisies with his funding sources with what he preaches on stage, several indications he is being handled etc.

Her theory is that he is being set up simply to STEAL VOTES FROM TRUMP, to go even further into conspiracy talk to appease all the folks that have been redpilled, and split up the vote.

I'm honestly skeptical if the whole voting thing is even real or not anymore so I personally don't know what to make of that.

If she is correct, I still think it's optimistic that to play these games they have been forced to enter conspiracy territory. They've been forced to let what just 12 months ago was absolute taboo for mainstream consideration, is now all over the MSM via Vivek.

Remember how utterly mind- shattering it was WAY back in 2008 when Ron Paul went off script just talking about the concept of blowback?
We are way past that, lol
And I still think Ron Paul was the real deal.

How can they allow these discussions out in the open like this, when they are so dangerous to the precious narrative they have fought so hard to protect all these years?
Perhaps they are setting Vivek up for a shameful and embarrassing destruction, to put all that talk to rest one day?
Or are we all being set up for a planned revolution of some kind?

Good breakdown. I'll keep an eye on that account, she seems to have the qualities I like in political investigators
Here is her X profile:

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 15, 2024 2:06 pm

Still waiting for Vivek to address the ZIONIST question.

IMHO, reaction to that issue will be the litmus test for anyone from here on. You will either see a thoughtful, open-minded, rational thought-process about the situation, or you will see the naive, blind cookie-cutter programmed reaction you've seen a million times before.

Where you at, Vivek? What do you think about AIPAC? Who was behind 9/11?

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:40 pm

LOLOLOL My man Dr Shiva getting in on the Vivek bubble-bursting:

Quoted from Dr Shiva's posts:

#1 - Vivek the SNAKE tells Americans to BAN business w CHINA, but he PARTNERED DIRECTLY w Chinese government to launch HIS pharmaceutical company

#2 - DURING COVID, this #BigPharma BROWN-NOSER promoted lockdowns eg social distancing, said nothing against Fauci, was all in for mask and vaccine mandates,

AND, NOW he says what you want to hear: he’s against mandates.


#3. Just 5 months before, he was FULLY SUPPORTIVE of the BULLSHIT “science” of “climate change” and carbon taxes,

NOW, at the GOP debate he says “climate change is a hoax.”

He slithers to tell you what you want to hear. He is POS D list actor chosen by the SWARM.

#4 - This SNAKE says he is for “meritocracy” & “TRUTH”?!

This F**cker, made billions IPO’ng a bogus company to sell a USELESS drug that he KNEW had failed FOUR clinical trials. He sold his stock before the Company crashed and burned when the truth came out!


#5 - The lying POS writes a book attacking Democrats and being “anti-Woke”; however, he donated $7,000 to ActBlue Democrats,

AND, NEVER voted for “anti-Woke” Trump in 2016!

This SNAKE #FakeIndian, #FakeAmerican, like Obama, was manufactured by THE SWARM to mislead you.

#6 - The SNAKE spits about “excellence”: cream rising to top, no nepotism, etc.

BUT, dirtbag literally had HIS Mama - in his company - “reanalyze” clinical data of failed drug & release a report deeming it successful. Mama’s boy used report to BULLSHIT investors. All here:

#7 - He bullshits MAGA cult by saying he is AGAINST the ESG (climate change, sustainability, etc) UN agenda,

BUT, his LATEST VENTURE Strive Asset Management, purchases shares precisely in those companies who are supportive of the UN’s ESG Agenda:

#8 - The liar presents himself as “rags to riches” American story.

Total BS. Insulting to those of us who actually suffered.

-comes from the elite: Tamil Upper-Caste Brahmins

-went to elite PREP SCHOOL costs $16k/yr

-funded by SOROS

- parents are doctors & engineers

#9 - Here’s #BigPharma’s Brahmin BROWN-NOSER all in for BIDEN’s pro-VAXX mandating rollout to ALL ADULTS:

“Biden says all adults will be vaccine eligible by May 1. That’s GOOD NEWS. Give credit where due”
-Vivek SNAKE, 3/11/21

10 - The Snake, who is a #BigPharma Brahmin Brown-Noser, endorsed & FUNDED Democrat
, who is:
3) rabidly pro-#BigPharma

Neither Right nor Left MSM
Nor grifter media will expose this


#11 - Vivek the slimy Snake is a disgrace to every American & Indian

The POS applied & took a
SOROS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SCHOLARSHIP, when he made $750K that same year

Now, he’s AGAINST Affirmative Action.

Any “conservative” buying his BS is plain DUMB!

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 15, 2024 3:47 pm

This feels like Obama 2008.

I remember at EY how fast everyone was realizing it was a total scam, was freaky.

If Vivek wins this thing to appease/mislead the angry mob, it will be so crazy lol

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