Despotism by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films

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Despotism by Encyclopaedia Britannica Films

Postby Canuckster » Mon Oct 18, 2021 6:25 pm

Measures how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism. Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?

The companion Encyclopedia Britannica Film "Democracy" can be found here.

Illustrates the thesis that all communities can be ranged on a scale running from democracy to despotism. The two chief characteristics of despotism -- restricted respect and concentrated power -- are defined and illustrated. Two of the conditions which have historically promoted the growth of despotism are explained and exemplified. These are a slanted economic distribution and a strict control of the agencies of communication.
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Oct 21, 2021 4:13 pm

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Postby HOAXID19 » Fri Nov 12, 2021 8:31 am

Democracy is just Tyranny of the Majority and the National Socialist and the Taliban are right about banning it.

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Postby Luigi » Thu Nov 25, 2021 7:14 am

Historically it was the tyranny of the majority, now its just a mask for corporate oligarchy. Ultimately the continuum of political theory from the French Revolution to modern democracy will be viewed as a failed experiment.

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Postby HOAXID19 » Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:18 am

[quote="Luigi"]Historically it was the tyranny of the majority, now its just a mask for corporate oligarchy. Ultimately the continuum of political theory from the French Revolution to modern democracy will be viewed as a failed experiment.[/quote]

It's both now. Reproduction and sexual relations need to be controlled, just as the National Socialists warned about. Inevitably Capitalism leads to Communism and both of their ultimate goal is that of eternal slavery of humanity, and democracy is how both Capitalism and Communism thrive. The only roads to stopping White genocide and the enslavement of humanity is that of Fascism and National Socialism.

Democracy is not just civilizational suicide, it is also is intellectually and morally monstrous. It allows the ignorant and selfish masses to thrive and ultimately give (((them))) more power as well (Megatherium talked about this more than a year ago).

[quote="Megaterio Llamas"]I also plan to watch the movie Idiocracy. Just recently found out about it and it seems to foretell what is going on today in some ways. I had stopped watching movies before it came out.

Could they have deliberately discouraged high IQ people from having children in order to create a beast-like worker population to serve the elites in the future? This rings true to by recollection of the deep dark past. And I did sense at the time to some extent that we were a guinea pig population.



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Postby Luigi » Fri Nov 26, 2021 7:18 am

[quote="HOAXID19"][quote="Luigi"]Historically it was the tyranny of the majority, now its just a mask for corporate oligarchy. Ultimately the continuum of political theory from the French Revolution to modern democracy will be viewed as a failed experiment.[/quote]

It's both now. Reproduction and sexual relations need to be controlled, just as the National Socialists warned about. Inevitably Capitalism leads to Communism and both of their ultimate goal is that of eternal slavery of humanity, and democracy is how both Capitalism and Communism thrive. The only roads to stopping White genocide and the enslavement of humanity is that of Fascism and National Socialism.

Democracy is not just civilizational suicide, it is also is intellectually and morally monstrous. It allows the ignorant and selfish masses to thrive and ultimately give (((them))) more power as well (Megatherium talked about this more than a year ago).

[quote="Megaterio Llamas"]I also plan to watch the movie Idiocracy. Just recently found out about it and it seems to foretell what is going on today in some ways. I had stopped watching movies before it came out.

Could they have deliberately discouraged high IQ people from having children in order to create a beast-like worker population to serve the elites in the future? This rings true to by recollection of the deep dark past. And I did sense at the time to some extent that we were a guinea pig population.


How exactly does democracy make communism thrive? Arent they basically antithetical?

Also we can openly talk about Jewish people here.

You said you have Japanese heritage right? Do you also have European heritage? If not how did you become concerned with the social plights of White communities? It makes sense of course, the globalist blueprint can be used to subvert any nation and all nations should be concerned about this. But Im still curious about your personal experience engaging with these ideas.

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Postby HOAXID19 » Thu Dec 23, 2021 4:08 am

Luigi wrote:
HOAXID19 wrote:
Luigi wrote:Historically it was the tyranny of the majority, now its just a mask for corporate oligarchy. Ultimately the continuum of political theory from the French Revolution to modern democracy will be viewed as a failed experiment.

It's both now. Reproduction and sexual relations need to be controlled, just as the National Socialists warned about. Inevitably Capitalism leads to Communism and both of their ultimate goal is that of eternal slavery of humanity, and democracy is how both Capitalism and Communism thrive. The only roads to stopping White genocide and the enslavement of humanity is that of Fascism and National Socialism.

Democracy is not just civilizational suicide, it is also is intellectually and morally monstrous. It allows the ignorant and selfish masses to thrive and ultimately give (((them))) more power as well (Megatherium talked about this more than a year ago).

Megaterio Llamas wrote:I also plan to watch the movie Idiocracy. Just recently found out about it and it seems to foretell what is going on today in some ways. I had stopped watching movies before it came out.

Could they have deliberately discouraged high IQ people from having children in order to create a beast-like worker population to serve the elites in the future? This rings true to by recollection of the deep dark past. And I did sense at the time to some extent that we were a guinea pig population.

How exactly does democracy make communism thrive? Arent they basically antithetical?

Also we can openly talk about Jewish people here.

You said you have Japanese heritage right? Do you also have European heritage? If not how did you become concerned with the social plights of White communities? It makes sense of course, the globalist blueprint can be used to subvert any nation and all nations should be concerned about this. But Im still curious about your personal experience engaging with these ideas.

Capitalism and Democracy has allowed for Communism to thrive with stuff like the two-party democracy system (USA) and the Weimar Republic (Germany). Communism isn't anti-thetical to Democracy (contrary to popular belief) and both overthrew the Russian Tsar and did horrific atrocities. (((Karl Marx))) himself said that Capitalism and Democracy a stage to Communism (look at Afghanistan for another example).

Communism ultimately leads to Anarcho-Tyranny, like at the end of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and thus trapping people in a cycle. "Anarchy>Feudalism>Democracy>Capitalism>Communism" (Thankfully the Taliban took control of Afghanistan).

Yes, and I was born in Japan, but adopted by a White-American family shortly after being born, but to my knowledge, I am full-blooded Japanese. I have been passed around different families, including Non-White families, and the last family I lived with was a hispanic family.

The White families I have lived with have always treated me nicely, while the black families treated me like trash. The hispanic family did treat me okay though, but not as good as the White families.

I became concerned with the plight of White people worldwide when I watched documentaries like Europa: The Last Battle and Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told, after researching about the world for some time, along with on top of that, anti-White hatred such as the non-existent White "privilege" and White "guilt".

White people aren't privileged at all (there is Black privilege and Jewish privilege, however), and in fact, White men are most likely to commit suicide more than anyone else. Also, the destruction of the culture of Europeans/European-descended peoples has accelerated in the past few decades, while no other culture in the world is suffering from that at all (and it is extremely being pushed on Whites).

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Postby Luigi » Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:33 pm

I guess the idea is that democracy and capitalism induce an environment in which communism is attractive? Well it certainly seems true in the modern West, though I think most of the lefties envision a Swedish style socialized democracy model and just celebrate communism to be edgy LARPers.

Can you talk about the role of democracy in the Russian revolution? Its not an angle I had heard of until now.

I'm glad to know my kinfolk treated you well, hospitality is an ancient tradition of ours that has been surprisingly resilient against modernity and globalism. I remember reading the accounts of the first ambassadors of Japan to America, who said the hospitality was like being held in the hand of the Buddha.

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