Attn; Benwahwah

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Attn; Benwahwah

Postby Masato » Wed Jun 06, 2018 3:06 pm

Hey brother

Just thinking have we sold any books lately? Do I owe you any money? Lol it’s been years since I even checked, not even sure I know how. Also forgot how we were splitting money

Let me know, I might owe you like 6 bucks or something :D

I do give them away sometimes if I find the right person. Everyone I’ve given them to liked it immensely.

Be well man

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Postby Benwahwah » Mon Jun 11, 2018 10:41 pm

Hey dude. I’ll look into it. I’m not totally sure of login details myself.

An interesting little side-note is that my uni has set up a whole module now where students can self-publish a book. This was in large part from me choosing it as a project for a different module. So while we may not have set the publishing world alight, we did make a change on the course.

(I am trying to make sure our book is required reading on the course. :) )

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Postby Masato » Wed Jun 13, 2018 2:30 am

Thanks Ben

Yeah I stopped marketing so assumed we ain't sellin any but who knows maybe we did :D I think I have the codes somewhere too, lets see how rich we are

Its pretty cool actually its there whenever we want to order some, people can buy anytime but no overhead, no work to maintain anything. Pretty good system. Does our product expire if we go too long without a sale?

I've still got a box of em, looking forward to giving more away, I also have fun sneaking them sometimes on legit bookstore shelves, always wonder what happens whan someone finds it and tries to buy it but it doesn't show up on their system :D :D :D

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