Teaching a Drawing/Comic class for kids

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Teaching a Drawing/Comic class for kids

Postby Masato » Fri Sep 27, 2013 10:10 pm

Hey all

I've taught many drawing/comic making classes to kids in lots of different places, but now for the first time I have decided to take it a bit more seriously.

Usually I just kind of hang out with the kids and draw really relaxed, and kids love that... but now I'm teaching at this Art centre that has really inspired me to try to make something better.

I have done a good amateur bit of writing screenplays and have studied a lot about the basic structure of storytelling and the archetypes that keep resonating in popular stories and myths around the world (see; Joseph Campbell)

Anyways I'm super psyched and just knocked this off tonight to get ready. Day 1 we're just gonna talk about stories/comics/movies we love and why we love them.

My goal is to get each kid to come up with a solid foundation of a story seed and illustrate maybe the first 2-4 pages of it in the 8 weeks of classes.

Wish me luck!


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Postby Masato » Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:43 pm

Class is done - here is some of the work from the kids (just the ones they colored...)

I brought my Mac and pen-tablet in and let them learn how to digitally paint - they loved it!







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