Podcast Guests Wanted

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Podcast Guests Wanted

Postby robbstar » Sat Feb 13, 2016 8:10 am

Podcast Guests Wanted

I am looking for guests for my wee Podcast. Www.everythingsanillusion.com The podcast that Questions Everything!! Looking for interesting, motivational, inspirational, thought provoking conversation/topics and well this forum is not short of any of that !! From conspiracies, to religion, science to philosophy, history to TV.

Looking for guests to either chat the breeze or go in depth into a single subject.

Currently I am going for 4 a month , two with my mate Greg where we cover everything and anything . The other two of the month will either be of a similar format with a different cat or an interview or a solo topic.

What I am looking for .
Technical side.
Skype (preferably on a pc with mic but can do a phone with headset) and a quite room.

The ability to record Skype at your end (Audacity , garage band etc ) then after the call send the audio file over . This is to generate the best audio quality.

Anything of interest that will make folks think, I am looking for passion , curiosity , intrigue etc. The topics can be on anything and everything. If you have an unlimited passion for everything and anything then I can have you on plenty of times.

I am in Scotland GMT, I work from home for my self so, I can accommodate most times and most days , so it would just be a case of working it out.

So if you have something to say, a product or service to promote (book , website etc) or you just want to give your tuppence worth of lifes observations then get in touch.

Look forward to hearing from yous.

[email protected]

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:33 pm

- You shold`ve interview the chairman of the board.
Mister Masato.
- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby robbstar » Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:59 pm

That would be awesome, I think anyone in this forum would make a pretty cool guest :) Masato would be interesting on a while host of topics for sure.

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Postby Masato » Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:39 pm

I'd be up for that if you liked, though I'm certainly no celebrity or anyone extraordinary

On the other hand imo everyone is extraordinary, I often think that podcasts could be enormously successful just interviewing ordinary people and not just celebrities. Wouldn't that be fascinating? Would you not think that people we pass by every day might have really interesting or unique experiences? Know stuff that you don't know anything about? Can tell some great stories? For sure.

I would honestly bet that robbstar and I would likely be able to converse for hours if given the chance, we obviously have tons of passionate common interests. I have 1 or 2 friends like this and we often literally talk all fuckin night, going over all the cool shit about life that is not always so easy to break into with general folk. Art, History, Politics, spirituality etc its great.

I also would like to practice getting more comfortable talking on the mic. I often think I could learn to be a good speaker for a variety of reasons and have lots of visions of me doing this in later life, but at the same time have a tendency to somewhat camera-shy & clam up. Would be good for me to understand what this is and overcome it. I was on one podcast once and it was a good icebreaker, but it was at like 2am, and all my kids and wife were asleep, and my neighborhood is very quiet so I hunkered outside in the backyard with the laptop and smoked spliffs through the whole first half of the show to stay awake. By the time I was on I was so stoned and tired I could barely function lol

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Postby robbstar » Tue Feb 16, 2016 5:26 am

My original description to folks was exactly that , talking to real people. I personally detest the vacuous celebrity culture here inn Scotland. The cult of the beautiful , that celebrates stupidity and consumerism. However in the past six months I have found that the majority of my friends who are ace at things and have a lifetimes experience worth sharing ( be it travelling, wood work, computer programming, jesus, climbing , bjj, politics, religion, finance ) don't have the drive, desire, confidence or belief that people would want to listen to them. The opposite is usually true, of stupid self obsessed celebrity wana bees, however folks with a mission are always looking for a platform , hence why I built my own.

What I am saying here is, observing someones value and informing them that others will see value in their experience is a far cry from them awakening to there own value and thinking it is of value. Be it through stupidity (most popular short term , flash in the pan celebrities) or by self reflection and growth, I think value of self is the key to presenting information to others. IMO

So far its just been me and Greg taking on the world, I have done topics like "working in Hollywood" and "religion mines is better than yours" with my mate Colin- ordinary guy.

So I am super keen , my first trans Atlantic guest :)

it is 09:15 here , where are you in the massive landmass that is the Canada? Google tells me it is
In Canada
04:15 Ottawa, ON, Canada
05:45 Newfoundland (GMT-3:30)
05:15 Halifax, NS, Canada (AST)
03:15 Winnipeg (CST)
03:15 Regina (CST)
02:15 Edmonton (MST)
01:15 Vancouver (PST)

What day suits you ?
Interview, solo topic, or list of topics?
What topic or list of topics?
Can you record at your end? Audacity , garage band etc

Oh yeah :)

My wife likes to say " bromance" , we go on holiday or out for the night and I attract like a big fucking magnet the other non stop curious mother fucker in the room /town/region every time. And conversation flows and ideas blossom and we walk away knowing that life is wondrous. The sycroncity of the universe:)

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 16, 2016 9:59 am

^ great point of view.

I am Eastern Standard Time (EST). On your list that's Ottawa time.

Let me know when you'd like to do a show and I'll try to sync it up. I have a recording software and even a good mic, but I'll have to refresh myself how it all works, lol

If I was in the same place I'd probably be that fucker attracted to your conversation like a magnet too, lol. My wife always teases me about the opposite; how I usually somehow find the mofo in the room with the open mind to talk to and start yakkin with them lol I can usually pick em out pretty fast :D

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Postby Masato » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:38 am


As for topics, I'll let you be the host/go where you like.
Some topics I think we'd likely get along well about:

Art/Writing/Being Creative
Punk Rock
Star Wars/Star Trek :oops:
Life in General :D

If I'm not mistaken I've heard you talk about almost all of em on your show and I dig the way you think.

Be well man please keep going!

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Postby robbstar » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:10 am

Excellent only 5hrs difference .
I am free Thursday 18th from 10 AM UK - (5 am eastern) til 4:30PM UK (11:30 AM)
Friday 19th till the Thursday 25th - 9AM UK (4 am eastern ) till 11PM UK (6 PM eastern)

Cant do these times - but I can if it is the only times you have .
Monday 7:30 pm till 10 Pm (2:30 PM till 5 PM)
Tuesday 6 pm till 8:30 pm (1 pm till 2:30 pm)
Thursday 7:30 pm till 10 Pm (2:30 PM till 5 PM)

Hope I have my time difference correct,
Talk through a general back and forth and if you wish go more in detail in later podcasts?

Just let me know what times suit :)
excellent :)

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Postby Masato » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:32 pm

Hey man, sorry for the later reply.

Today is fucked, I worked the whole night lol

Friday 19th?

Otherwise next week is all possible too.

let me know what works for ya

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Postby robbstar » Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:54 pm

All good in the hood. Tomorrow is fine. What time is good for you?

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