Oh Canada

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Re: Oh Canada

Postby Vutulaki » Sat Feb 10, 2018 4:04 am


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Postby Winnson » Mon Feb 12, 2018 12:05 pm

Trudeau has proven himself to be a complete and total virtue signalling retarded idiot. He's Soros's #1 fan.

Good luck Canucks. Chicks will vote for him again because he's so dreamy. You're fucked.

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:02 am

Is this article satire?

Did Castro's son really include this stuff in his suicide note? I had heard this rumor before, the resemblance is indeed strong and the relationship between Trudeaus mom and Castro is super suspect... but I had never seen any legit claims by anyone credible until now. Seems almost too perfect, which makes me suspect the article. What do you think?

Cuba Claims Justin Trudeau Is Fidel Castro’s Son

http://yournewswire.com/justin-trudeau- ... astro-son/


The suicide note left by Fidel Castro’s eldest son has rocked the Cuban nation this week, with the most astonishing revelation being the claim that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was his half-brother and the son of the late Fidel Castro.

Amid a wide-ranging barrage of complaints, the note suggests Fidelito was angry with his late father, the revolutionary Cuban dictator. Fidelito wrote that his father, Fidel Castro, was “always comparing me unfavorably with Justin” and “dismissing my achievements in comparison to his success in Canada.“

“But what was I to do? I am Cuban. My brother is Canadian. If he was born and raised in Cuba, he would have lived in our father’s shadow forever just like me.”



Margaret Trudeau visited Cuba nine months before Justin was born, and there are photographs of her socializing with Fidel Castro.

Actual photo of Castro holding Baby Justin:

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Postby Winnson » Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:07 pm

Do you remember Margaret Trudeau Masato? I do. She was a complete and total slut. I thought Pierre was OK, but I was a kid.

His son is a virtue signalling project in gay retardation. Canada is fucked. I will never, ever move back, and TBH, don't think I will visit many more times. I'm sorry man, but things are going to get messy in the west before they get better. Shit is beyond the pale.

You've got pedophiles in Ontario running sex education school curriculum for young learners, under the direction of the dyke premier, who has decreed that if you don't agree with your toddler's gender choices, they'll take your kids away.

Canada is fucked. Shame that. That's my country too. At least it was.

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Postby Som-Pong » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:43 am

Winnson wrote:Do you remember Margaret Trudeau Masato? I do. She was a complete and total slut. I thought Pierre was OK, but I was a kid.

His son is a virtue signalling project in gay retardation. Canada is fucked. I will never, ever move back, and TBH, don't think I will visit many more times. I'm sorry man, but things are going to get messy in the west before they get better. Shit is beyond the pale.

You've got pedophiles in Ontario running sex education school curriculum for young learners, under the direction of the dyke premier, who has decreed that if you don't agree with your toddler's gender choices, they'll take your kids away.

Canada is fucked. Shame that. That's my country too. At least it was.

Still less fucked than Sweden.

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Postby Winnson » Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:12 pm

Sweden is where we're headed. You're still first place for liberal craziness. Germany and France aren't too far behind. Canada is next in line, and might move up the queue pretty quickly as most cucked nation with Trudeau at the helm.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:17 am

Winnson wrote:Sweden is where we're headed. You're still first place for liberal craziness. Germany and France aren't too far behind. Canada is next in line, and might move up the queue pretty quickly as most cucked nation with Trudeau at the helm.

In Australia ultra libs can say whatever the fuck they want in public or in the workplace. If you happen to be slightly center (note not right of right center) you better keep your opinions to yourself in the workplace and in public.

What the world thinks when they think "Australian"


What we have actually become.. This is where the above pic was pulled from

"Crocodile Dundee was sexist, racist and homophobic. Let's not bring that back


With a teaser trailer starring Danny McBride doing the rounds, here’s hoping any reboot would be nothing like the original

At the weekend confusion, incredulity and fear for the future of humankind spread like wildfire across certain sectors of the web – all hell unleashed by a 38-second video.

The video in question purports to be a teaser trailer for a film called Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home. It shows the US comedian Danny McBride apparently playing the offspring of Paul Hogan’s famous knife-comparing, Akubra-wearing rube.

Could this be true? Could Crocodile Dundee be getting a reboot? Wild conspiracy theories began making the rounds: this is some sort of Super Bowl advertisement, posited some; others that it’s like that Ferris Bueller-related cash grab from 2012.

Hogan told People Magazine: “I’m excited to introduce the new Crocodile Dundee to the world,” and he described the film as one “that has stood the test of time”.


So if we assume the unthinkable: that this project is actually going ahead (though Screen Australia has not confirmed it), what would Dundee: The Son of a Legend Returns Home need to do to capture the spirit of the original three Crocodile Dundee movies, released in 1986, 1988 and 2001?

For starters, in addition to being vulgar and witless, the new film would need to be sexist, racist, homophobic and transphobic. It would need to have awkward jokes unfunny at the time of release and even less amusing when revisited years later.

Take, for example, a scene from the original film, based in a pub in New York. Mick Dundee (Hogan) chats up a trans woman, before a friend pulls him aside: “I’ve been trying to tell you all night, that girl, she’s a guy!” Dundee responds by sexual assaulting her. He grabs the woman in the groin area, then points and yells: “A guy dressed up like a sheila! Look at that!”

The pub erupts into laughter and applause. There are high fives and back slaps.

Dundee sexually assaults another women later on, in the same way, at an art gallery. His love interest Sue (Linda Kozlowski) consoles the distraught woman by saying: “It’s OK, he’s Australian.”


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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:20 am

This kinda thing used to be funny

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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Feb 18, 2018 5:30 am

Luckily east asia is the light of masculinity steadfastly opposed to the illuminati conspiracy to emasculate MANkind (as evidenced in the following video)

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Postby Winnson » Mon Feb 19, 2018 8:54 pm

There's only so far you can push before people start fighting back. When they can take away your kids because you don't respect their gender choices and have pedophiles writing early sex-ed curriculum, things are going to come to a head, or Canada is completely dead. Political correctness was getting out of control when I left, just before 9/11. Now Canada is full blown Liberal insane.

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