Evidence of Revision: The Assassination of America

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The Men Who Killed Kennedy: 9 Part Documentary

Postby Devil's Advocate » Fri Dec 19, 2014 7:35 am

The JFK assassination taught them everything they needed to know about staging 9/11 and getting away with it.

As for implicating Johnson, he had to know what was happening and been a willing participant. Even Jackie seems to know when she's at Johnson's inauguration, covered in her husband's brain matter and blood.

I think it's weird that when Johnson came in, he was given the option to have a brand new Presidential limo, all decked out with the latest armor plating and bulletproof glass. Instead, he opted for Kennedy's 1961 Lincoln, the car he was killed in. He took it to the shop and had it all freshened up, and he cruised around in that same fucking car!

I always thought this seemed strange, and wondered if it was like a trophy for him. Maybe he started banging Jackie as well, who will ever know?

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Postby Daglord » Sat Jun 18, 2016 6:50 pm

I was posting this elsewhere & thought you might get a kick out of it (if you haven't already).

I posted at ey, but it's been a long time. it has a little bit of everything... JFK, Oswald, RFK, Sirhan, Nam, CIA, MK ultra, Jonestown, MLK.

it's a well researched doc (IMO) that connects several dots & backs it up as best he can. also broken up in parts, but I suggest watching it in its entirety.

This is the mindblowing 6-part,10 hour, video documentary series Evidence of Revision whose purpose is to present the publicly unavailable and even suppressed historical audio, video and film recordings largely unseen by the American and world public relating to the assassination of the Kennedy brothers, the little known classified "Black Ops" actually used to intentionally create the massive war in Viet Nam, the CIA "mind control" programs and their involvement in the RFK assassination and the Jonestown massacre and other important truths of our post-modern time.

1) The Assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald.
2) The Why of it all referenced to Viet Nam and LBJ.
3) LBJ, Hoover and Others. What So Few Know Even Today.
4) The RFK Assassination As Never Seen Before.
5) The RFK Assassination Continued, MK ULTRA and the Jonestown Massacre.
6) MLK Conspiratus.


The Mystery Man Behind Evidence Of Revision

Thirty years later and suffering poor health, Raymond came to a realization. If he didn’t put Evidence of Revision together, there existed a high likelihood that this extremely rare material would disappear down a Memory Hole for the rest of eternity. “After all,” he asked me one day during a phone conversation, “how much of the information in this documentary has ever been seen by the American public?” A good deal of the news footage he collected had not been officially released by CBS, NBC, or ABC. Other clips had only been televised once (oftentimes on local stations), and then seemingly disappeared forever. Raymond recalls one occasion when a CBS employee made it known that he could steal 66 hours of extremely rare footage from network archives. However, there was a catch. The man wanted $2,000 per hour to cover the risk involved in misappropriating these tapes. Regrettably, the canisters still remain concealed from public view.

There were other challenges confronting Raymond when beginning this project. He possessed over 200 hours of JFK footage alone, thus compelling him to undergo the laborious process of filtering through this mountain of data. Originally, he intended to make Evidence of Revision a 30-hour opus that explained much more than just the Kennedy assassination. But it soon became clear that such a grand undertaking was unrealistic. Instead, over the course of two years, he pared Evidence of Revision down to its current length of approximately eight hours.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:10 am


Shortly thereafter, we began corresponding, and the tale that unfolded was as compelling as the documentary. I soon discovered that the person behind Evidence of Revision was a fifty-something year old man living in San Diego and going by the pseudonym “Terrence Raymond.” However, due to his rapidly deteriorating physical and financial situation, he feared facing homelessness. With the few remaining dollars left in his possession, Raymond mailed Evidence of Revision to forty different people who ran conspiracy websites, hosted radio shows, or were scholars of the Kennedy assassination. Although he had yet to accept a dime for his efforts, he hoped somebody would notice his work. Little did Raymond know his documentary would become an underground classic, and soon history buffs and those who sought to debunk the enduring cover-up began passing it around like a virus.

To date, Raymond’s only interview took place on WING TV on July 13, 2006: http://911underground.com/WING_TV_2006-07-13_Terrence_Raymond_on_JFK_and_MK-ULTRA.MP3

Yet, despite a relative lack of publicity, Evidence of Revision exploded on the Internet, and the mystery associated with the movie served only to broaden its cult appeal. When asked why he wanted to remain anonymous, Raymond would only answer cryptically, “No comment.” However, he did add with a chuckle that one on-line forum speculated on his belonging to some sort of radical political group operating out of the Caribbean.

Beyond Raymond’s hidden identity, the other pressing question asked by viewers is: where did he get all this amazing footage? In the mid-1970s, he served four years of elite military duty in the Naval Photographic Center in Washington, DC, where he was employed by the National Archives White House Presidential Motion Picture Crew. As such, Raymond worked for John F. Kennedy’s and Lyndon Johnson’s personal sound recordists.

Terrence Raymond began his work in the wake of 1974’s Watergate scandal. After President Richard Nixon’s resignation, and after Gerald Ford assumed office, he received secret clearance status and worked on classified film projects for the Pentagon, the White House, and possibly intelligence agencies. Upon being transferred to a reconnaissance squadron in the Florida Keys, Raymond was assigned temporary duty as a petty officer to a supply facility which, according to him, was most likely operated by the CIA.

Being in such close proximity to Agency spooks, political scandals, and media manipulators, Raymond witnessed first-hand a world that increasingly resembled George Orwell’s 1984, complete with doublethink, perpetual war, “Newspeak” propaganda, behavior modification, genetic control, and the alteration of history.


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Postby Daglord » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:12 am


Sirhan Sirhan denied parole despite a Kennedy confidant’s call for the assassin’s release

After decades of investigation, Paul Schrade has no doubt about the identity of the man who shot him in the head shortly after midnight on June 5, 1968, in the kitchen of the Ambassador Hotel:

It was Sirhan Sirhan, the same gunman convicted of assassinating Robert F. Kennedy.

And yet, when Schrade came face to face with Sirhan for the first time in nearly 50 years, at a parole hearing in San Diego on Wednesday, he argued that the notorious gunman wasn’t Kennedy’s killer.


“The truth is in the prosecution’s own records and the autopsy,” Schrade told the New York newspaper. “It says Sirhan couldn’t have shot Robert Kennedy and didn’t. He was out of position.”

“The LAPD and LA DA knew two hours after the fatal shooting of Robert Kennedy that he was shot by a second gunman and they had conclusive evidence that Sirhan Bishara Sirhan could not and did not do it,” the statement said. “The official record shows that [the prosecution at Sirhan’s trial] never had one witness – and had no physical nor ballistic evidence – to prove Sirhan shot Robert Kennedy.

“Evidence locked up for 20 years shows that the LAPD destroyed physical evidence and hid ballistic evidence exonerating Sirhan, and covered up conclusive evidence that a second gunman fatally wounded Robert Kennedy.”

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Postby Daglord » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:30 am



What is MK Ultra:


The Black Vault filed a FOIA request for all documents pertaining to MKULTRA and similar projects. I was told that these documents were being reviewed, and I would be contacted when the review was completed. For years I waited, and was never contacted. The CIA, in fact, DID release the documents on three CD-ROMs yet they never notified me and my open FOIA request still pending in their office. After much frustration, I finally received the documents. Below, you will find the links to the data on the CD-ROMS.

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Postby Daglord » Sun Jun 19, 2016 1:45 am


Jonestown Cult Suicides-The True Story: "The documentary series exploring infamous historical events continues. This instalment takes viewers back to November 18th 1978, and the apparent mass suicide by over 900 members of a religious cult and the murders of a US congressman and an investigating journalist. Using dramatic reconstruction, archive footage and testimony from survivors -- including cult-leader Jim Jones's own son Stephan -- this film tells the story of what really happened on that apocalyptic day."

A 1977 expose on the beatings, fleecing and totalitarian goings on at the People's Temple forced Rev. Jim Jones to seek a safe haven. With aid from the U.S. Embassy, Jones moved his Utopia to Guyana where followers slaved in the fields for up to 18 hours a day sustained by meager concentration camp rations.

After receiving complaints lodged by relatives of cult members, Congressman Leo Ryan visited Jonestown on November 18, 1978 to investigate allegations of human rights abuses. My research has uncovered that it wasn't Jones who initiated the genocide that followed in Guyana, but the CIA.

On Jim Jones' infamous death tape, aside from revealing (not surprisingly) that the People's Temple were a Communist Cult, Jones also revealed a clue when he mentioned "they" (the CIA) would parachute in and slaughter them all if they didn't kill themselves. A revolutionary suicide would be more merciful as well as make a strong political statement. The quiet ending of the tape gives the impression that all were dead. But they weren't.

Only a small group were with Jones at the pavillion. Most, who truly feared for their lives fled into the jungle. Considering the forensic evidence, it appears "they" (the CIA) did indeed show up. The survivors who fled into the jungle were hunted down and rounded up by up to 300 Green Beret forces, 100 of which were MK ULTRA mind control assassins. The survivors who wished to live were killed. Most were force injected poison between their shoulder blades. Some were shot, as was Jones. Some were strangled. The entire crime scene was staged more than a week before any media were allowed access.

There is certainly more than meets the eye at Jonestown.

In 1977, the Church Commission uncovered the many heinous and sadistic clandestine operations executed by the CIA such as Project MK ULTRA. Congressman Ryan, who was a noted CIA critic, authored the Hughes-Ryan Amendment, which if passed would have required the CIA to disclose to Congress -- in advance -- details of all covert operations. The State department offered Ryan no answers or assistance, despite numerous inquiries. He arrived with U.S. embassy official Richard Dwyer, as well as some journalists Ryan already suspected what was really going on at Jonestown.

After his suspicions were validated all hell broke loose and he was assassinated, shot more than 40 times at the air strip. Definite overkill.

Leo Ryan was the first Congressman assassinated in U.S. history along with four reporters. The Hughes-Ryan Amendment was killed in Congress soon afterwards. How convenient for the CIA and the shadow government. Witnessess describe the assassins as mechanical walking zombies devoid of any emotion. The massacre at Jonestown began soon after the shootings at the airstrip.

A very plausible explanation for the killings was that Jim Jones, or someone-- ordered the murders after Ryan's visit threatened to expose what was happening. In the chaos that followed, a mass extermination was carried out. Who were these zombie assassins? Well, besides the 913 dead, 167 survivors returned from the camp. News reports confirm that there were at least 1100 individuals at the camp. Who were the 200 or more people that are unaccounted for? Survivors report there was a special all-white group that was well-armed, well-treated and free to exit the compound. These guards were never accounted for on any news reports. Who were these White Devils? Perhaps it is these same guards a congressional aide referred to in an Associated Press article which stated, "There are 120 white, brainwashed assassins out from Jonestown awaiting the trigger word to pick up their hit."

Of course, they had help. Over 300 U.S. Green Berets -- trained for CIA covert assassinations -- were in the area at the time.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:35 pm

This video proves a case that CIA corrupted the LA Police Department in their murder of Bobby Kennedy. Because our media participates in the CIA take-over of America the public is unaware of the profound evidence of two shooters in the RFK assassination. Any look at this video will show that the Los Angeles District Attorney and the CIA-corrupted Special Unit Senator of the LA Police Department conspired to cover up the evidence of the CIA assassination of RFK. A woman in a polka dot dress was seen exiting the building saying "We killed Bobby Kennedy". The investigation went out of its way to produce a false explanation for this suspicious woman. When LA Medical Examiner Dr Thomas Noguchi found that RFK was killed by a gunshot 2 inches behind his right ear the investigation went out of its way to ignore it. Noguchi then had serious career problems. The facts prove Sirhan never came closer than 1.5 to 2 feet in front of RFK and therefore could not possibly have caused the fatal wound. A private security cop escorting RFK was in that exact position and was witnessed shooting his revolver, which the investigation lied about. Even though it was petitioned to do so the investigation refused to test fire either Sirhan's or the security guard, Thane Eugene Caesar's, gun. They actually used a test gun that had nothing to do with the assassination for ballistics. Special Unit Senator got away with investigatory murder and when questioned about it arrogantly called their accusers "conspiracy theorists seeking to cash-in".

The worst crime the investigation committed was ignoring bullets that penetrated the acoustic ceiling panels from an opposite angle that was impossible for Sirhan. This evidence was never examined and the panels were destroyed. Also, American ballistics experts looked at the bullets in evidence and proved there were 2 types, meaning Sirhan could not be the only shooter. The LA Police ignored this and still haven't answered to this day.


Attorneys for Convicted RFK Killer SIrhan push '2nd gunman' argument:

Lawyers for convicted assassin Sirhan Sirhan claim their client did not fire any of the gunshots that struck the presidential candidate in 1968. And in their latest federal court filing, they also rule out another man some have considered a suspect -- a private security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar, who was escorting Kennedy at the time he was shot.


... And I definitely wouldn't have voted for Bobby Kennedy because he had the same ideas as John did and I think John sold the country down the road. He gave it to the commies. He gave it to whoever else you want him to. He gave it, he literally gave it to the minority. He says here, you take over. I'm giving it to you you run the white man. Nobody should be run. I'm not saying that the whites should be the slaves of the black or black the slaves of the white. But he turned the pendulum too far the other way.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:55 pm

the mystery woman in the polka dot dress...


Sandy Serrano, a young campaign worker for Kennedy, was there at the Ambassador Hotel the scary night that Bobby Kennedy died. Needing a break from the heat and the crowd, she found a little quiet on the steps that lead from the back of the kitchen area. Somewhere around 11:30 pm, she encountered three people, a woman and two men, entering the kitchen from the back, using the stairs she was sitting on. The woman she would described as wearing a white dress with dark polka dots and having a "Bob Hope" type nose. The two men with her were described as:

White male (Latin extraction), 5'5" tall, 21 to 23 years old, olive complexion, black hair, long - straight, hanging over his forehead and needed a haircut. [The other was] white male (Mexican American), about 23 years of age, 5'3" tall, curly, bushy hair and wore light colored clothes. She said after seeing a picture of Sirhan Sirhan in the newspaper she felt certain that this was the same person she saw go up the stairs with this woman. [Turner and Christian; The Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, The Conspiracy and Coverup]

Sometime later, seconds after Serrano heard what she described as sounding like automobile backfires, the woman and one of her male companions came running back down the stairs. According to Serrano, the woman was yelling, "We shot him, we shot him." When asked who they shot, she replied, "Senator Kennedy."

Serrano was not the only one to describe the woman in the polka dot dress and associate her with Sirhan and/or the assassination. Amongst them was Kennedy campaign worker Darnell Johnson and the son of an Ambassador Hotel maître d', Thomas Vincent DiPierro. DiPierro said that the only reason he noticed Sirhan was that there was a very good looking girl next to him. According to DiPierro:

I would never forget what she looked like because she had a very good looking figure - and the dress was kind of lousy...it looked like a white dress and it had either black or dark-purple polka dots on it.

Minutes after the shooting and well before any of the stories of the woman in the white dress had been made public or could have been shared, LAPD Sergeant Paul Sharaga heard news of the shooting on his police radio. Already in the vicinity, he arrived at the scene within a minute. An older couple approached Sharaga and, as he tells it:

They related that they were outside one of the doors of the Embassy Room when a young couple in their early twenties came rushing out. This couple seemed to be in a state of glee, shouting, "We shot him, we shot him, we killed him." The woman stated that she asked the lady, "Who did you shoot?" or "Who was shot?" and the young lady replied, "Kennedy, we shot him, we killed him."

The only defining characteristic of the young lady that the witnesses could give was that she was wearing a white dress with polka dots. Sharaga immediately put out an all point bulletin for police to be on the lookout for a woman in a polka dot dress in the company of a man.

And then something very strange happened that, as far as we know, has never happened before or since in the history of the LAPD. For about 15 to 20 minutes, all police radio communications were lost on all frequencies. This was ample time for the woman in the polka dot dress and her companion to get off the streets and out of reach of the police.

The elderly couple Sharaga had interviewed were lost and have never come forward. Serrano, being the sole witness to the woman in the polka dot dress claiming, "We shot Kennedy" was brought to the notorious Rampart Division of the LAPD for extensive questioning. I encourage you to follow the link on the Rampart Division. The story of the ongoing corruption in the LAPD and the Rampart Division in particular is very informative. The Bobby Kennedy assassination is not the only one in which the Rampart Division has taken part.

In this case, however, the witness was not so much questioned as she was browbeaten and verbally tortured into renouncing her testimony. The "questioning" was performed by Sergeant Enrique "Hank" Hernandez who, according to his resume, played a key role in "Unified Police Command" training for the CIA in Latin America. As is clear from the questioning, Hernandez had one goal in mind - to discredit Sandy Serrano and anything having to do with the story of the woman in the polka dot dress.

Hernandez played a key role in the special LAPD task force created to investigate the Kennedy Assassination, called Special Unit Senator, or SUS. SUS was headed by LAPD Lieutenant Manuel Pena.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:01 pm

Bobby Kennedy Assassin 'Brainwashed' by 'Girl in Polka Dot Dress':


In a bizarre twist more than forty years after the high-profile killing, lawyers for Sirhan Sirhan, the Palestinian man convicted of the shooting, have submitted new evidence which they say shows their client was manipulated by the mystery girl and had no sense of what he was doing.

"I thought that I was at the (rifle) range more than I was shooting at any person, let alone Bobby Kennedy," Mr Sirhan told a hypnotist hired by his legal team to interview him about the murder. "I didn't know that I had a gun."

The papers, which have been filed in a federal court, suggest that Sirhan was used as a decoy and a second person actually shot and killed Kennedy.

Under hypnosis, he said that a mystery girl had let him into the pantry of the hotel where the shooting had taken place and had pinched him on the shoulder, a gesture which he said had sent him into "range mode." In that mode, all he could see were circles with targets in front of his eyes as if he was on a firing range, he claimed. "I was fascinated with her looks," he said. "She never said much. It was very erotic. I was consumed by her. She was a seductress with an unspoken unavailability."

Witnesses have spoken in the past of seeing a mystery girl running from the hotel shouting "We shot Kennedy" but she has never been identified.

Justice Integrity Project:


"Sirhan, I forgive you," said Schrade, whom Sirhan shot in the forehead in the pantry. Schrade continued:

"The evidence clearly shows you were not the gunman who shot Robert Kennedy."

"There is clear evidence of a second gunman in that kitchen pantry who shot Robert Kennedy," said Schrade. "One of the bullets — the fatal bullet — struck Bob in the back of the head. Two bullets struck Bob literally in his back. A fourth bullet struck the back of his coat’s upper right seam and passed harmlessly through his coat. I believe all four of those bullets were fired from a second gunman standing behind Bob. You were never behind Bob, nor was Bob’s back ever exposed to you."

Also, Schrade presented documents supporting not only his call for Sirhan's release but also his plea for a new official investigation of the 1968 assassination.

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Postby Daglord » Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:35 pm



FLAT - Parts 1 & 2 (4:53:00)

On this episode we discuss the somewhat overshadowed assassination of Bobby Kennedy. Younger brother to the infamous JFK, former Attourney General and at the time of his death, highly probable candidate for the next President of the United States. He was gunned down, under suspicious circumstances on June 6th, 1968 in the Ambassador Hotel at the hands of purported mind control victim Sirhan Sirhan, maybe on the behest of the CIA, or a host of other suspects Bobby collected as enemies over the years.

The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy

On this Podcast we go back to the overflowing well of conspiracy theories that is the assassination of Bobby Kennedy and the stories of the Kennedy family. This time it’s the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. The heir apparent to the new cultural movement that swept his brother John into the White House. At the time of his death in 1968 RFK looked set to carry that momentum into his own successful presidency. After the murders of President John Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. the peace, love and integration movements of the era looked set to collapse under mounting government pressure and a cultural atmosphere that looked ready to explode. But Bobby’s campaign for a Presidential nomination gave a new figurehead to the movement for change and reform. He looked set to unite a new generation of American society scarred by discrimination and the Vietnam War. Until his opposition to the powers of corrupt government entities, big business and the war industry was snuffed out in eerily similar circumstances to his brother’s death. We’ll talk about the swinging times and the sweeping change of 1960’s America and the societal movement that died with RFK.

Making a President & Making Enemies

His early life was spent flailing in the shadows cast by his prestigious family name. Bobby watched on as his prodigious siblings successfully found their professional feet. But after wrestling with an unfulfilled Naval career he would soon discover his own personal calling. His time as an attorney would see him rise to public prominence as he joined Joseph McCarthy’s fight against communist infiltration of American society. But it was when he joined forces with brother ‘Jack’ that their dedicated and dashing alliance would change the face of American life. As JFK’s campaign manager the charisma of Jack swayed young voters and the shrewd diplomacy of Bobby secured the support necessary to take the White House. There Bobby would rise to the position of Attorney General and would set about a ruthless war on organized crime, political corruption and government agency oversight. But all this would end with the murder of JFK. Bobby blamed himself for the enemies he drew to their administration. The communists and powerful political makers he enraged as a lawyer. The rift with dangerous vice president Lyndon Johnson. The mafia families and connected business men he attacked as Attorney General. And the war started with Cuba, the CIA and the FBI in the wake of the Bay of Pigs scandal and Castro assassination plots. We’ll cover all the steps along the way and the dark forces that led to the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.

Sirhan Sirhan, The CIA & Mind Control

As Bobby returned to the political arena as a New York state Senator he would bow to his supporters pressure and join the race for the Presidency. But all roads would lead to the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. As the official narrative goes he arrived to greet triumphant supporters but was ambushed in the hotel kitchen. A lone gunman, crazed and obsessed, would strike him three times and hit five other victims in an eight bullet rampage. Fearing the conspiracy theories that still dogged the death of JFK both the Johnson administration and the LAPD ensured the public of both a thorough and open investigation. But with uncomfortable echoes of past assassinations the theories began almost immediately. Material witnesses questioned the ballistics evidence, giving rise to theories of a second shooter. Others reported seeing a woman in a polka dot dress being part of the murder. The now infamous, narrative smashing forensic report of LA county coroner Thomas Noguchi challenged the investigation. The hypnotic interviews of Sirhan Sirhan gave a chilling insight into the mind of the convicted killer leading and his curious history, motives and memory have led to suggestions of MK Ultra influence and a Manchurian Candidate style programmed assassin. Further investigations have continued to point fingers at armed hotel security guard Thane Eugene Caesar as being the second shooter. Recorded audio evidence of the shooting purports to show more than one gun. And the documentary RFK Must Die that points the finger firmly at the CIA. We’ll cover all the theories, connections and evidence of a secret society conspiracy and cover up in the assassination of Bobby Kennedy.



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