Greatest Story Never Told

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Adolf Hitler: The greatest story never told

Postby Masato » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:33 am

nother good thread:


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Postby Masato » Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:36 am

Anthony Sutton


heavy research into how corporate America was directly funding many of the movements in Europe that created WWII, including Nazis

dude was hardcore writer for ANYtime on the subjects:

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Postby IDL » Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:52 pm

Masato wrote:So sad that perhaps the greatest example we have of how to boost economy and standard of living for people comes from someone we barely dare utter his name, and cannot discuss.

I had read that Gaddafi was murdered largely because he was trying to institute a separate currency.

Control of the currency and usury is the key to all power. It is the Holy Grail. It can be used to create and empower the people, and it can also be used to oppress and enslave them.

There is a lot of history with the Church throughout the ages being strongly against Usury also. The war of the moneylenders has been going on for thousands of years it seems.

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Postby Devil's Advocate » Fri Jul 31, 2015 11:40 pm

Masato wrote:Just finished.

The last few minutes from 5:40:00 are quite astounding - real video of Hitler's speeches that few have likely seen. Modern politicians don't talk like this.

Thank you Canuckster that was amazing. Really rocked me, much to consider.

And although his speeches looked like the rantings of a maniac, he spent months refining his style, and practicing the execution.




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Postby Masato » Sat Aug 01, 2015 12:15 pm

^ then he is a good actor.

You think they were mostly acted/conniving speeches? I sense so much conviction and emotion in them, but maybe it was all BS and showmanship


He would have made a good wrestler

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Postby Devil's Advocate » Sat Aug 01, 2015 8:12 pm

These pictures prove that it was all an act. They are just a few images from a complete set that has been discovered. He rehearsed his mannerisms and the way he spoke, for maximum effect.

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Postby Redneck » Wed Dec 30, 2015 6:16 am

Masato wrote:^ then he is a good actor.

You think they were mostly acted/conniving speeches? I sense so much conviction and emotion in them, but maybe it was all BS and showmanship


He would have made a good wrestler

"The Fuhrer" would have been a great character.

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:09 pm

I have taken the time to listen to several authors and researchers who have questioned the 'official story' of WWII and the Holocaust and found their arguments highly intriguing.

'Holocaust Deniers' imo do not deny the oppression of Jews, that many died and put into concentration camps etc... certainly there was a 'holocaust' of some degree. But rather some of the details, perhaps exaggerated stories, inflated numbers, suppressed truths etc...

The NUREMBERG trials for example is a whole interesting subject of study on its own, it was a lopsided affair imo beyond absurdity

This woman was just recently jailed in Germany as far as I understand, just for talking about such things:

Ursula Haverbeck:

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Postby Masato » Mon Mar 12, 2018 6:45 pm

Some relevant threads:

Red Symphony:
Supposed transcript of an interrogation of an 'Illuminati' Insider accused of 'plotting against Stalin', from Russia, 1938

Communism by the Backdoor:
(followup by Dennis Wise to 'The Greatest Story Never Told'... about the secret Communist/Capitalist relationship):

Hitler Fleeing to Argentina:

Protocols of Zion:


German Vets speak:

Creation of Israel thread:

Hitler Discovers that Chuck Norris is coming: :D



PARTS 2 - 11 (...This guy makes epic-long films! lol):

In my opinion the creator of these films Dennis Wise portrays an extreme and over-romanticized version of events, he takes it too far. But when you balance his biased propaganda with the oppositely biased propaganda we've been indoctrinated with, I think the truth will likely be found somewhere between these 2 extreme narrations of events

But the research of Dennis Wise in his films should not be ignored, he compiles a staggering presentation as accurately as possible, full of fascinating historical facts that should expand anyone's understanding of the WW's greatly.

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Postby Masato » Tue Mar 13, 2018 2:09 pm

Hey all

Here is an interest audio excerpt from 'Mein Kampf', where Hitler describes his fall into full on conspiritard-land:

cliff notes for y'all:

14-15 years old, didn’t understand anything about Jewish people. Very few where he was from, never paid notice. Thought of them all as German, disliked religious debate. Thought that any social animosity them was purely a critique on their religious view, and thought it not fair criticism.

He goes to Vienna where the Jewish population was much higher (200,000 of 2 million total). He still feels it is only religious differences that identify them and, and thus is sympathetic to their persecution. Looks down on antisemetic newspapers in the press, thinks of them as low-class journalism based on jealousy and unworthy of attention

Describes an inner struggle between ‘Sentiment’ and ‘Reason’. Says that Reason was starting to win out, began to observe and question his society from a more scientific perspective, begins to see his world with new eyes.

Describes an experience where for the first time in his life he began to recognize physical traits in appearances in some of the Jewish population, and questions if there is indeed a difference beyond just religious doctrine… while pondering one specific Jewish man all in black with striking traits, he asks himself: “Is this a German?” Hitler turns to books and research to find answers.

Starts reading anti-Jewish propaganda , but finds little value. Finds them poorly-written, their arguments unscientific and empty. Hitler dismisses the notion, but cannot shake the notion that Jews in Germany are not merely ‘Germans who practice a different religion’… but rather a completely different people altogether.

Hitler begins to see the rise of a ‘Zionist’ movement… and extreme section of the Jewish population with fanatical views. His question deepens what this is all about.

Comments on the physical ‘cleanliness’ of the Jewish population, admits to finding it odorous and offensive.

Begins to question the ‘cleanliness’ of them spiritually as well, and finds that in most of the press, art, literature, theatre etc that he found vulgar or sexually immoral were mostly run by Jews (he claims 9/10th s of such material was run by jews, though they scarcely formed 1% of the nation) Begins to look deeper what other activities the Jews were doing.

Questions the media/’news’ for the first time. Discovers that almost all of the mainstream press were controlled by Jews. Suddenly begins perceiving the entire News industry in a different light, that it was not the impartial German journalism he thought it was, but instead begins seeing the headlines and content as having a completely different agenda that he did not see before.

Starts to perceive a strong liberal slant of the mainstream press, brilliantly deceptive and convincing. Perceives that the press was always favorable of Jewish films or authors or productions, but almost always critical of German authors and productions, if they got any press at all. Upon further examination he starts to perceive that in general, the mainstream jewish-run press ran a consistent tone of ANTI-German sentiment, which offended him deeply. Was it deliberate?

Starts to connect jewish influence on pornography and prostitution, and the ‘White Slave Traffic’. Looks deeper and discovers a whole sub-culture of sexual perversion and debauchery that he was previously unaware of, and suspects most Germans are unaware of. Again, finds that this industry is also a product of Jewish business, and his views of it being ‘Evil’ begin to form.

Hitler is motivated to bring his findings to light and starts to speak on the matter publicly. But as he looks deeper, he finds that the very ‘Leaders of Social Democracy’ were also mostly Jewish. This rocked his world, as he says ‘…In the face of that revelation, the scales fell from my eyes’.

In my passionate (yet futile?) search to understand History, and make sense of all the conspiracy information I have seen over almost 2 decades, I am unapologetic in recently finding this wing of conspiracy land interesting...

Many big questions suddenly arise, and many dots start possibly connecting. To deny that certain powerful groups of Zionists, both historically and presently, are a part of certain major geo-political happenings, is simply turning a blind eye imo, driven by sheer fear of social reprisal.

Some WWII questions:
What were the real roots of Nazi antisemitism?
What was Nazi relationship to Rothschilds/Jewish Banks?
What was the relationship between Jewish groups and Bolshevism?
Who led the creation of Israel?
Relation of Zionists to USA & British Empire? Balfour Declaration?
Levels of Post-War propaganda?
Validity of the Protocols of Zion?

Some Present questions:
US/Israeli Relations? Neo-Con/Israeli Relations? AIPAC?
Mossad and 9/11? Relations between Israel and War on Terror?
Relation between Israel and Media/Hollywood?

It is told to us that it is the greatest offense to even consider such ideas, but I don't think so, I think they are totally valid and have nothing to do with hatred or any crazy beliefs, just following information and trying to understand our world, willing to listen to different perspectives and make what conclusions we can.

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