Help Bring Down Hillary

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Re: Help Bring Down Hillary

Postby Masato » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:37 pm

Check this, Donna Brazille has totally flipped sides

Came out with a book slandering Hillary and citing election fraud... and she DEDICATED THE BOOK TO SETH RICH!!

lolol this is awesome.

It sounds to me like Brazille can feel the noose closing in and is trying to come clean and jump ship before she gets nailed as part of them ... acy-702838

A new book by Donna Brazile, the former interim chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), has been making headlines for its controversial claims about the 2016 presidential election and the Hillary Clinton campaign. But the provocative points start even before the first chapter, as Brazile reportedly dedicated the book in part to Seth Rich, the DNC staffer whose murder launched a conspiracy theory.

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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 07, 2017 2:48 pm

Keep in mind also that in the PedoGate developments, Hillary and Bill are totally connected to Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey.

Weinstein bragged about being the head projectionist at the White House when Bill was POTUS and how they would watch films together and go on vacation together. Spacey and the Clintons hung out regularly, and are both together on the flight logs of Epstein's private plane to his orgy island/pedo parties

This is all facts ^^. Put it together. There is a noose closing around her and her gang. Super interesting

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Postby Redneck » Fri Nov 10, 2017 8:00 am

penxv wrote:Trump's candidacy was way more elaborate and nefarious than people realize. The buffoonishness is a red herring.

I don't doubt that at all. I do prefer the narrative that it gives us though, even though it's all smoke and mirrors I think I would have become genuinely depressed if Hillary had won.

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Postby Redneck » Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:18 pm

While all eyes (from the left and the establishment right) remain on Trump (daring to shake Putin's hand this weekend), the mainstream media appears to be missing the news that the lobbying firm founded by longtime Democratic operative Tony Podesta is reportedly on the verge of shuttering after being swept up in special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia probe.


Just three weeks after we reported that special counsel Mueller was targeting lobbying firm Podesta Group. and just two weeks after Tony Podesta resigned from his position at the firm he founded, The Hill reports that Kimberley Fritts, the Podesta Group's chief executive, told employees on Thursday that the firm would not exist at the end of the year and that they would likely not be paid through the end of November, sources told CNN.


Fritts announced her resignation from the top Washington lobbying group after Podesta left the company amid ties to indictments filed in the Russia investigation. Fritts is beginning work on launching a new firm. Her last day at the company Friday created new uncertainty for the Podesta Group after the departure of Podesta on Oct. 30.

Multiple employees who spoke to The Hill said the mood at the firm was mostly optimistic, though they said many of the firm's dozens of employees could be in limbo as Fritts sets up the new firm and brings Podesta Group talent and clients with her.

As a reminder, Mueller is now investigating whether the Podesta Group properly identified to U.S. authorities its foreign work on behalf of a Ukrainian advocacy group in Europe, CNN reported.

An NBC report found that the Podesta Group was one of several firms working on Paul Manafort's public relations campaign for European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, which the Podesta Group claims it thought was a nonpartisan think tank, something which this site reported first last August.

And here is one reason why we suspect more than a few on the left are now concerned...


It goes without saying, that Podesta's brother, John, is arguably one of the top figure in Democratic politics, serving most recently as chief of staff in the Bill Clinton White House and also as the chairman of Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign.

What happens next to Tony (and perhaps his brother John) is to be determined, but one thing is clear: both sides of the swamp should probably control themselves in any premature celebrations as this appears to be far from over. ... t-end-year

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Postby Redneck » Mon Nov 13, 2017 12:21 pm

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Postby Redneck » Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:20 am

What are everyone's thoughts on this idea that the investigation will end up bringing down the Clinton empire and that she may be indicted?

I'm beginning to wonder if it's just speculation and wishful thinking by some of the right-wing media outlets, such as Infowars and Hannity.

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:38 pm

Redneck wrote:What are everyone's thoughts on this idea that the investigation will end up bringing down the Clinton empire and that she may be indicted?

I'm beginning to wonder if it's just speculation and wishful thinking by some of the right-wing media outlets, such as Infowars and Hannity.

Thank you, this is a really big question right now imo.

I am seeing now they are going after Creepy Joe Biden!

WTF is going on indeed? I am a bad person to ask because I always feel and secretly hope that the Truth is just ready waiting around the corner to finally leak one day and expose everything, lol. I've been sitting on that edge since 9/11 and it never came :oops:

Although now APPEARS to be the closest thing yet. Is Trump and co really draining the swamp? Sometimes it seems he has been playing a more crafty gameplan, starting slow but you can't deny recently there's been an avalanche of high profile people being slandered at a mass level, MSM has no choice but to react.

MSM getting THRASHED, and even the pedogate stuff is beginning to leak into public discussion. Really amazing.

So far I totally see enough evidence to bring down the Clinton Empire, and possibly the right people in the right seats to bring it to action.

OR>>> is this all just a next-level dupe?

I always suspect that the bigger the cover-story, the bigger whatever it is they're trying to cover up. If the oligarchy is making some big moves right now they will need an extra-big distraction.

Which way do you lean, Redneck? Do you smell blood? Or snake oil?

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 2:40 pm

^^ also big news the Podestas are closing their company.

Could be to brace for impact, could also be because they just lost the election and re-strategizing.

I hope those fuckers get caught, man.

I gotta add the next chapter to my comic, lol so far it's all coming true :D

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:21 pm

LOL here is some crazy junk on Biden:

A) Biden is getting called out for being the creepy perv-pdeo that he obviously is: ... vel-stuff/

^^ a vid in there compiling all the video footage of him groping people and children.

B) At the same time, Biden is working with Lady Gaga to establish 'sexual assault trauma centres' ... 55901.html


Keep in mind that Lady Gaga hung on Hillary's nuts something fierce for the election, and is also is close with 'Spirit Cooking' with Maria Abromavic (also connected to the Clintons/Podestas)

Here is Gaga rallying for Killary:

Here she is w/ Abromavic (there are way more pics of these 2 together not just this one, they are always hugging all over different events

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2017 3:51 pm

^^ What sense does ANY of that make?


Here is a tweet from Trump's SON about Joe Biden being a creepy pedo:


The Presiden't SON, folks. That is pretty big imo.

To be completely honest, all my years of amateur research has led me to believe that 'The Swamp' is really indeed a den of real evil, demented psychopaths who are into things that would make the public's heads and stomachs turn like we wouldn't believe. They are sick monsters who create the wars and terror, 9/11, and run the media as a massive misinformation/coverup campaign, etc etc. It really is nasty, full of pedo satanic shit... It is huge and horrifying and SIMPLY CAN'T REMAIN HIDDEN FOREVER. Naturally

I think it starting to come out.

Who knows where Trump's true loyalties lie, or what role he will play in history etc. You don't have to make him your god to cheer for this stuff... TRUTH DOESN'T NEED A LEADER. But the fact is that IT IS COMING OUT. The MSM magic is failing, the cloaking device is starting to fizzle out.

Thank God. Let it keep coming out.


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