Lets write a crazy collab story!

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Lets write a crazy collab story!

Postby Luigi » Tue Jul 24, 2018 5:43 am

Inspired by the old Masato Comics where we would each draw a panel, I though it would be cool if we could apply a similar idea but with writing a story. In keeping with the original spirit, anything goes! Back then we didnt have Vutu, Sompong and some others, so I think this could get really interesting lol Perhaps the story will involve an intergalactic war between evil Korean chicks and ginger street fighters. Maybe a tribe of swol Abos will conquer a land of dwarves who shoot laser beams from their dicks. Anything that someone posts instantly becomes set in stone and can only be changed through a future plot development. You can add one sentence to the story, one paragraph, or even write more. Anything goes!

I will start:

In a far off mountain land, a lone warrior rests by a waterfall after a hard day of training.

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue Jul 24, 2018 6:05 am

He takes a long, thick hard stone polished smooth by the ancient rippling waters of the meadow formed below the waterfall and starts thrusting it deep inside his well loosened anus.

The warrior's name was..

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Postby Som-Pong » Tue Jul 24, 2018 7:12 am

As of yet unknown to the reader, having released the built up stress by stimulating the 7th chakra the warrior stood. Looking with purpose into the horizon,

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Postby Shinkicker » Tue Jul 24, 2018 4:44 pm

He knows he shouldn't be here alone. The location of his people and safety in numbers are two of the main reasons that his people still exist. And with the mysterious vanishings of a few of his people recently it's even more dangerous. Vanishing without a trace. His people had trackers that were trained from the early stages of life. The trackers had traced each of the vanished with ease to a certain point and then nothing. Well except for that one thing, the thing that was found at the end of each trail.

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Postby Luigi » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:13 am

The sites of their disappearances each had small charm-like objects bearing a strange insignia
The village elders had warned the yet to be named warrior. Their people had a legend about the dangers of the outland, but he dismissed it as superstition.

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Megaterio Llamas
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:30 am

If this story should ever move in a ping pong, Chinatown or Elvis Presley direction let me know.

I think I can help ;)
el rey del mambo

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Postby Vutulaki » Wed Jul 25, 2018 12:46 am

The warrior walked many many miles and crossed the great seas until he came upon a road named west Pender in a far away land named Turdeaustan from west Pender be crossed Carrall street and into east Pender he ventured. Here the short, slight of body slanty eyed locals looked busy and industrious paying little to no mind to his partially naked body as they removed boxes of leaves and animal bodies from the loud metal horses that carried them in.

As he walked among them a well known scent filled his flared abo nostrils, he knew the scent well it was the burning of the tree of knowledge and it came from the north..

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Megaterio Llamas
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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Wed Jul 25, 2018 2:08 am

Elvis entered the dingy pool hall in the sweltering July Memphis afternoon heat and spotted the Memphis Mafia gathered around a table in the back corner, "Knock it off fellas. We have an assignment. Looks like our next job takes us to Vancouver BC up there in Canada. The Chinatown. These Chinamen have a nice little underground ping pong wagering racket going on up there and they're dealing reefer on the side. That's where we come in. The mayor wants to put an end to this debauchery and has reached out to us. And legend has it their kung fu is very strong. So be prepared."

Elvis continued, "Is the Queen of Graceland seaworthy Red? Red West replied "she's ready to go E."

Elvis "then let's roll fellas. It's road trip time. Time to shake up Chinatown. We'll see if their kung fu is strong". Joe Esposito replied "good call E. Let's roll boys!"
el rey del mambo

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Postby Luigi » Wed Jul 25, 2018 5:21 am

Beneath the streets of Vancouver in a basement warehouse:

"Bilga, are you still awake?"
"Be quiet Hedwana, the sifus of the shadow clan will beat us if they hear you."
"I can't take this anymore, ever since we were captured from the island they have made our lives hell. We need to find an escape."
"There is nothing we can do, at least if we work hard packing and loading the scent plants all day we will not be beaten and will be fed."
"But we are only given small amounts of rice, we grow weaker every day."
"If only someone would come for us, but it is impossible, we are too far now."

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