
Politics, History, & 'Conspiracy'
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Postby Luigi » Mon Dec 05, 2016 11:37 am

So yesterday a crazy guy decided he was going to investigate this himself, went into Comet Pizza with a gun and discharged rounds into the ground to get everyone to leave so he could search the building. He surrendered to police and is now in custody. Some of the Pizzagate people think this was an agent used to smear Pizzagate. This man apparently thought that they still had some kids in the basement despite the fact that they had deleted their social media posts weeks ago. So incredibly retarded. He probably is legitimately mentally ill.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:39 pm

Luigi wrote:^I got halfway through that video and still have no idea what it has to do with this lol

I've spent the last day or so reading all the articles and listening to people who are arguing that its actually nothing and that these are just guys who like pizza. To give them credit they have shown that some of the minor pieces of evidence can be explained normally and a lot of Pizzagate proponents are seeing links simply because they want to see something. Most significantly I found a plausible explanation for the Breitbart tweet. From the start I thought that some evidence was fairly weak, but that does not change the persistence of the stronger evidence.

What we know for sure is that some emails have absolutely no explanation other than talking in code, Alefantis is a sexual deviant whose pizza shop serves as a hang out spot for like minded people, and he collects weird art, much of which has pedophilic imagery. To give him the benefit of the doubt, there is no concrete evidence that he has actually engaged in pedophilia. However his instagram posts of him with actual young children which he labels suggestively is quite suspicious.

sounds like you're putting some real work into this man, respect. Pizzagate is quickly going the SH route.

Brietbart was talking about the ACORN project, which was some pretty deceptive filmaking IIRC. not to say that there isn't something off about Podesta though, some of his art is unexplainable. the code is also nuts, but I haven't seen anything other than a 4chan post that acts a key for the code. IIRC, cheese pizza has been proven as code for child porn many times (CP), but everything else (pasta, map, etc) seems to based off 4chan & Redditt. correct me if I'm wrong, that's one of my bigger hangups of this story.

VU when I can, I'm having problems with the forum.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:19 pm

You know,

I came home from work this morning today to pick up some tools I forgot to take with me.

Upon entering the premises my dog was sitting on the couch looking very guilty.

On the floor were some chewed up pieces of fluffy material and 1 christmas tree ornament.

There was an ornament she took off the tree yesterday and got busted for but never actually ate it, we put it back on. That was a cloth bird. Also there was another ornament that was knocked off the tree laying on the floor.

Now there is no actual evidence of the bird ornament being anywhere today. I didn't actually see her take it and chew it up. But you know what? I know goddamn well that she did it because of the circumstantial evidence I saw there.

The overwhelming evidence that exists for the existence of high level pedophilia is staggering, yet little is done, cases are whitewashed and covered up completely in many cases. There is ample testimony on thousands of cases and yet what happens? Nothing because we choose to ignore the evidence directly in front of us and most people are utterly terrified of the possibility of this being real.

People in this country and world are arrested and incarcerated on far less evidence than what is being presented here. At the very least an independent investigation should be occurring and is occurring by the people themselves because they know that yet again it will likely be swept under the rug.

And in the midst of all this the MSM is desperately trying to shut it down? Not only shut it down but marginalize it and call it debunked, fake even before any serious investigation can be done, Seriously? That to me is the most damning. As far as I'm concerned if you drink that Kool aid before seeing all sides of the argument then you are as guilty as the pedos.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Luigi » Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:45 pm

Daglord wrote:
Luigi wrote:^I got halfway through that video and still have no idea what it has to do with this lol

I've spent the last day or so reading all the articles and listening to people who are arguing that its actually nothing and that these are just guys who like pizza. To give them credit they have shown that some of the minor pieces of evidence can be explained normally and a lot of Pizzagate proponents are seeing links simply because they want to see something. Most significantly I found a plausible explanation for the Breitbart tweet. From the start I thought that some evidence was fairly weak, but that does not change the persistence of the stronger evidence.

What we know for sure is that some emails have absolutely no explanation other than talking in code, Alefantis is a sexual deviant whose pizza shop serves as a hang out spot for like minded people, and he collects weird art, much of which has pedophilic imagery. To give him the benefit of the doubt, there is no concrete evidence that he has actually engaged in pedophilia. However his instagram posts of him with actual young children which he labels suggestively is quite suspicious.

sounds like you're putting some real work into this man, respect. Pizzagate is quickly going the SH route.

Brietbart was talking about the ACORN project, which was some pretty deceptive filmaking IIRC. not to say that there isn't something off about Podesta though, some of his art is unexplainable. the code is also nuts, but I haven't seen anything other than a 4chan post that acts a key for the code. IIRC, cheese pizza has been proven as code for child porn many times (CP), but everything else (pasta, map, etc) seems to based off 4chan & Redditt. correct me if I'm wrong, that's one of my bigger hangups of this story.

VU when I can, I'm having problems with the forum.

Thanks dude, I wish I wasn't though. This is my excuse for procrastinating on a research project lol

The code cannot be deduced with certainty. We simply know it is obviously not literal in meaning. The posters who propose the code cite an FBI document which details the activities and codes of pedophiles and child traffickers, and the words match up remarkably well. However its important to remember that this evidence is still circumstantial. They could very well have come up with a code to talk about politics that just happens to match up remarkably well with pedo code. The prominent theory about the handkerchief being part of the homosexual hanky code, if true, would actually absolve Podesta of illegal activity in that instance, as black and white codes for one who is willing to participate in homosexual masturbation and BDSM, neither of which are illegal. I could actually see this being the case with that email because Alefantis is a known homosexual and is known to frequent a gay bar down the street from Comet Ping Pong. This could largely just be them having homosexual parties in the basement of the pizza place. The other very strange code email is "Do you think I would have a better chance playing dominos on cheese or on pasta?" when cheese and pasta are known code words used by pedophiles.

At this point Alefantis and his cohorts have no doubt destroyed all concrete evidence so if anyone is on some Pizzagate crusade I suggest you save yourself the effort. Pizzagate has already served its purpose, to remind the masses that the political class do indeed use their power to pursue alternative sexual exploits including pedophilia, as has been documented in the past, and to inform people that the issue is likely much more widespread than previously thought. What makes it exceptional is simply that Alefantis was exceptionally reckless with revealing details on his social media.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:00 pm

^ ^ LOL, been there.

not doubting it at all, just haven't run into those terms (besides 'cheese pizza') before & I'm somewhat familiar through the McMartin trials, PRESIDIO & conspiracy of Silence. there is a huge thread on the OG about Pizzagate, but no one can point to the origin of this code anywhere other than 4chan/Reddit. there is no doubt this goes on @ high levels for perversion, blackmail, profit, etc, just skeptical that kids are being raped/cannibalized by Hillary & Obama in the basement of Comet Pizza & it being posted on social media.

that's not saying there isn't something here, even if it's not exactly what it seems. definite weird vibes throughout that cause concern.

look forward to following someone digging into it & I don't post @ 4chan or Reddit so I wouldn't know where to begin. the Monica Petersen angle is intriguing.

EDIT: with that said...

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Postby Luigi » Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:21 pm

I really doubt Clinton and Obama take part in the pedophilia. It seems to be Alefantis and his weirdo friends, with the Podesta brothers probably having knowledge about it. I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton and Obama had heard whispers about what goes on, but they're not foolish enough to engage in something that would be so politically liable.

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Postby penxv » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:04 pm

I have a feeling that adrenochrome fits in somehow.

From what I read, the theory is that the more terrified a person is, the more adrenaline they produce and the higher potency it would be.

I hadn't heard of it until a few days ago and don't know if it's real but it fills a logic gap that I didn't understand. That they're junkies on blood and children are easy to scare. It explains the behavior a bit. It also explains how someone who is willing to make it would be important to the others.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:39 pm

Interesting theory, I've hear of it before but didn't connect it to this.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Daglord » Tue Dec 06, 2016 1:05 pm

Luigi wrote:I really doubt Clinton and Obama take part in the pedophilia. It seems to be Alefantis and his weirdo friends, with the Podesta brothers probably having knowledge about it. I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton and Obama had heard whispers about what goes on, but they're not foolish enough to engage in something that would be so politically liable.

agree. Alefantis & Co. appear to be into some weird, gay shit & not sure how deep that goes. it starts going retard when they connect Hillary & Obama as a sure thing. Is this a case of muddying the waters to delegitimize everything? Monica Petersen still has the wheels turning.

was told that Pizzagate the Documentary was the one to watch so I gave it a shot. first 10 mins it states that Hillary is suffering from Kuru (a disease contracted from cannabilism) from "eating too much human flesh" and he uses this clip as proof of her having the disease.


needless to say, I stopped right there, he was dead serious.

was that dude who went to investigate Comet Pizza a psy-op to make CTers look unhinged & dangerous? (that camera thing is kind of weird if true).

or is he really that disturbed over this that he thinks showing up & firing a gun inside the pizza shop is going to accomplish something? did he really think that children were kept in the basement 24/7? that it was going to be that easy? (too stupid to believe IMHO, but after Sandy Hook anything is possible).

seems all to convenient for the "fake news' angle/crackdown the MSM is pushing lately.


I'n having all kinds of problems with forum & can't get into the thread Masato linked above (pedo rings). was going to drop this in there to not distract from pizzagate, but it won't open. move there if you want/can. found it on a sidebar of a pizzagate vid, & it hasn't been online as far as I can remember. I have searched for it a few times.

An Open Secret, the new film from Amy Berg (who also made Deliver Us From Evil).

I did alot of research on this film (& specifically Peck & Geffen's company) somewhere on the OG, who knows what thread that was in though. this doc was a big deal @ the time & I'm surprised it's available. may not be for long.

**** found it. won't post contents until I can get in the other thread (this forum is fucked for me right now). good thread with various opinions. solid research on SAG-AFTRA, DEN, Marc Collins Rector, that Nickelodeon POS, Bryan Singer, etc. not meaning to Hijack, but relevant & important (move to other thread if/when you can).


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Postby Som-Pong » Thu Dec 08, 2016 10:10 am

Masterson makes an excellent point.

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