Masato Dojo (4 real)

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Masato Dojo (4 real)

Postby Masato » Tue May 04, 2021 4:01 pm

Hey all

So my kids have twisted my arm to make a gym in my garage. My daughter is all into weightlifting and kickboxing and my son still training BJJ with me. My daughter's been lifting weights in the basement and its awkward there so she's thrilled to get a bigger space.

I am doing it on a ghetto budget, not gonna drywall or insulate or anything fancy. Not yet anyways, we can update it over time as we can afford. But for this summer we're gonna keep it pretty basic.
Biggest expense will be the mats + a box to put my garbage outside because so far we keep it in the garage.

We've spent the past couple weeks clearing out the garage, taking stuff to the dump or donation etc. Its almost clear then we can start cleaning it up and putting in the mats.

I have a lead on a heavy bag we may get for cheap/free but still waiting on that.

Hopefully it'll be ready in a couple weeks, I'll post progress.

This is the cleanest my garage has looked, ever. lol:





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Postby Masato » Tue May 04, 2021 4:02 pm

Already got the grappling mats. Ordered some thinner mats for weights, my daughter thinks if the mats are too soft its bad for posture or something.

The thinner mats should arrive in the mail this week.

Next I have to assemble the garbage/recycling box:


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue May 04, 2021 4:08 pm

- Cool job, Boss.
And good to see that you'r kid's aren't sedentary like several people today.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue May 04, 2021 4:12 pm

- About the heavy-bag. We have a brand called Gorilla here. Their equipament used to be quality. I've own a heavy-bag of them for seven year's.

- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Masato » Thu May 06, 2021 3:17 pm

Put together a storage box for the garbage.

We have raccoons here that scavenge every night. They are strong, determined, and crafty. If you let them access to your trash they will have a party with it at 2am

Many mornings I discover someone left one of the doors ajar and rotten food and garbage all over the place lol

This thing seems to be pretty well designed. I'm digging it



So no more garbage in the garage. First decent sweep:


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Postby Masato » Sat May 22, 2021 2:09 pm

Got the lights up!

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Postby Masato » Sat May 22, 2021 2:13 pm

Yesterday I spent the day attempting to reinforce the rafters so I could:

a) feel safe about all the junk I stashed up there
b) create a chin-up bar
c) create somewhere strong enough to hang a heavy bag

I got a bunch of free scrap pieces of wood from a buddy of mine, and my building skills are next to SHITE lol, so it looks ghetto as fuck but I think it might work.
Gonna put 1 more bolt in for the chinup bar, and get some second opinions on how to install the heavy bag but its starting to come together.

I will take pictures of my horrible handiwork :D
Experts like penxv and Canuckster will LOL

I don't even have a saw to cut or trim so all the reinforcements are uneven and mis-shaped lol

That's the price I pay for inexperience + unwillingness to pay/wait/ask for help.

Hopefully it will work in the end
I'll post recent pics soon

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Postby Masato » Sat May 22, 2021 2:16 pm

Man I wish everything was made with LEGOs

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat May 22, 2021 8:04 pm

- You need a Jiraya poster on the wall.


Your kid's are half-brazilians. They need to know about our belloved icon.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat May 22, 2021 8:05 pm

Masato wrote:Yesterday I spent the day attempting to reinforce the rafters so I could:

a) feel safe about all the junk I stashed up there
b) create a chin-up bar
c) create somewhere strong enough to hang a heavy bag

I got a bunch of free scrap pieces of wood from a buddy of mine, and my building skills are next to SHITE lol, so it looks ghetto as fuck but I think it might work.
Gonna put 1 more bolt in for the chinup bar, and get some second opinions on how to install the heavy bag but its starting to come together.

I will take pictures of my horrible handiwork :D
Experts like penxv and Canuckster will LOL

I don't even have a saw to cut or trim so all the reinforcements are uneven and mis-shaped lol

That's the price I pay for inexperience + unwillingness to pay/wait/ask for help.

Hopefully it will work in the end
I'll post recent pics soon

- Canuckster lives close do you?
- I rent this space for advertising

Don't be selfish, preserve this world for the next generations.

I'll never long for what might have been
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