Foley Beheading Video FAKE ??

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Foley Beheading Video FAKE ??

Postby Masato » Mon Aug 25, 2014 9:14 am

Hey all

I was away when this supposed beheading video popped up. Seeing a lot of talk about how it looks fake, etc... but haven't seen much attention to this angle of it... which for me is pretty much all I need to see (haven't watched the actual vid)

But in this video, the brother and sister of the guy that was supposedly beheaded are being interviewed. If anyone is familiar with the SANDY HOOK investigations, you will notice the same eerie behaviour of these people as with the families of the Sandy Hook victims.

Days after a horrific event/loss of loved ones - No Tears - SMILING - Looking great/healthy - talking about positive things - no sign of trauma or emotional breakdown:

lol at the picture falling off the wall @ 50 second mark:

Witnessing this pattern in the Sandy Hook families just DAYS after their children has supposedly been murdered by a psychopath is still perhaps one of the creepiest things I have have ever come across. Not ONE tear can be found in any of those people. Smiles abound. Healthy complexions. Great hair, lol

This video has the same feel. Combined with all the other great reasons to believe this was a propaganda stunt to boost war sentiment, has put my suspicions far towards the FAKE end of the scale

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Aug 25, 2014 10:20 pm

Im staying as far away from that beheading video as I can

I like my soul to stay just the way it is thanks. it doesnt need any of that.
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Postby Masato » Tue Aug 26, 2014 10:17 am

^ Yep I'm with you, not watching.

Real or fake, its being used as a weapon against our minds. Good of anyone who avoids it.

The only gruesome things I am glad I had the courage to watch is suffering in places like Gaza etc. I've endured some horrific vids of children blasted etc that haunted me for a long time... but I'm glad I did because it awakened a more real compassion for these things and shut off my programmed apathy just a little more

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Postby fungi » Tue Aug 26, 2014 3:02 pm

I haven't watched it and am not going to.

But those "reactions" videos are weird. That "sandy hook killed" girl's father stepping up and smiling to the cameras, after his little girl was supposedly killed... It's weird to me.

And knowing that those in power are willing to fabricate any kind of info ("there are WMD's in Iraq", "the banks need the bailout => to pay year end bonuses to the CEOs", etc), I do inclined to believe their propaganda.

Anywho, it's all fucked up, and with the propaganda, it's hard to sort out the info and seek out the truth, but we must, the truth must prevail.

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Postby Daglord » Thu Aug 28, 2014 12:10 pm

Masato wrote:lol at the picture falling off the wall @ 50 second mark:

yeah, lol @ that. that was very unnatural, almost as if it was quick pasted/glued there instead of nailed. def appeared to be a set imo & not their own family living room as implied. no reaction @ all by the bro/sis.

still cant fathom any reason to fake the execution. def staged though imo.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Aug 28, 2014 11:04 pm

Daglord wrote:
Masato wrote:lol at the picture falling off the wall @ 50 second mark:

yeah, lol @ that. that was very unnatural, almost as if it was quick pasted/glued there instead of nailed. def appeared to be a set imo & not their own family living room as implied. no reaction @ all by the bro/sis.

still cant fathom any reason to fake the execution. def staged though imo.

you need the world to stand up and demand an end be put to these ne'er do wells.

how else are they going to get rich without selling wars to the plebes.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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