Chinese Almanac 2016 Year of the Monkey

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Diet Butcher
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Chinese Almanac 2016 Year of the Monkey

Postby Diet Butcher » Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:37 am

Edge Guerrero wrote:- That`s is a interesting subject, they even showed here. Is the monkey the most important animal on the chinese calendar?

Chinese Zodiac Stories
There are many legends and mythology related to Chinese zodiac and there are various versions and stories popular in different regions. Why were there twelve animals in the zodiac calendar and how did the scheme order come from? Here are the most well-know stories, as an important part of Chinese zodiacal culture.

Order of the Animals

This is the most widespread legend about Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) ordered that animals would be designated as calendar signs and the twelve that arrived first would be selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, he encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. At last, the ox and him arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why other animals appear behind the little rat and why the cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet, the cat will chase and kill it.

About this simple story, there are different editions. Some say it was the Yellow Emperor who intended to select twelve guards. It is also said that cat hope rat could get there early and sign up on behalf, but rat completely forgot it or do that intentionally. Some say the animals were request to have a swimming race, or a simple race. Elephant was said to participate in the race too, but run away finally because rat got into it trunk.

Number of Zodiac Animals’ Toes

Many famous scholars in history had their own interpretations about this interesting topic. There was a scholar in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) called Hong Xun explained his thought based on Yin Yang Theory. Among the twelve animals - rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig - rat, tiger, dragon, monkey and dog have five toes. Five is an odd number which is thought to be in yang side (or positive). Horse has one toe, also an odd number. Others animals have toes of even numbers which are thought to be yin, negative. Snake has no toe but its tongue has two tips in even number. Ying and yang animal signs were interlaced. There were scholars of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) followed and developed this idea.

Why Did Rat Come in the First Place?

Beside the tricks that rat played in the first story, there are other legends about its priority in those animals. In Chinese mythology about the origin of world, the universe was in dark without form like an egg before the earth and heaven was separated. It was the rat that bit a crack and let the air in. He was the hero to start the world. That was to say the importance of him. Another saying goes along with the toes story mentioned above. His forepaws have four toes and hindpaws have five toes, with both odd and even numbers. For such a special creature among the twelve animals, rat won the first place.

Legends seem to be strained interpretations because the original intention had been lost over such a long history. Chinese zodiac was related to the Yin Yang, Five Elements theories and other traditional life concepts. Thus it promoted the development of Chinese zodiacal culture. After having fun of reading these stories, we still have to know some facts: it is reliable to believe the zodiac animals started for worship of animals in old times and twelve most important animals in ancient people’s life in was selected to vividly represent the Twelve Earthly Branches (the duodecimal cycle in Chinese calendar). Cat was absent in the name list because there was no cat in China very long time ago. ... /story.htm

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Postby Masato » Fri Feb 12, 2016 12:12 pm

Have you ever thought about how Dragon is the only sign that is not a real creature?

Yet it is included as if it were.

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Diet Butcher
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Postby Diet Butcher » Fri Feb 12, 2016 2:51 pm

i guess it's as real as the cat and the rat being good friends at one time. lol

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:30 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:
Chinese Zodiac Stories
There are many legends and mythology related to Chinese zodiac and there are various versions and stories popular in different regions. Why were there twelve animals in the zodiac calendar and how did the scheme order come from? Here are the most well-know stories, as an important part of Chinese zodiacal culture.

Order of the Animals

This is the most widespread legend about Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) ordered that animals would be designated as calendar signs and the twelve that arrived first would be selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, he encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. At last, the ox and him arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why other animals appear behind the little rat and why the cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet, the cat will chase and kill it.

About this simple story, there are different editions. Some say it was the Yellow Emperor who intended to select twelve guards. It is also said that cat hope rat could get there early and sign up on behalf, but rat completely forgot it or do that intentionally. Some say the animals were request to have a swimming race, or a simple race. Elephant was said to participate in the race too, but run away finally because rat got into it trunk.

Number of Zodiac Animals’ Toes

Many famous scholars in history had their own interpretations about this interesting topic. There was a scholar in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1279) called Hong Xun explained his thought based on Yin Yang Theory. Among the twelve animals - rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig - rat, tiger, dragon, monkey and dog have five toes. Five is an odd number which is thought to be in yang side (or positive). Horse has one toe, also an odd number. Others animals have toes of even numbers which are thought to be yin, negative. Snake has no toe but its tongue has two tips in even number. Ying and yang animal signs were interlaced. There were scholars of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) followed and developed this idea.

Why Did Rat Come in the First Place?

Beside the tricks that rat played in the first story, there are other legends about its priority in those animals. In Chinese mythology about the origin of world, the universe was in dark without form like an egg before the earth and heaven was separated. It was the rat that bit a crack and let the air in. He was the hero to start the world. That was to say the importance of him. Another saying goes along with the toes story mentioned above. His forepaws have four toes and hindpaws have five toes, with both odd and even numbers. For such a special creature among the twelve animals, rat won the first place.

Legends seem to be strained interpretations because the original intention had been lost over such a long history. Chinese zodiac was related to the Yin Yang, Five Elements theories and other traditional life concepts. Thus it promoted the development of Chinese zodiacal culture. After having fun of reading these stories, we still have to know some facts: it is reliable to believe the zodiac animals started for worship of animals in old times and twelve most important animals in ancient people’s life in was selected to vividly represent the Twelve Earthly Branches (the duodecimal cycle in Chinese calendar). Cat was absent in the name list because there was no cat in China very long time ago. ... /story.htm

- Thank you man.
I love those type of reads.

Don`t feel so bad for being a rat now.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:35 pm

Masato wrote:Have you ever thought about how Dragon is the only sign that is not a real creature?

Yet it is included as if it were.

- Funny thing is that dragons are present on all cultures. :mrgreen:
We think that they`re based on real animals like crocodiles.

But who knows. :ugeek:
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Postby Diet Butcher » Sat Feb 13, 2016 3:07 am

In 2015 the rat was said to have "harmed" the presiding god, so that you were bothered by more gossips. At the same time, you were blessed by the star of relationships Xian Chi, so that you got along with people well and had good love luck. Single rats may keep on looking for someone special in the first half of the year because the positive influence of Xian Chi won't subside until autumn 2016. Though you were harming the presiding god and blessed by Xian Chi at the same time, the latter was stronger so that there should have been more people that loved you than loathed you. In line with that, you're in union with the presiding god in 2016 and you'll be blessed by the star of relationships Tian Xi in 2017. That means you will have a few years in a row enjoying excellent interpersonal relationships and you'd get help from powerful figures. Even those with cold predisposition who are supposed to see their luck wane soon because of the strong metal-water energies setting in will benefit. With help from others and excellent interpersonal relationships, you can hold on to your good luck until the end of 2018 at most. Those with hot or neutral predisposition experience a change of luck this year as metal-water sets in this autumn. With useful help from powerful figures and your excellent terms with people your luck will turn better more quickly. Thus the rat are in for some major progress in 2016 and 2017.

This year, the rats have the best luck of wealth among all zodiacs. Entrepreneurs and those self-employed are the ones to experience it first hand as you'd make more money. Even wage earners who get the same pay cheque every month can buy some lottery tickets. See if you're in for some sweet surprises on the side.

In your constellation you have lucky star Jiang Xing which is the star of authority and power. Coupled with San Tai the star of elevated social status, wage earners have a good chance of nailing a job promotion. Just work harder and see how it goes.

San Tai, means elevated social status. Wage earners should of course try to climb the hierarchial ladder. Even entrepreneurs and those self employed should take this chance to build your reputation within the trade, which tends to compliment your good luck of wealth this year.

Jin Gui literally means the gold chest. The star brings good luck of wealth. The rats have rather good luck to begin with and Jin Gui further secures your profit and accumulation of wealth. you'd make good money without losing or spending it all. thus you are advised make more effort to get the most out of it.

On the down side you have Wu Gui the star of backstabbers in your constellation. No matter how competent or idle a person is, he/she is likely to come across as backstabbers. Thus, whether you have Wu Gui in your constellation or not doesn't make a difference. Just forget it.

Other unlucky stars include Fei Fu, Guan Fu and Nian Fu. They imply unexpected lawsuits, gossips and arguments against you. Luckily in 2015 and 2016 you're only likely to come acrossminor arguments and disputes. The chance that you're involved in lawsuits isn't that high. Maybe you're just charged for jaywalking or littering. or you forget to pay the fine for your speeding or parking ticket and have to show up in court.

(I'll assume you were either born in 1972 or 1984, Edge)

Born in 1972: you have the best of wealth among all rats. Entrepreneurs and those self employed who get paid by the volume of work should of course work harder to make the most out of it. Even wage earners who get the same pay check month after month may try their luck in buying lottery tickets. Maybe you'll be greeted by a sweet surprise. even if you don't win, consider the money well spent for a good cause.

Born in 1984: You have chances to learn or to invest. In your early 30s this is the perfect time to kickstart your plans. From Chinese face-reading point of view, you should look at your eyebrows for your luck in early 30s. If your brow hair follows your brow bones closely, you will have good luck in early 30s and you're advised to put your plan into action without hesitation. However if your brow hair grows in all directions or you have thick brows that grow close to your eyes, you shouldn't act too aggressively. Try to conserve what you have instead of charting new territories.

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Postby Masato » Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:08 pm

Was gonna ask how you know if you are cold or hot disposition... I must've missed this post:

Diet Butcher wrote:
Knowing your predisposition is very helpful

Hot predisposition people are Yang

Cold predisposition people are Yin.

Neutral people are either Yin or Yang depending on their date of birth.


If you were born after May 6th and before August 8th,

You would be considered as a Hot Predisposition person.

Hot Predisposition people find themselves benefitting from Metal and Water Elements


If you were born after August 8th and before March 6th, You would be considered as a Cold Predisposition person.

Cold Predisposition people can benefit from Wood or Fire Elements


If you were born after March 6th and before May 6th you would be considered as a Neutral Predisposition person.

Neutral Predisposition people can benefit from any Elements in their life, but Metal and Water are preferred

This concept can be used in many ways,

By adding the beneficial Element to your Surroundings,

By planning Activities according to the Element of the day…

to find the element of each day for your reference.
A custom throughout Asia is to give Newborns a lucky name from their beneficial Element.

Picking the right name is one of the most important tasks parents have to make in welcoming their new baby to their family.

To use the beneficial Element in naming you can use the five elements to select a name.

All you have to do is determine the baby’s predisposition according to their birthday;

Hot and Neutral predisposition can use names with Metal or Water Element representation.

Like the name of a River, Ocean, or a precious Metal….

Cold predisposition names link with Wood or Fire personality.

Like a name of a beautiful flower, herb , enlightenment, illumination….

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:15 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:In 2015 the rat was said to have "harmed" the presiding god, so that you were bothered by more gossips. At the same time, you were blessed by the star of relationships Xian Chi, so that you got along with people well and had good love luck. Single rats may keep on looking for someone special in the first half of the year because the positive influence of Xian Chi won't subside until autumn 2016. Though you were harming the presiding god and blessed by Xian Chi at the same time, the latter was stronger so that there should have been more people that loved you than loathed you. In line with that, you're in union with the presiding god in 2016 and you'll be blessed by the star of relationships Tian Xi in 2017. That means you will have a few years in a row enjoying excellent interpersonal relationships and you'd get help from powerful figures. Even those with cold predisposition who are supposed to see their luck wane soon because of the strong metal-water energies setting in will benefit. With help from others and excellent interpersonal relationships, you can hold on to your good luck until the end of 2018 at most. Those with hot or neutral predisposition experience a change of luck this year as metal-water sets in this autumn. With useful help from powerful figures and your excellent terms with people your luck will turn better more quickly. Thus the rat are in for some major progress in 2016 and 2017.

This year, the rats have the best luck of wealth among all zodiacs. Entrepreneurs and those self-employed are the ones to experience it first hand as you'd make more money. Even wage earners who get the same pay cheque every month can buy some lottery tickets. See if you're in for some sweet surprises on the side.

In your constellation you have lucky star Jiang Xing which is the star of authority and power. Coupled with San Tai the star of elevated social status, wage earners have a good chance of nailing a job promotion. Just work harder and see how it goes.

San Tai, means elevated social status. Wage earners should of course try to climb the hierarchial ladder. Even entrepreneurs and those self employed should take this chance to build your reputation within the trade, which tends to compliment your good luck of wealth this year.

Jin Gui literally means the gold chest. The star brings good luck of wealth. The rats have rather good luck to begin with and Jin Gui further secures your profit and accumulation of wealth. you'd make good money without losing or spending it all. thus you are advised make more effort to get the most out of it.

On the down side you have Wu Gui the star of backstabbers in your constellation. No matter how competent or idle a person is, he/she is likely to come across as backstabbers. Thus, whether you have Wu Gui in your constellation or not doesn't make a difference. Just forget it.

Other unlucky stars include Fei Fu, Guan Fu and Nian Fu. They imply unexpected lawsuits, gossips and arguments against you. Luckily in 2015 and 2016 you're only likely to come acrossminor arguments and disputes. The chance that you're involved in lawsuits isn't that high. Maybe you're just charged for jaywalking or littering. or you forget to pay the fine for your speeding or parking ticket and have to show up in court.

(I'll assume you were either born in 1972 or 1984, Edge)

Born in 1972: you have the best of wealth among all rats. Entrepreneurs and those self employed who get paid by the volume of work should of course work harder to make the most out of it. Even wage earners who get the same pay check month after month may try their luck in buying lottery tickets. Maybe you'll be greeted by a sweet surprise. even if you don't win, consider the money well spent for a good cause.

Born in 1984: You have chances to learn or to invest. In your early 30s this is the perfect time to kickstart your plans. From Chinese face-reading point of view, you should look at your eyebrows for your luck in early 30s. If your brow hair follows your brow bones closely, you will have good luck in early 30s and you're advised to put your plan into action without hesitation. However if your brow hair grows in all directions or you have thick brows that grow close to your eyes, you shouldn't act too aggressively. Try to conserve what you have instead of charting new territories.

- Thank you man.
The funny thing is that thing is right about my year.
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