Help Bring Down Hillary

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Re: Help Bring Down Hillary

Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:54 pm


Just found this today, apparently there is someone posting on 4Chan who claims to be a Trump insider with several minor 'proofs' suggesting it may be legit.


Anyways he is saying the whole oligarchy is coming down, major announcements to be made soon, raids on pedos already happening, connected to the recent mass-arrests in Saudi Arabia, etc etc

I will dive into this today, if anyone has already looked into this please post your thoughts

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:48 pm

Henry Makow is tweeting that everyone on this list is Jewish/Zionist, lol:


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Postby Redneck » Thu Nov 16, 2017 2:03 pm

Masato wrote:
Redneck wrote:What are everyone's thoughts on this idea that the investigation will end up bringing down the Clinton empire and that she may be indicted?

I'm beginning to wonder if it's just speculation and wishful thinking by some of the right-wing media outlets, such as Infowars and Hannity.

Thank you, this is a really big question right now imo.

I am seeing now they are going after Creepy Joe Biden!

WTF is going on indeed? I am a bad person to ask because I always feel and secretly hope that the Truth is just ready waiting around the corner to finally leak one day and expose everything, lol. I've been sitting on that edge since 9/11 and it never came :oops:

Although now APPEARS to be the closest thing yet. Is Trump and co really draining the swamp? Sometimes it seems he has been playing a more crafty gameplan, starting slow but you can't deny recently there's been an avalanche of high profile people being slandered at a mass level, MSM has no choice but to react.

MSM getting THRASHED, and even the pedogate stuff is beginning to leak into public discussion. Really amazing.

So far I totally see enough evidence to bring down the Clinton Empire, and possibly the right people in the right seats to bring it to action.

OR>>> is this all just a next-level dupe?

I always suspect that the bigger the cover-story, the bigger whatever it is they're trying to cover up. If the oligarchy is making some big moves right now they will need an extra-big distraction.

Which way do you lean, Redneck? Do you smell blood? Or snake oil?

I am just sitting here with popcorn and watching, I've given up on trying to figure out this until it unfolds more.

I find it almost impossible to believe that the Clintons, Podestas and all of their cronies will really go down at the hands of Trump, it just seems too good to be true. I think that the likes of Infowars are playing it up to get maximum ratings, but that a lot of it is speculation.

On the other hand, we are genuinely seeing a change in the way the liberal media is acting in regards to Clinton and Podesta, the recent SNL skit spoke volumes. The MSM rats and the DemocRats are leaving the Clinton sinking ship, so something is really going on.

Whether it's really as big as the alternate news sites are claiming, is yet to be seen.

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Postby evil-kungfool » Thu Nov 16, 2017 8:26 pm


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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 17, 2017 8:39 pm

^ yeah man! welcome to the GC kungfool

Great to have a good crew to help follow and discuss CT rabbit holes and geo-political changes, getting really hard to keep up by one's self, things moving so fast.

This place will likely never be huge or crowded, but we have some of the best P4P CT minds here, we should take advantage. In the meantime enjoy some of the back pages I've been archiving quality stuff here for a while, not watered down with trolls etc.

Thanks to all who contribute, and yes, lets hope we see the day Killary and her evil gang get exposed right

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Sun Nov 19, 2017 7:26 am

Starved, 'mutilated' and blackmailed migrants auctioned off as slaves by smugglers in Libya

The migrants are forced to work as slaves after they run out of money to pay the smugglers to find them passage to Europe.

Slave markets are springing up across Libya trading impoverished African migrants who have arrived on the Mediterranean coast dreaming of a new life in Europe. A new investigation has revealed people are being sold as modern-day slaves for as little as £300 ($400).

According to CNN which exposed the racket, slave sales are conducted on the outskirts of the nation's capital, Tripoli, where auctions take place for various types of manual labourers. In one case, a video was made available, which shows the sale of "big strong boys for farm work".

An undercover operation revealed similar auctions where around a dozen people were sold in a matter of five to six minutes. "Does anybody need a digger? This is a digger, a big, strong man, he'll dig," an auctioneer calls out in one clip. "What am I bid, what am I bid?"

12 October 2017: Migrants sit at a detention centre in Gharyan, Libya Hani Amara/Reuters

The interested bidders raise their hands till a final price is decided on following which the new slaves are transferred in the possession of their new "masters".

Slavery is getting a boost in places like Libya that are seeing a wave of desperate migrants from North Africa, hoping to find a better life in Europe. A crackdown by local authorities on boats ferrying people to the coast of Italy has turned smugglers to another profession — that of flesh traders.

Illegal migrants from Africa are taken to a detention centre after being picked up by the Libyan coast guard on 8 July 2017 Mahmud Turkia/AFP

At a detention centre in Tripoli, one man recalled how he ended up becoming an indentured servant after he ran out of money. Victory, 21, left Nigeria with his life savings and hopes of a brighter future. On reaching Libya he was forced to live in inhuman conditions and later sold as a day labourer once he could not afford to pay his smugglers.

He expected to pay off his debt through work but was unable to make enough. Finally his smugglers contacted his family for ransom. He was released after paying them a total of more than $2,780.

"If you look at most of the people here, if you check your bodies, you see the marks. They are beaten, mutilated," he said of his fellow detainees who have reportedly suffered a similar fate.

On being made aware of the slave trade in the region, the authorities said they were not aware of the auctions but confirmed the presence of organised gangs operating smuggling rings.

Earlier this year, the International Criminal Court (ICC) expressed interest in investigating crimes against immigrants in Libya, after the International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned about people being sold at slave markets in the country.

This article was first published on November 15, 2017 ... ya-1647428


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Postby Winnson » Sun Nov 19, 2017 2:28 pm

This whole refugee thing is just human trafficking. Loads of people are making loads of money off of it.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Jan 03, 2018 8:59 pm

Fire reported at Bill and Hillary Clinton's New York house

Matt Coyne, The (Westchester County, N.Y.) Journal News Published 3:28 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2018 | Updated 3:30 p.m. ET Jan. 3, 2018

Police in New Castle, New York, have confirmed a fire at the home of Bill and Hillary Clinton in Chappaqua, a town north of New York City.

Police declined to give further details on the fire at 15 Old House Lane where the Clintons have lived for nearly 20 years after buying it for $1.7 million in 1999.

Scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.

The house, built in 1889, features five bedrooms over 5,232 square feet and a pool on its 1.1 acres.

In fall 2016, the former president and past presidential hopeful bought the four-bedroom house next door, at 33 Old House Lane, for $1.16 million.

Getting rid of evidence ahead of the big takedown?

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Postby Masato » Wed Jan 03, 2018 9:41 pm



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Postby Redneck » Sun Jan 07, 2018 10:29 am

Scanner reports said it was a bedroom fire and has been extinguished.

About the only fire that comes from that bedroom I'm betting.

It was probably just Bill freebasing and having a Richard Prior moment.

But no doubt all of their hard drives and documents were destroyed in this tragic accident, and anything else that they might be asked to produce in the future.

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