Help Bring Down Hillary

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Re: Help Bring Down Hillary

Postby Redneck » Mon Jan 08, 2018 5:30 am

Twitter has blown up over the Q Anon thing.

a search for #Q anon brings up some fascinating stuff, and Trump has been all over Twitter these past few days.

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Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aid, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on submarine? Jail! Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 10, 2018 10:32 pm

Masato wrote:Hey all, help me understand this AWAN Brothers scandal

too much shit is leaking and I don't have the time to follow! Has anyone been keeping up?

It seems the DNC and Clinton gang is not getting very much room to breathe... the pressure has not yet let up.

I have a workshift tonight, gonna dive in a bit but it seems too big a net to grasp in any short amount of time

Lets hope the leaks keep coming, and people don't forget. I smell some serious busts coming, at least hope so. Saw a video today of some WH person absolutely slamming the media for the Russia scandal, asking them to stop it because its bullshit and slamming them for not going after scads of real evidence and collusion by the Clintons

Awan Brothers - if you know some shit please post. many sets of eyes are better than one

Haven't got too deep into this thread
You keeping an eye on fusion GPS right?

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:10 pm

Btw, have you guys been keeping up with all the strange flights around gitmo lately?

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Jan 10, 2018 11:20 pm

Megaterio Llamas wrote:If you're going in there for heaven's sake be careful eh guys.

How To Spot A Government Troll And What To Do About It

Most people have had to deal with trolls at some point in their lives but for those in the political, activist and journalist circles trolling has taken on a whole new meaning as the government now has paid operative who's single purpose is to infiltrate groups to manipulate, deceive and destroy any narrative that does not play into their agenda. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows what one of these trolls looks like when he made the mistake of holding a two way conversation with himself.

Video with the troll's comments: onclick=";return false;.

Intercept article: onclick=";return false;.

CTV news clip: onclick=";return false;.

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Postby Redneck » Sat Jan 13, 2018 3:06 pm

Is this the beginning of the Uranium One indictments?

Washington Times is running the story as well. Most of the MSM is still silent.

Facebook is censoring the words Mark Lambert.

U.S. charges Maryland businessman with bribing Russian official

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities have charged a Maryland businessman with bribing a Russian official in an effort to win contracts to ship uranium to the United States.

U.S. prosecutors unsealed money laundering, foreign bribery and wire fraud charges against Mark Lambert, 54, in federal court in Greenbelt, Maryland, on Friday.

Lambert denies the allegations and plans to fight them in court, his attorney William Sullivan said during a pre-trial hearing.

Prosecutors allege Lambert, former co-president of a Maryland-based shipping company Transport Logistics International (TLI), bribed a Russian energy official through a series of shell companies in Cyprus, Latvia and Switzerland in exchange for contracts to ship nuclear fuel to U.S. utilities.

The U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it a crime for businesses to bribe overseas officials to win business.

TLI executives did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

For decades, Washington and Moscow had an agreement that converted uranium from Russia’s nuclear stockpiles to civilian grade fuel, which was shipped to the United States for use in civilian power plants.

The charges are the latest chapter in a sprawling federal investigation into corruption involved in Russia’s sale of uranium into the United States.

The uranium investigation drew increased public attention last year after an informant involved in the probe claimed to have evidence tying the former Obama Administration to Russian influence peddling, a charge former administration officials have denied.

In 2015, a Maryland judge sentenced the Russian official named in the case, Vadim Mikerin, a former director at state-owned Rosatom, to four years for laundering money connected to the bribes. Lambert’s former co-president Daren Condrey pleaded guilty to bribery and wire fraud charges in 2015 and is awaiting sentencing. ... SKBN1F12QS

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 16, 2018 5:28 pm

It's coming guys
Russian lawsuit is going through it looks like and Clinton investigation has been reopened

They are going to get it finally

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Postby Redneck » Wed Jan 17, 2018 11:42 am

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:It's coming guys
Russian lawsuit is going through it looks like and Clinton investigation has been reopened

They are going to get it finally

It really does look like someone is getting all their ducks in a row and that something big is going to happen.

Or maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jan 19, 2018 9:24 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:Hey all, help me understand this AWAN Brothers scandal

too much shit is leaking and I don't have the time to follow! Has anyone been keeping up?

It seems the DNC and Clinton gang is not getting very much room to breathe... the pressure has not yet let up.

I have a workshift tonight, gonna dive in a bit but it seems too big a net to grasp in any short amount of time

Lets hope the leaks keep coming, and people don't forget. I smell some serious busts coming, at least hope so. Saw a video today of some WH person absolutely slamming the media for the Russia scandal, asking them to stop it because its bullshit and slamming them for not going after scads of real evidence and collusion by the Clintons

Awan Brothers - if you know some shit please post. many sets of eyes are better than one

Haven't got too deep into this thread
You keeping an eye on fusion GPS right?

What's Fusion GPS?

You also mention flights over Gitmo?

Whatcha got, broseph?

I also saw some stuff that there was a string of airport blackouts, a handful of them all within a short timespan.

Another Q follower claiming suspicious timing in McCain and Hillary both getting ankle braces, are they wearing trackers? lol

Damn so many breadcrumbs to follow but so little time to dive in for the info and clues

Just another reason I hate MSM, lol they never give the stories I'm most interested in.

It seems crazy what we are seeing, like 2 different realities running parallel. One where the Deep State is totally being smoked out, & another where Trump is an imbecile and yeah its all Fake News from Russia

I'll admit one is much more fun than the other, lol but maybe that's the bait :D

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Postby Redneck » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:29 pm

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Just signed 702 Bill to reauthorize foreign intelligence collection. This is NOT the same FISA law that was so wrongly abused during the election. I will always do the right thing for our country and put the safety of the American people first!

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:46 am

Masato wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:Hey all, help me understand this AWAN Brothers scandal

too much shit is leaking and I don't have the time to follow! Has anyone been keeping up?

It seems the DNC and Clinton gang is not getting very much room to breathe... the pressure has not yet let up.

I have a workshift tonight, gonna dive in a bit but it seems too big a net to grasp in any short amount of time

Lets hope the leaks keep coming, and people don't forget. I smell some serious busts coming, at least hope so. Saw a video today of some WH person absolutely slamming the media for the Russia scandal, asking them to stop it because its bullshit and slamming them for not going after scads of real evidence and collusion by the Clintons

Awan Brothers - if you know some shit please post. many sets of eyes are better than one

Haven't got too deep into this thread
You keeping an eye on fusion GPS right?

What's Fusion GPS?

You also mention flights over Gitmo?

Whatcha got, broseph?

I also saw some stuff that there was a string of airport blackouts, a handful of them all within a short timespan.

Another Q follower claiming suspicious timing in McCain and Hillary both getting ankle braces, are they wearing trackers? lol

Damn so many breadcrumbs to follow but so little time to dive in for the info and clues

Just another reason I hate MSM, lol they never give the stories I'm most interested in.

It seems crazy what we are seeing, like 2 different realities running parallel. One where the Deep State is totally being smoked out, & another where Trump is an imbecile and yeah its all Fake News from Russia

I'll admit one is much more fun than the other, lol but maybe that's the bait :D

Oh shit man, fusion gps is a big fucking deal, they are the ones behind the bullshit Trump dossier

Lots of flights going all around gitmo for a couple days, nobody saying who are on the flights

I think there was two or three blackouts at airports, rumours it was done to stop people from fleeing the country

The ankle braclettes was a while ago when killary broke her foot or some shit and thepedo started wearing a full brace for some reason

Here's a decent vid I just found from the 26th breaking some of that stuff down

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