The 'Great Reset' Plan

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Re: The 'Great Reset' Plan

Postby Masato » Mon Jun 06, 2022 1:30 pm

Morphing the covid 'crisis' to climate change 'crisis' to manipulate to further global political centralization is 100% coming if not already started.

Get ready

Listen to how open they are about it at the WEF

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Postby Masato » Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:43 am

This is Canada's PM before Trudeau, Stephen Harper.

He was the leader of the main opposition party.

Yet both of them hang from Klaus Schwab's nuts.

Check this out:

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 17, 2022 5:12 pm

Warnings from 1959 about how Communism can creep in and take over, broken down into 9 ket points.

I dare anyone to deny that all 9 points are not happening right now in the west in plain sight, on an enormous scale.

Yet people still cannot see...

They will.
Question is will it be too late?


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Postby Canuckster » Sun Jul 17, 2022 6:46 pm

People forget how big a piece of shit the previous administration was when they're busy raging about the current one.

Luckily I think much more people are aware of just how corrupt and manipulated politics are around the world and are beginning to see the problem as electoral reform and not regime change .

how the system gets rewritten remains to be seen.

bigfoot for prime minister!!!!
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Mon Jul 18, 2022 1:55 pm

Trudeau’s hippy look for military uniform is shameful

Reflecting on our Forces’ new, hyper-casual uniform policy, one might see it as a naive attempt to conjure interest among radical millennial fringe lifestyles that never have, and likely never will, consider the Forces a career. Or, maybe letting some non-binary male military police sergeant or armoured soldier wear a female skirt with their newly long pink hair and prominent face tattoo (yes, all that is possible now) is an attempt to weed out more professionally conservative members of the Forces.

‘Cause what do crusty, old, pavement-pounding, squared away veterans like me know about the meaning of image and military professionalism, eh?

Nonetheless, Trudeau’s new hippy military is imploring serving members to hang loose, literally and figuratively, hoping millennials will be enticed to dig the military’s groovy new vibes. No longer to be reprimanded (or charged) for publicly chewing gum, smoking, eating, holding hands, slouching or walking with hands in pocket, our groovy new Forces in their customizable and self-accessorized military clothing can chill and hang in public. Far out! No longer required to keep their hair short and neat, new military recruits right up to generals will also be free to grow and colour-customize their hair in any unnatural colour. Anyone can sport a face tattoo or a variety of personalized jewellery. Men can even now wear a woman’s uniform skirt!

Whatever conceivable good intentions might be behind the new policy, it will inevitably leave the Canadian public, and any aspiring recruit, with the impression there is something shameful with wearing the traditional Canadian military uniform. Whether you support the military or not, the standard professional image conjured in most individual minds (accurate or not) is one of rigidity, conformity, and socially conservative manners and bearing. Whether it was the unpopular “greens” of the old unified Canadian Armed Forces or the “tan” versions the army wore as their summer dress in the 1990s, or the old garrison work dress, or the navy “whites” or standard field combats, it didn’t matter. The uniform was the uniform and the person who had the privilege — yes, privilege — of wearing it had to not only press, shine and maintain their uniforms to strict standards, but their personal deportment, grooming, bearing and manners had to be maintained along strict and uncompromising guidelines.

This strict conformity never was meant to make the military member’s life miserable — it aimed to instil a self-conscious pride, maturity and belief that one was a part of something unique and special. The hope was that a standard professional image and culture of expression would correspondingly bring collective cohesion and esprit de corps should war or some other disaster come

During the 1990s and beyond, I began to see some incremental moves toward a more casual look for the Forces. Combats (fatigues) which were once strictly for the field seem to have largely pushed aside more formal office attire. Today we see casual, comfortable field combats in administrative offices, in the media press rooms and at ceremonial military events. Hair and dress regulations for women also have been relaxed.

I never have and never will dispute the ongoing need to make changes and modifications to dress policy and protocol to accommodate matters of operational necessity, pregnancy or religious accommodation. But popular lifestyle “fads” among youth do not deserve the same level of respect and compromise

But, maybe I am all wrong and the military’s new casual, self-customizable look is the way of the future. Perhaps I was just brainwashed by the old Cold War army ethos of the 1980s into thinking that drill, dress and deportment were fundamental to a military’s image, cohesion and morale. So maybe once the new hyper-casual dress code comes into effect this September, millennials will actually be lining up in droves to enlist, serve and fight?

Regardless, something positive will have to very quickly come out of the new hyper-casual dress code before the inevitable standup comedians and cartoonists in Canada and elsewhere inevitably start mocking Trudeau’s new Hippy Army.

– Robert Smol is a retired military intelligence officer who proudly wore the traditional, professional Canadian Armed Forces uniform for more than 20 years. [email protected]

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Postby Masato » Tue Jul 19, 2022 12:01 pm


IMO this means they are behind schedule, and panicking.

Watch for bold moves to be made. Watch for the people to not be fooled and react accordingly.

The plan will fail!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
But they will try. Listen to their update:

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Postby Masato » Fri Jul 29, 2022 3:53 pm

This is one of the 'world leaders' (Jacinda Arde, NZ) that executed some of the harshest lockdowns and vax segregation in the world.

Listen. She is telling you openly that her policies are directed by UN Agenda 2030 policies.
They will continue if people keep thinking NWO is just a 'conspiracy theory' lol


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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:45 pm

Happening right in front of our faces.

Mainstream media continues to keep people with their heads in the sand, unable to see it.

B20. They are discussing global vaccine passports for 'the next pandemic'.

Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesian Health Minister: “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you've been vaccinated or tested, then you can move around”

Schwab was also there saying some shit about how he's gonna boss around governments.

Trudeau was there saying some shit about censoring free speech online.

This is happening. The moment is here.

Budi Gunadi Sadikin, Indonesian Health Minister: “Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO. If you've been vaccinated or tested, then you can move around”

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Postby Masato » Tue Nov 15, 2022 10:17 pm

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Postby Masato » Thu Nov 17, 2022 9:36 pm

BREAKING: 14/11/22 - Queen #Máxima @ royal house gives speech UNSGSA and describes introduction of all inclusive social credit system. Netherlands should prepare for financial communism as part of the 'new normal'

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