Attn: Anti-Archon

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Attn: Anti-Archon

Postby Masato » Sat Sep 08, 2018 3:13 pm

Hey bud,

Have you heard of a guy named John Lamb Lash? He is a complete nutter but also has done an impressive amount of research down some unique rabbit holes you may enjoy, lots on the 'Archons' as related to Gnostic info, among other topics.

Listened to him late last night, as I said he is way out there but also completely fascinating :D

I plan to run through some more of his stuff for late work shifts, but if you are still into Archon-type perspectives of things you may dig some of his presentations.

Hope you are well man

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Postby Masato » Sat Sep 08, 2018 6:01 pm

Just youtube him. Loads of videos. Lots of topics, historical + present day, and links between

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:31 pm

I have read some of his stuff. He is far out there, even past Jay Weidner and Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion and Mark Passio. He sort of makes those guys look mainstream. I don't buy everything, but like most of these internet loons, there's like 20% truth inside the whole trip their on. Use your discernment and carry on your own journey. Take what's good and spit out what's bad. The Archons hate that :D

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Postby Masato » Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:12 pm

Yep like I said he's a nutjob but sometimes thats where you need to go to find those small bits of truth

He is asking the big questions, most importantly imo trying to figure out exactly what is the source of what we perceive as the evil and deception running this planet, and how there can be no change until we address that question and strategize how to rid the world of it/them

He goes on about Archons and such, not sure his conclusions are right or even in the right directions but at least he's asking the question. Many say the suffering on this planet is just all our own collective fault, we're all to blame and that evil is within all of us as a species etc, but I often don't think so at all, I think we're under the direct manipulation of a small few and this truth is concealed from us. I agree with him that all our good will or love or whatever ain't gonna do shit until we can identify and remove the cancer. I appreciate his warrior spirit, he has a unique way of combining Gnosticism with Shamanism with Conspiracy Reality with Warrior ideals...

He proposes some ideas that Gaia/the actual living earth is somehow influencing collective human consciousness to start 'correcting' itself and this is part of what we are witnessing as 'awakening' or a schism in our reality vs the fake reality imposed on us. He proposes that who we are, our true history and WTF is happening IS KNOWABLE, its there in the Gnostic writings to find. Again its all really far-out shit but like I said there is some echo of it all that resonates true. Super interesting stuff if you pack that big grain of salt.

Is it true that the original Gnostic texts actually address the concept of Archons??

Another bit I heard in one talk was that Henry Ford used to hand out a copy of the Protocols of Z to everyone who bought a car, lol I have to fact check this

Glad to see you're still kickin, AA come back and visit more bro

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Postby Masato » Mon Sep 10, 2018 8:25 pm

Oh another bit I found cool was he says in his youth he travelled through India, was interested in Buddhism etc... he addressed the Four Noble Truths and the nature of 'Suffering'...

But then he goes on to point out that there are 2 kinds of 'suffering';

1. The natural kind: losing loved ones, being injured, self-suffering, illusion of mind etc, and

2. IMPOSED suffering, where a conscious outsider is directly and deliberately causing harm and suffering.

example: losing your child to a drowning accident VS losing your child to a kidnapper/predator/pedo etc. The first scenario there is nothing to be done, may actually strengthen you, teaching about life and acceptance etc, while the second one is of a totally different nature and demands action to catch the guy and stop him from doing it again

He points out that Buddhism does not address this second kind of suffering, and feels that this kind of suffering is not examined enough in our world (ie; the elites are still hidden and protected) 'Hate Speech' etc might have an indirect goal to stop us from making these identifications and criticisms.

He also questions whether the Christian religion's doctrines of loving and forgiving thine enemy may have also been created to stop people from standing up or fighting back.

Again, wacky contexts but brings some good food for thought imo

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:02 pm

Masato wrote:Glad to see you're still kickin, AA come back and visit more bro

You remember my wife, the one I wrote about being the light of my life? The one I nursed back to health after a horrific car accident that shattered her pelvis in four places and left her bedridden and wheelchair bound for two months right around the big 2016 Trump/Clinton election?

Yeah, well, she's divorcing me. Not really visiting forums too much as I have more immediate concerns. Keep up the search for truth in my stead, my friend.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:24 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:
Masato wrote:Glad to see you're still kickin, AA come back and visit more bro

You remember my wife, the one I wrote about being the light of my life? The one I nursed back to health after a horrific car accident that shattered her pelvis in four places and left her bedridden and wheelchair bound for two months right around the big 2016 Trump/Clinton election?

Yeah, well, she's divorcing me. Not really visiting forums too much as I have more immediate concerns. Keep up the search for truth in my stead, my friend.

Oh shit man, sorry to hear.
Keep your chin up
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon Sep 17, 2018 10:58 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:
Masato wrote:Glad to see you're still kickin, AA come back and visit more bro

You remember my wife, the one I wrote about being the light of my life? The one I nursed back to health after a horrific car accident that shattered her pelvis in four places and left her bedridden and wheelchair bound for two months right around the big 2016 Trump/Clinton election?

Yeah, well, she's divorcing me. Not really visiting forums too much as I have more immediate concerns. Keep up the search for truth in my stead, my friend.

Daaamn, brother!! Hard news

Ears here if you wanna talk about it at all, don't know how you see it/if you saw it coming etc etc

Take care of those more immediate concerns man, sending you peace/love/clarity/patience and all that good stuff. Seems I'm watching a lot of folks suddenly facing hard times or bumps in the road, myself included but of course all of a different tune. What can we do? How do we push through it/hold ourselves together/find courage and strength/keep movin forward?

rock on, AA

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Sep 19, 2018 8:25 pm

I'm just emotionally raw at the moment. A tale as old as time. 40-year-old white woman isn't happy her looks are going and her life is full of responsibilities and she isn't happy, so it must be my fault. She will tell you another story, and boy will she, but that's my take. However, we have two wonderful kids together. I do not have the luxury of giving her the middle finger and never talking to her again. We've got to be Mom and Dad for these kids for life.

Still in the early, early stages of this. She moved out to her sister's, then moved back, now she's moving out for real this weekend. She served me a separation agreement I need to get looked over before I sign. Then it's to mediation to agree on the divorce settlement, then we'll finally file. Then there's a 6 month waiting period, then there will be a divorce decree. I'm hoping not to fight about little things in all of this, but I also don't want to get screwed and, if at any point, you have to get a lawyer to file a motion and do all this in court, it's thousands and thousands of dollars. Trying to stay out of court, but that doesn't mean I can let her walk over me.

It's a goddamn mess and I'm worried as hell about my kids. I hope in the end there is a rainbow of happiness, but I'm struggling to see it. Times like these I wish Louis CK wasn't a serial public masturbator so I could believe this bit more.

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Postby Masato » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:00 pm

My brother would say you have it easy (of course its not though)

His wife flipped and kicked him out of the house and did everything she could to prevent him from seeing his own kids, its been almost 2 years now. He thinks she's brainwashed them to hate him and he IS spending thousands and thousands on lawyers, just to try to get access to them again. Brutal stuff

I commend you for putting your kids first and not using them as a tool to win any battles with the ex, I think that shit is nasty

How old are your kids? Put them first, move with love not hate they will see and learn. I have lots of friends with divorced folks its not a big deal imo if the separation is amicable and done maturely

Sincerely all the best of luck and prayers to ya AA, be brave bud this may even be whats best in the end though it may be hard to see while stuck in the heat of it.

Funny vid

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