Kavanaugh Debacle/Distraction

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Kavanaugh Debacle/Distraction

Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:29 pm

Hey all

Hate to give this any more attention than its getting but... well I really have no excuse lol just wondering if anyone is following it

Its really quite crazy, the whole judicial system it seems has morphed into a 'he-said/she-said' rumor-based MSM hype of personal belief. Out with the rule of law, in with a completely arbitrary, media-driven mass-witch hunt emotional system of judication.

Do you believe him? Do you believe the woman? Is it offensive to call the woman a liar? Is it more or equally offensive to call Kavanaugh a liar? Are people being paid off here?

How in the hell can any of it be conclusively proven one way or another? What sort of precedent is being set if the case is decided one way or another? Can anyone just accuse anyone of anything now, and if there are enough tears and media/‘me too’ social media support then the accused is ruined, and/or sent to jail? Or reversely, can rapists and abusers feel confident that their accusers will not be taken seriously, unless they have actual video evidence of the crime?

Moreover how/why is this such a massive focus of attention? Are there not FAR more serious concerns, crimes, and villains out there to focus on? Is this really worthy of full media attention across the board, when there is so much grander evil being unleashed in the world? Why is it that people are free and encouraged to hate on this one man as some public lynching of collective hatred, yet if anyone even utters the words 'migrant rapings' for example, they are equally lynched by the same people as racists or islamophobes, lol?

Seems to me to be a gigantic media circus distraction, where Dems vs Reps, men vs women, feminists vs opposers, Trump supporters vs trump haters etc etc etc are all pit against each other in a neverending battle where everyone knows that no conclusive proof can ever be given... and attention is magnetized to this one tiny issue when the agendas of the Grand Chessboard continue to fly completely under the radar of public attention

Its nuts.


- For those of you who have been following the story, what are your thoughts? Is this an honest attempt to stop a vile man from reaching the Supreme Court? Or is this truly just a Dem attempt to smear the guy and throw him under the bus as he claims? Or is the whole thing a collective charade to distract everyone and execute a massive divide & conquer media charade?

- For those who have managed to stay away from the story, I applaud you and apologize for bringing it to your attention lol please carry on in the land of the sane :D

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 8:47 pm

If this is a smear campaign it is successful. Either he will have to disappear/not be appointed to the SC, or he will get to the SC and just be throwing more fuel on the fire that is the MSM Trump-Hate-Train

If it is a distraction it is also successful. Nobody seems to care about shit anymore unless its about plastic dildos and college drinking parties, lol

Everybody loses :(

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:06 pm

"The lawyer of the accuser (Debra Katz) says the burden of proof is on Kavanaugh to disprove it didn’t happen, and not on her to prove it did."

That's terrifying, no? A LAWYER said this?

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:11 pm

For those not up on the story (I am no expert, just browsing it today a bit):

RIGHT before a vote to get Kavanaugh to the supreme court, some woman suddenly appears via the Washington Post and gives a foggy testimony of a story from 1982-ish about a wild college party where she admits to being drunk and has some repressed memories that she may or may not have been sexually assaulted.

Am I missing anything?

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Sep 28, 2018 9:47 pm

I don't know about you, but I can't remember shit from 1982
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Luigi » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:19 pm

Never heard of him.

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 10:48 pm

Luigi wrote:Never heard of him.

Good for you. Its a dumbass story.

I'm embarrassed frankly to have brought it up, lol

Think I did it mostly cuz I saw our man SRBrant getting upset about it on twitter, lol I worry about that guy sometimes

Stay away from this shit if you can, its mind-poison

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 28, 2018 11:03 pm

I think my point is more about how this is TOP NEWS right now.

EVERY SINGLE MSM outlet is parading this story and gossiping about it. It has taken over all the networks.

The thread is more a complaint about the state of the media and how easily they can manipulate public attention and debate. See? it even worked here, lol

Sucks because now basically anytime they want to stifle anything in the system, shut a particular person down, or draw attention from other more important issues, all they have to do is start some stupid shit like this, dig up some women to tell semi-grisly stories, and the whole of America goes nuts.

Saw some footage of the protests going on over this shit, its really bonkers. One guy dared to go in talking calmly about the value of due process and you should have seen how those women swarmed on him lol SCREAMING at him and insulting him up and down, trying to take his camera and threatening his life etc just because he dared suggest that there may not enough evidence yet to hang the guy and that due process is still worth something in America. I'm surprised they didn't kill him, lol the rage was palpable.

This should more appropriately be put into Vutu's 'America is a Freak Show' thread, lol: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=5858

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Postby Daglord » Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:25 am

great thread! I haven't been paying attention but it's hard to miss.

think about it, there is a candidate up for confirmation who thinks the President should be untouchable (Kavanaugh argued that a sitting President - Bill Clinton at the time - "shouldn't be burdened with civil suits, criminal investigations, or criminal prosecutions") and that the NSA's mass surveillance program is consistent with the 4th amendment & helped draft the Patriot Act.

it's no surprise Trump wants him on the court, but this is the exact opposite of what a Supreme Court justice should be.

but none of that matters. the left is so stuck on SA charges from over 30 years ago, & painting him as a serial rapist, that they haven't brought either up (as far as I know, haven't been tuned in) & the right is so disgusted by the so-called "witch hunt" that they are rallying around him no matter the cost. even Rand, who I hold in fairly high regard, is supporting Kavanaugh over the ridiculousness of it all. very disappointing. whatever they're doing, it's working. people I would have NEVER expected it from before are now praising Lindsey fucking Graham non-stop.


I'm only sharing shit like this, but it doesn't really matter. sides have been taken & people are only hearing what they want to hear.

MSM Using Kavanaugh Sex Scandal to Distract You From Real Reason He Shouldn’t Be Appointed

In July, President Donald Trump nominated D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Since then, there have been numerous allegations of sexual misconduct levied toward the Justice to be. Whether or not he is guilty of these allegations is left to be determined. However it does serve as a great distraction from his actual constitution-hating and tyrannical tendencies.

While Kavanaugh may be an ostensible supporter of the Second Amendment, his record indicates that he all but cannot stand the Fourth and he’s not that big a fan of the First either.

While the allegations against Kavanaugh should certainly be investigated — no matter how they are being spun by the left and the right — he shouldn’t even be in this position based solely on his previous record. But no one is talking about this. Instead, the left and right are involved in a mudslinging orgy of victim shaming and kangaroo courts.

According to this Supreme Court nominee, he thinks it is just fine and dandy for police and government to track you, spy on you, and dig through your personal life — without a warrant.

On multiple occasions, Kavanaugh has been the lone voice when it comes supporting the state’s rights to warrantlessly spy on its citizens.

5 Stories Nobody Is Talking About as the Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Unfolds

The media, Congress, and the American people continue to fix to their attention on Brett Kavanaugh and today’s hearings regarding allegations of sexual assault and harassment against him. While these are serious issues and should not be taken lightly, there are numerous other developments that are falling by the wayside as the national conversation remains preoccupied with the Supreme Court nominee.


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Postby Daglord » Sat Sep 29, 2018 2:45 am

"You remember Vince Foster who killed himself in the White House... Who was the prosecutor that exonerated Hillary and the thugs that moved his body-- a young Brett Kavanaugh."

At Mises University 2018, Judge Andrew Napolitano looked at some troubling parts of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh's legal career. Auburn, Alabama; 16 July 2018.

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