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Pedophilia Rings/Rituals in the HIGHEST of Places

Postby Canuckster » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:43 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Mar 14, 2016 5:47 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Luigi » Sun Mar 20, 2016 7:42 pm

Its not all that surprising if you think about the mechanism of sexual behavior. When unusually high amounts of power allow individuals to have access to unusually high mating opportunities their brain becomes numb to it, like a porn addict watching too much porn and getting bored. They have the choice to be sexually bored or get into something novel, as novelty induces more sexual excitement, a mechanism so people mate with multiple partners increasing the chances of passing on their genetics. They probably started with weird BDSM shit before that got boring, then went from one fucked up fetish to the next until after 10 or so they were fucking children. The only people who will have the economic means to eventually end up there are going to be the people who can buy literally anything, and spend a lifetime using their money to fulfill their sexual perversions.

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Postby penxv » Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:36 pm

Luigi wrote:Its not all that surprising if you think about the mechanism of sexual behavior. When unusually high amounts of power allow individuals to have access to unusually high mating opportunities their brain becomes numb to it, like a porn addict watching too much porn and getting bored. They have the choice to be sexually bored or get into something novel, as novelty induces more sexual excitement, a mechanism so people mate with multiple partners increasing the chances of passing on their genetics. They probably started with weird BDSM shit before that got boring, then went from one fucked up fetish to the next until after 10 or so they were fucking children. The only people who will have the economic means to eventually end up there are going to be the people who can buy literally anything, and spend a lifetime using their money to fulfill their sexual perversions.

I think that's part of it. I think it's a cycle of abuse in a lot of instances as well.

I think the children in these families are mistreated a lot of the time, and they're certainly not brought up with the kind of loving attention that you see in real families. Ignored by the parents, abused by relatives, and with the money to do most of what they want with the peasants. I definitely think the abusive behavior is cyclical.

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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:46 pm

MURDERED television presenter Jill Dando tried to alert her bosses to a paedophile ring at the BBC ­involving “big name” stars ... e-ring-BBC

The friend and retired BBC worker said the late Crimewatch host was told DJs, celebrities and other staff were involved in organised abuse.

But the anonymous source says “no one wanted to know” when Miss Dando raised concerns about the alleged ring and other sexual abuse claims at the BBC.

She is said to have passed a file to senior management in the mid-1990s, but they never carried out an investigation.

The 37-year-old TV presenter was shot dead on April 26, 1999, on the doorstep of her home in west London. The crime remains unsolved.

The source said: “I don’t recall the names of all the stars now and don’t want to implicate anyone, but Jill said they were surprisingly big names.

“I think she was quite shocked when told about images of children and that information on how to join this horrible paedophile ring was freely available.

“Jill said others had complained to her about sexual matters and that some female workmates also claimed they had been groped or assaulted.

“Nothing had been done and there seemed to be a policy of turning a blind eye.”

The former colleague said female BBC staff confided in Jill, one of the best-known TV faces of the day after fronting primetime shows including Holiday and the Six O’Clock News as well as Crimewatch.
The source said: “I think it was in the mid-1990s. She was seen as the face of the BBC and a magnet for women with problems.”

Miss Dando compiled a file of complaints but was a television presenter and “not really an investigative journalist”, the source said. “She passed the information on to someone else and they gave it back. No one wanted to know.

“I do remember that she gave a file to senior management. I don’t think she heard any more.

“Other women who complained told Jill they didn’t want to risk their careers by making official statements against individuals as they would lose their jobs and that bosses seemed to ignore it.”

A BBC spokesman said they would always investigate any allegations of this nature, but added: “We’ve not seen anything that substantiates these claims.”

After Jimmy Savile’s sexual crimes were exposed in 2012, Jill’s fellow BBC presenter Sally Jones revealed that the disgraced DJ tried to kiss and grope her in a lift in the late 1980s.

At the time, she told Jill, who said Savile was “just a dirty old perv”.

The Crimewatch host “had to fend off plenty of unwelcome advances herself”, said Sally. DJ Liz Kershaw and former Countryfile presenter Miriam O’Reilly have also both claimed they suffered sexual harassment at the BBC in the 1980s.

Miss Dando joined a campaign to help children spot paedophiles the year before she died.

She had received death threats, putting the BBC in lock-down, with armed guards patrolling Television Centre in London.

Her death sparked one of Britain’s biggest murder hunts. Barry George was found guilty in 2001, but his conviction was quashed in 2008.

Theories about her death range from the culprit being a Serbian warlord angry over her TV appeal on behalf of Kosovan refugees, to British underworld enforcers furious at her Crimewatch investigations.

Miss Dando was also looking into the death of her friend, Chelsea vice-chairman Matthew Harding, who was killed in a helicopter crash.

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Postby Luigi » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:43 pm

So you have probably all heard of the Podesta emails and how the Podestas and Clintons took part in spirit cookings. Well, now things have gone a step further. Basically they found emails which are very obviously written in code and people have reconstructed the code to mean they take part in BDSM and Pedophilia. Here is a basic video on the evidence:

The Washington Post wrote an article attacking it as fake news and details how a friend and donor to the Clintons who owns a Pizza shop has been targeted with allegations of running a pedophilia ring(I think this part of it BS but I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got invited to the Clintons' weirdo clubs)

Then I found this video discussing what the article got wrong:

You guys have a lot more experience than me looking into this kind of stuff. TBH I dismissed most of it before WikiLeaks happened. So what are your thoughts on the matter?

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Postby Luigi » Mon Nov 28, 2016 8:27 am

I found this video of this guy freaking out about it:


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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:34 am

Hey Luigi, welcome to a very serious but difficult corner of the conspiracy world

This is nothing new to be honest, though seeing the actual emails is very interesting and a fresh lead... I hope people keep pushing it.

In my research it is more than likely that pedo shit is RAMPANT among the elite aristocracy. Many, many leaks and stories seem to be found all over wherever the elite tread. I could start naming them but there really is so much I wouldn't even know where to begin. There is a bunch here:


I think it is twofold;
1. Many elites are psychopathic with total lack of compassion/lust for power etc
2. Participation in this shit can be used for BLACKMAIL to control people in key places. imo many top elites are only doing what they are doing because this info is held under them, and in return for cooperation not only is their secret kept quiet but they are given the opportunities to continue doing it

There is less evidence of a possible 3rd part of the puzzle that is occult/satanic in nature, but enough imo to take the possibility seriously.

Maybe the most disturbing part of it for me is the way that the mainstream media blatantly and consistently ignores, obscures, covers up all these stories. The way the BBC treated Jimmy Saville like a king, and then even after his death and revealing of his true crimes they basically killed all strings and leads to the story and refused to keep digging. Their total whitewashing of the Hampstead testimonies was also sickening. American mainstream media never discussed for a moment about guys like Charlie Epstein, even though the evidence was clear he was associated with the Clintons, Prince Andrew, etc etc. Just looked the other way.

Other cases, in Hollywood for example are also taboo to discuss in any serious light.

This is one major reason why I really believe that a major tipping point of our evolution will be when the credibility of mainstream media is totally shattered once and for all, and things like this can come out. Mainstream media imo is like a powerful filter, a firewall of sorts that protects VAST realms of secrets about all kinds of things we can scarcely believe.

If any major journalist groups were to truly shine a light on all this crap, it would be my guess that it would reveal a web of names that would make the whole world's head spin. Monarchies would come down, dynasties would come down, whole key sections of the establishment would be exposed for what they are and this illusion of legitimacy would be irreparable.

Lets hope it happens.

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Postby Luigi » Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:24 am

Just found something interesting. Conservative publisher Andrew Breitbart tweeted this in 2011: "How prog-guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me."

Breitbart unexpectedly died of a heart attack a year later despite his young age. The coroner also died a few months later despite being 61.

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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 29, 2016 10:38 am

^ nice find, you beat me to it.

Breitbart was the MAN, way ahead of the game. No wonder he was snuffed.

Here are some vids of him in like 2011 I think where he knew about this shit. Few listened, then he was killed

WAR Andrew Breitbart

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