The Theories of David Talbott

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The Theories of David Talbott

Postby Masato » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:35 pm

Hey all

This comes recommended by friend and MT member 'Canuckster'... - It is very cool.

The title of the vid is 'Symbols of an Alien Sky', (though I think this title sucks as it has nothing to do with aliens, lol)

The title refers to the possibility that what was visible in the ancient sky may have been very different than what we see today..

I have always deeply suspected/intuitively felt that the version of 'history' that we are taught and take for granted today is deeply flawed. There are huge pieces missing... - we are a 'species with amnesia' as some other person somewhere said.

Dude examines re-occurring images (global archetypes) from pre-historic/aboriginal art/mythologies from ALL around the world, and uses them as a launching pad to explore the possibility that the planets in our solar system may have been in very different positions at different points in time, visible from earth.

What is interesting is that with the help of scientists studying electric plasma fields (or whatever, lol) that the effects of such interactions of planets would actually create images in the sky that fit these archetypal symbols perfectly.

The theory would instantly explain SO much of human mythology, the god, the flood myths, the Golden Age, and religious/occult symbolism - as he describes in the vid " would create a perfect bridge between science and mythology".

- I do not know if these theories are right or wrong, but I am always excited to listen to people who have some passionate theories to explore, and have some shit to back them up


This one is great - many experts are jumping on the theory. They propose an 'electrical-universe' theory, and claim that all current questions about phenomena in space/about the sun can be easily explained through an electrical model of the universe. Try to argue, lol

A personal presentation overviewing his work:

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Postby Masato » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:37 pm

This is also a good one he did about how close proximity of planets would cause intense electrical activity, and that such electrical activity would scar the surface of planets in exactly the same way we see on Mars (a geological phenomenon currently unexplained by popular science)

fucking brilliant:

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Feb 13, 2014 11:00 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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