Syria 2.0

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Re: Syria 2.0

Postby Masato » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:12 pm

Been following this poster's content for a few years now, consistently impressed.

Glad to see she is finally getting some cred, I guess her viewers went way up recently. She reiterates the point that there is still (yet again) zero evidence, or even clear motive that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people, nor evidence that there was even any chemical attack at all. But the MSM news said so, therefore they can unleash and attack/invade/occupy. AGAIN.

Trump says he will pull out of Syria
Has a meeting with Netanyahu, concerned about him pulling out
They bomb Syria, citing an evidence-less and nonsensical claim of 'evil-doing'

Where have we seen this before???

She points out that a year ago to the day, the same pattern happened.

She's apparently been banned and censored by many big social media platforms

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Postby SRBrant » Sun Apr 22, 2018 5:11 am

I've heard of her. And though I've yet to watch the videos, my senses tell me that truth is on her side...

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Postby Masato » Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:31 pm

Start seeing the blatant bias in the mainstream media; BBC already throwing the slur 'conspiracy theory' around TWICE on the same front page, lol


Also using the word 'apologists' to shame and disgrace anyone who doesn't cheer for his destruction. Question the chemical attacks? Question the action of invading and firing missiles into the country? - You're an APOLOGIST! See how many people STFU

MSM will refuse to exercise skepticism on this one, slandering and ridiculing anyone who will. Use the academic institutions to back their claims:

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Postby Masato » Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:33 pm

Just look at a map of the middle east, and then track US foreign policy since 9/11, and tell me with any shred of dignity that you don't see a pattern to it all. This has nothing to do with a 'chemical attack', it is part of a bigger plan that should be stupidly obvious by now.

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Postby Masato » Sun Apr 22, 2018 2:38 pm

USA, Britain, France... ALL seem to want this very badly, full support, all decided very quickly. Why do you think that might be? Are they all concerned about the children?? :D

France's Macron Urges US, Allies to Stay in Syria Even After Daesh Defeat ... shortening


On April 14, the United Kingdom, the United States and France launched strikes at Syria over alleged reports of a chemical attack in the city of Douma, with the three countries firing over 100 missiles at the country.

French President Emmanuel Macron in an interview with Fox News said that the US, France and allies must remain in Syria after defeating the Daesh* terror group to build 'new Syria'.

Macron previously stated that it was he who persuaded US President Donald Trump not to leave Syria. Trump before said that the US can leave Syria "very soon", and "others will take care of" the situation.

"Even after the end of the war against Daesh, the US, France and our allies, all countries in the region, even Russia and Turkey, will play an important role in creating a new Syria. But to determine the future, of course, will be the Syrian people," he added.

LOL what horseshit

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Postby Masato » Mon Apr 23, 2018 12:45 pm

SAS Chief: Nobody Believes Assad Used Chemical Weapons


The former head of Britain’s Special Forces says that nobody in the military believes that President Assad was behind the chemical attack in Douma.

Major General Jonathan Shaw challenged the mainstream narrative that suggests Assad gassed his own people, saying: “Why would Assad use chemical weapons at this time? He’s won the war.

“That’s not just my opinion, it is shared by senior commanders in the US military. There is no rationale behind Assad’s involvement whatsoever.

“He’s convinced the rebels to leave occupied areas in buses. He’s gained their territory. So why would he be bothering gassing them?” reports: Speaking exclusively to The Mail on Sunday, the ex-SAS and Parachute Regiment commander added: ‘The jihadists and the various opposition groups who’ve been fighting against Assad have much greater motivation to launch a chemical weapons attack and make it look like Assad was responsible.

‘Their motivation being that they want to keep the Americans involved in the war – following Trump saying the US was going to leave Syria for other people to sort out.’

His views were echoed by Admiral Lord West, former head of the Royal Navy, who said: ‘If I was advising President Assad, why would I say use chemical weapons at this point? It doesn’t make any sense. But for the jihadist opposition groups I can see why they would.

‘But one must give Theresa May the benefit of the doubt and trust she has seen some unequivocal evidence which leaves no doubt that Assad was behind the atrocity.’

But the ex-commander of the Army’s chemical weapons regiment, Colonel Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, said: ‘A sophisticated nerve agent was used at Douma, not just chlorine. Only Assad has the capability to produce these substances inside Syria. And using chemical weapons is his standard modus operandi.’

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Postby Masato » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:34 pm

Germany's Largest Public TV News Broadcaster: Syria Chemical Attack "Most Likely Staged" ... ost-likely


A senior correspondent for German state media broadcast ZDF heute stunned his European audience during a report from on the ground in Syria when he gave a straightforward and honest account of his findings while investigating what happened in Douma. The veteran reporter, Uli Gack, interviewed multiple eyewitnesses of the April 7 alleged chemical attack and concluded of the testimonials, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."

It appears that all local Syrians encountered by the German public broadcast reporter were immediately dismissive of the widespread allegation that the Syrian government gassed civilians, which the US, UK, France, and Israel used a pretext for launching missile strikes on Damascus.

ZDF heute: The world continues to puzzle over whether the banned chemical weapons were used in Douma. ZDF correspondent Uli Gack is in Syria for us: "you were in a large refugee camp today and talked to a lot of people - what did you hear about the attack there?" Gack responded, "the Douma chemical attack is most likely staged, a great many people here seem very convinced."

The German ZDF report is consistent with veteran British journalist Robert Fisk's investigation upon being the first Western journalist to gain access to the site in Douma. Fisk reported early this week, "There are the many people I talked to amid the ruins of the town who said they had 'never believed in' gas stories–which were usually put about, they claimed, by the armed Islamist groups."

Die Welt rätselt weiter, ob die geächteten #Chemiewaffen in #Duma eingesetzt wurden. ZDF-Korrespondent Uli Gack ist für uns in #Syrien - Sie waren heute in einem großen Flüchtlingscamp und haben mit vielen Leuten gesprochen - was haben Sie denn dort über den Angriff gehört?
— ZDF heute (@ZDFheute) April 20, 2018

ZDF (Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen) is one of Germany's largest and oldest state-owned channels, which is funded in part through citizens paying a household licensing fee, and Heute is perhaps the most visible public news program in all of Germany.

According to the live report, some witnesses told ZDF that Islamist rebels killed victims with chlorine, filmed the scenes, then claimed an 'Assad chemical attack'. Though interviewing "a great many people [who] seem convinced" that a chemical attack did not actually happen, the reporter did not attempt to censor what he consistently heard from locals who were said to be in the area when the events occurred.

Increasingly, it appears that mainstream media gate-keepers are losing it over the fact that so many highly visible and respected reporters and broadcasters have featured reports this week which publicly question the Syrian chemical attack narrative and US coalition missile strikes that followed.

One writer for the Guardian and Daily Beast who is a well-known pro regime-change advocate, for example, laments that "disinformation has taken hold" on Syria. In a series of tweets following Robert Fisk's bombshell report for the Independent, Emma Beals, who often simply parrots whatever her 'rebel' sources tell her reacted to the recent profusion of high profile pundits questioning the established narrative on major British platforms.

Beals wrote:

My educated and informed friends are emailing me en masse asking me about what's going on in Syria because "it's so hard to work out the truth." Having spent years busting a gut to dig it out, it's heartbreaking to see the extent to which disinformation has taken hold.
— Emma Beals (@ejbeals) April 17, 2018

Beals advocates what we recently described as the highly simplistic "Disney version" of events in Syria:

Syrian War for Dummies: Disney Version--

Once upon a time, a country called Syria was ruled by a ruthless dictator named Bashar Al-Assad. He was a cruel man who gassed his own people. His actions caused a civil war in Syria. America and Europe tried their best to stop the devastating civil war, and even generously accepted many Syrian refugees. Eventually America went to Syria, defeated ISIS, and is now trying to restore stability.

This above version is quite popular among many Americans and Europeans and the Western mainstream media.

Meanwhile, almost simultaneous to German TV's ZDF heute report from Syria, lawyers of the Bundestag (German federal parliament) issued a legal brief on the US-led strike on Syria. The government lawyers' report was requested by the left-wing party Die Linke in response to the US coalition missile strikes which primarily targeted facilities in and around Damascus.

"The deployment of military force against a state to punish it for breaking an international convention is a violation of the international law prohibiting violence," reads the report, as cited by the German Press agency DPA and translated by Sputnik.

The legal report further concluded that the US-led attack on Syria - which skirted the UN - but which was supported by the German government (though without German military participation) was based in chemical attack claims that the legal team deemed "not convincing".

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Postby Masato » Mon Apr 23, 2018 7:37 pm

People calling out this false flag & attack being shut down and called 'a Russian bot':

Syrian Girl (aka Partisan Girl) included

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 25, 2018 4:07 pm

Syria Controversy: Don't Believe the Official Narrative ... narrative/

Good article, here are some selected bits but the whole article is great, especially the latter half where they show the absurd bias of the mainstream media, just incredulous and slandering at anyone who has even a bit of doubt regarding this latest reason for more military offensive:


This month, the United States, the United Kingdom and France launched airstrikes in Syria in flagrant violation of international law and entirely on the basis of images that had appeared on social media.

To date, no concrete evidence of a chemical weapons attack by the Syrian government in Douma has been produced to support the Trump administration’s justification for the allies’ bombing in response. The only sources of what State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert described as “our own intelligence” on chemical warfare allegations were the White Helmets and the Syrian American Medical Society. (of which US fund both)

In 2007, journalist James Bamford recalled how Americans had been subjected to “a long line of hyped and fraudulent stories that would eventually propel the U.S. into a war with Iraq—the first war based almost entirely on a covert propaganda campaign targeting the media.” The dirty war on Syria represents an extension of that strategy, with the mainstream media operating hand in glove with insurgent-allied influence operations like the White Helmets to cultivate public support for another war of regime change.

Admiral Lord West casts doubt on Syria Attack Intelligence:

Sonali Kolhatkar—the host of a leading public affairs radio program, attempted an unusual intervention. Instead of weighing in to defend alternative anti-war media, Kolhatkar lectured “some on the left” for their refusal to trust mainstream coverage of the incident in Douma. Posing as an opponent of bombing Syria, Kolhatkar assailed those who questioned the core rationale for the bombing, accusing them of having fallen for “fake news.” Kolhatkar took special aim at veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk, who was able to enter Douma and produce testimony by a Syrian doctor that undercut insurgent claims of a chemical attack.

Strangely, Kolhatkar scoffed at the notion that The Guardian could have been part of “some grand conspiracy” to stimulate support for regime change in Syria.

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Postby Masato » Thu Apr 26, 2018 8:35 pm

Witness testimonies given in the Hague:

No attack, no victims, no chem weapons: Douma witnesses speak at OPCW briefing at The Hague (VIDEO) ... witnesses/

Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague that the White Helmets video used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.

“We were at the basement and we heard people shouting that we needed to go to a hospital. We went through a tunnel. At the hospital they started pouring cold water on me,” the boy told the press conference, gathered by Russia’s mission at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) in The Hague.

Hassan was among the “victims” seen being washed by water hoses in a video released by the controversial White Helmets group on April 7. The boy and his family later spoke to the media and revealed that Hassan was hurried to the scene by men who claimed that a chemical attack had taken place. They started pouring cold water on the boy and others, filming the frightened children.

“There were people unknown to us who were filming the emergency care, they were filming the chaos taking place inside, and were filming people being doused with water. The instruments they used to douse them with water were originally used to clean the floors actually,” Ahmad Kashoi, an administrator of the emergency ward, recalled. “That happened for about an hour, we provided help to them and sent them home. No one has died. No one suffered from chemical exposure.”

Halil al-Jaish, a resuscitator who tended to people at the Douma hospital that day, told the press conference that some of the patients had indeed experienced respiratory problems. The symptoms, however, were caused by heavy dust, which engulfed the area due to recent airstrikes, and no one showed any signs of chemical warfare poisoning, al-Jaish said.

The hospital received people who suffered from smoke and dust asphyxiation on the day of the alleged attack, Muwaffak Nasrim, a paramedic who was working in emergency care, said. The panic seen in footage provided by the White Helmets was caused mainly by people shouting about the alleged use of chemical weapons, Nasrim, who witnessed the chaotic scenes, added. No patients, however, displayed symptoms of chemical weapons exposure, he said.

Ahmad Saur, an emergency paramedic with the Syrian Red Crescent, said that the ward he was working at did not receive any patients exposed to chemical weapons on the day of the alleged incident or after it. All the patients needed either general medical care or help with injuries, he said. Saur told journalists he came to speak at The Hague independently of the Red Crescent, and that he was testifying freely and without any pressure.

One reporter asked what would happen to the eyewitnesses and whether they would “stay in Europe to testify.”

“We’re going back home, and see no problem with that. The situation is a lot better now. We’re Douma residents, like many others,” Hassan Ayoun, a doctor with the emergency department, said.

Six of the Douma witnesses brought to The Hague have already been interviewed by the OPCW technical experts, Russia’s permanent representative to the OPCW, Aleksandr Shulgin, said.

“The others were ready too, but the experts are sticking to their own guidelines. They’ve picked six people, talked to them, and said they were 'completely satisfied' with their account and did not have any further questions,” Shulgin revealed. He added that the allegations by “certain Western countries” ahead of the briefing that Moscow and Damascus were seeking to “hide” the witnesses from the OPCW experts did not hold water.

The alleged chemical incident was only supported by the White Helmets’ video and social media reports from militant-linked groups, but the US, the UK and France judged they had enough evidence that it actually took place and launched a series of punitive strikes against Syria on April 14.

The US and its allies accused Syrian President Bashar Assad of carrying out the “attack,” without providing any proof of their claim. Notably, the strike came hours before the OPCW fact-finding team was set to arrive in Douma to determine whether chemical weapons had been used there.

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