your strangest spiritual experience

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your strangest spiritual experience

Postby Masato » Wed Sep 10, 2014 7:53 pm

Does unusual luck, coincidence, or synchronicity count as a 'spiritual experience'?

Like some freak odds or something that if it hadn't happened at just that time etc, that a significant part of your life/self would have never happened?

Does anyone sometimes feel a sort of 'scripted' nature to their lives?

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:53 pm

I remember back a number of years now when I first began looking into topics of this nature, I used to pass under street light and they would go out. A lot. A lot more than they ever did before and even now, there was a period of around 2 years where I would see this happen to me very frequently, sometimes several times a night.

It became so frequent that it kind of started freaking me out. And anyone who knows me, knows I'm not the type to be that way.

I tried discussing it with my wife, she would look at me funny and say I was nuts and that I was overstating what I was seeing.

Needless to say, my wife and I don't have discussions on that type of subject matter anymore.

To be honest, I kind of credit it with piquing my interest in the matters we discuss most on these forums today. Because it became so bad at one point I started googling just to see if anyone else had this particular issue, and too my surprise, they did.

The leading consensus on this seems to be that when you see streetlights go out like that when you pass under them, someone is trying to send you some type of message. Usually something considered to be your guardian angel

Well, I am not sure to this day whether or not I actually got the message, but my life and way of thinking really took a turn at that point in my life and I rarely if ever see it anymore.

Take it for what it is.
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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:58 pm

Canuckster wrote:I remember back a number of years now when I first began looking into topics of this nature, I used to pass under street light and they would go out. A lot. A lot more than they ever did before and even now, there was a period of around 2 years where I would see this happen to me very frequently, sometimes several times a night.

It became so frequent that it kind of started freaking me out. And anyone who knows me, knows I'm not the type to be that way.

I tried discussing it with my wife, she would look at me funny and say I was nuts and that I was overstating what I was seeing.

Needless to say, my wife and I don't have discussions on that type of subject matter anymore.

To be honest, I kind of credit it with piquing my interest in the matters we discuss most on these forums today. Because it became so bad at one point I started googling just to see if anyone else had this particular issue, and too my surprise, they did.

The leading consensus on this seems to be that when you see streetlights go out like that when you pass under them, someone is trying to send you some type of message. Usually something considered to be your guardian angel

Well, I am not sure to this day whether or not I actually got the message, but my life and way of thinking really took a turn at that point in my life and I rarely if ever see it anymore.

Take it for what it is.
I know that feeling of not being able to share stuff with people. Over the years of sharing stuff with people you realize that certain people wont believe and will either rationalize something as its all in your head or abruptly change the subject all together. Its like if they are not ready than they go hard core in the opposite direction. Ive ended up doing a thing where Im constantly dropping hints and talking about situations to see how people will react. Then I keep pushing bit by bit to see how much I can share with them, or how much they will share with me, until they hit that instant rationalize for you/change the subject zone.

I find it funny that we are filled with energy, but people think its weird that our energy could have an affect on other things filled with energy. I actually have to watch my temper closely. If I start to get really mad, then electronics around me will break. When they start acting funny is sometimes a warning sign for me that my energy isnt where it should be. Phone, computers, tv, whatever. Thhey just get unresponsive or do things on their own. I calm down and they go back to working normal if they didnt break.

The street light thing has happened to be a little bit. Ive also seen the many stories on the internet of it happening to others. Definitely a common one. Its cool how little things can help you realize there is much we arent tought about ourselves in schools

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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:05 pm

Masato wrote:Does unusual luck, coincidence, or synchronicity count as a 'spiritual experience'?

Like some freak odds or something that if it hadn't happened at just that time etc, that a significant part of your life/self would have never happened?

Does anyone sometimes feel a sort of 'scripted' nature to their lives?
I think they count. If you happen to be thinking a certain way or doing a certain thing every time something happens you pretty much have to block them out to not take notice. Just makes it easy for people to get carried away sometimes and make these things seem ridiculous to people not yet having weird little experiences here and there

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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:47 pm

Masato wrote:OK, since this is maybe the boldest thread yet here at MT, I thought as admin I should step up take the first hit. I have many spiritual stories, as attention in this area has been important to me most of my life. If others continue I will keep posting.

First of all, I'd like to note a big difference between spirituality and religion. The best I heard it summed up is by Joseph Campbell, who said; "My favourite definition of religion is mis-understood mythology."

The subject of the spiritual, religious, or philosophical person is always of the INTANGIBLE. The UN-DESCRIBABLE. Concepts of existence, spirit, or that which is not provable in the physical realm of the 5 senses.

Mythology is ANYTHING which helps orient a human being with this realm.


- so, I think if a thread like this is to work, we must be careful to define our terms, and understand that whatever words we use are only "fingers pointing at the moon" as Bruce Lee would say. "Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss out on all that heavenly glory!


In this sense, I have respect for ALL religions and mythologies, as long as they are used in this way. If they help a person to find that source... if they help the person make sense of, and navigate the realm of the spirit, then it is good.

It is only fanaticism that I abhor. "Finger-cults" to return to Lee's analogy, lol

The first real spiritual experience I had was maybe around 10 or 11 (?). My mother was religious (protestant christian), and thus I grew up going a lot to protestant churches. Through one of the churches we discovered a SUMMER BIBLE CAMP.

It was on an island, all the kids and parents would take a boat to get there, and then the parents would leave and come to pick them up again in a week. The kids would sleep in cabins with 'counsellors' divided by age and gender.

The camp was fucking AWESOME... but was way more focussed on religion than we suspected. (No way in hell I would send my kids there now as a parent, lol) The goal basically of the camp was to try to 'save' as many kids as possible. So inserted throughout the week of fun activities, was an underlying powerful sermon. Quite terrifying now in hindsight to be honest, it was basically a brainwashing camp, lol

ANYWAYS - if you know protestant lingo, the key to 'being saved' was to 'accept christ into your heart'.

Well one night returning to our cabin from a campfire of songs and Jesus-talk... I went up to my top-bunk in the corner, and in a strange state of mind, I did just that (whatever 'that' means, lol - remember I was only 11)

But let me tell you, when fundamentalist people talk about this moment to you, it is no joke. I was rolling in an ecstasy that I have rarely felt since. Everyone else in the cabin was sleeping, and I remember having a really hard time keeping quiet, as I wanted to cry out in joy! I also have a strange memory of feeling so confined trying to stay quiet, that I floated through the roof (I was on the top bunk, the roof was very close) where I could breathe and see the stars.

Whatever it was, it changed me forever. It woke me up to a spiritual life. It made me want to try to BE GOOD, and it was suddenly super-easy to know what that was, and what it wasn't.

It wasn't more than a few years later that I stopped going to church. I couldn't handle 'Jesus-talk' anymore, and found the symbols and language I heard in the churches to be over-simplistic and silly. I was interested in the deeper realities of spirit, and not the fairytales people kept repeating over and over in church.

But no matter how much I might egotistically profess that I'm not a christian... I CANNOT deny that experience.

What was it? What actually happened there in that bunk bed? Was it REALLY the spirit of Christ/Jesus?? A self-induced rush of endorphins? A roasted-marshmallow high? An over active imagination? Did those bastards spike our hot chocolates??

-Or is there something about the symbology of the christian tradition that can actually function as some sort of gateway or key to the spiritual realm?

I do not know.

But I know it happened, and I know that to this day it brings me peace, reassurance, and strength.

Go figure.
Years ago when I started reading books on spiritual stuff I dabbled with out of body stuffs. The first time it actually happened freaked me out a bit. Its like you think your ready for something crazy until it happens. I remember floating out of my body when I was asleep and kept getting closer and closer to the ceiling until I went through it then my brain got creeped out and I woke up. Then I did it again a day or 2 later with my mind a little more prepared, but I couldnt think of anywhere I wanted to go so I just calmly float back down. So I havnt really tried to get back into it again cuz I never know where to go. If I go floating out into space I dont know where Im going. I always have a feeling of no matter where I am at on Earth Im still just on Earth. When I go out of town or country everywhere feels the same to me

There was a little period of time in my early experimenting where everytime I went to sleep or took a nap, I would feel like I was awake, but I was asleep walking around or laying down. I was dreaming but I couldnt wake up. I kept waking up from my dream into another dream think, ok now Im awake, but I would be dreaming again. Everything in the dream looked just like what it would if I woke up and got out of bed and did whatever. It was so annoying. It got to the point where I wouldnt take a nap during the day because I knew it was going to happen. Would freak me out when I knew I was dreaming but couldnt wake up. Stuck in my body unable to move but dreaming. Then like usual, wake up but actually just be dreaming againI forgot how I got it to stop happening, but it was driving me nuts, because I knew it was gonna happen every time I went to sleep. Might of just been an early stage to get through with the out of body stuff. I cant remember

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 12, 2014 9:38 am

^ awesome posts

If u dig out of body stuff, I suggest you go listen to some vids from a guy named TOM CAMPBELL. Freaky shit, man. He's a former super-phycisist dude who late in his life came to a realization that matter does not bring about consciousness... CONSCIOUSNESS BRINGS ABOUT MATTER. His whole concept of reality got flipped and he focusses now on the nature of pure consciousness, and how he believes that directs the physical reality, as opposed to responding to it.

He has a whole system down for having Out-of-Body Experiences, claims to be able to do it at will every night. Says you can travel around and see things, and what you see is real. Trippy shit

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Postby Flying Eye Angle » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:18 am

Masato wrote:^ awesome posts

If u dig out of body stuff, I suggest you go listen to some vids from a guy named TOM CAMPBELL. Freaky shit, man. He's a former super-phycisist dude who late in his life came to a realization that matter does not bring about consciousness... CONSCIOUSNESS BRINGS ABOUT MATTER. His whole concept of reality got flipped and he focusses now on the nature of pure consciousness, and how he believes that directs the physical reality, as opposed to responding to it.

He has a whole system down for having Out-of-Body Experiences, claims to be able to do it at will every night. Says you can travel around and see things, and what you see is real. Trippy shit
Gonna check out his vids. Not for the body stuff but more just to here his view on things. The body stuff was a long time ago. More into inner and outer dimensional stuff. Ive learned that the more I work on my own cultivation and evolution then the trippy stuff happens without my pursuing them. Theyre like side effects or extras and reminders that Im on track

I see Tom Campbell is a physicist. I like his view on things so far. He is a rare type of person. The science community tends to follow science like its a religion. Like if we haven't figured out how to test something than it must be impossible and not worth trying to figure out. Have a feeling his videos will help in explaining things to scientific type people

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:33 am

Flying Eye Angle wrote:
Masato wrote:^ awesome posts

If u dig out of body stuff, I suggest you go listen to some vids from a guy named TOM CAMPBELL. Freaky shit, man. He's a former super-phycisist dude who late in his life came to a realization that matter does not bring about consciousness... CONSCIOUSNESS BRINGS ABOUT MATTER. His whole concept of reality got flipped and he focusses now on the nature of pure consciousness, and how he believes that directs the physical reality, as opposed to responding to it.

He has a whole system down for having Out-of-Body Experiences, claims to be able to do it at will every night. Says you can travel around and see things, and what you see is real. Trippy shit
Gonna check out his vids. Not for the body stuff but more just to here his view on things. The body stuff was a long time ago. More into inner and outer dimensional stuff. Ive learned that the more I work on my own cultivation and evolution then the trippy stuff happens without my pursuing them. Theyre like side effects or extras and reminders that Im on track

I see Tom Campbell is a physicist. I like his view on things so far. He is a rare type of person. The science community tends to follow science like its a religion. Like if we haven't figured out how to test something than it must be impossible and not worth trying to figure out. Have a feeling his videos will help in explaining things to scientific type people

So ironic that our culture would teach us to interpret these experiences the opposite way; that something is wrong with you and you need to see a doctor/buy some pharmaceuticals.

I believe most of what has been done to the human race has been a deliberate crushing of our spiritual understanding. It has all been taken from us, the Freudian and Darwinian models imposed on us, making the whole world seem purely mechanistic, and ideas of spirituality reduced to psychosis or chemical imbalance. Shamans and aboriginal cultures systematically wiped out, seers and mystics ridiculed. Hollywood gives us fantastic stories of ghosts and zombies that are far from the truth, and always, ALWAYS, we are taught to FEAR DEATH. It is always the worst of nightmares in movies, and the ultimate justice for the 'bad guy' (killing him). As if the good guy won't also die eventually too, lol. Fundamentalist churches are OK, but try setting up an ayahuasca retreat and see what you get, lol

I also believe the 'war on drugs' is a big part of this. They give us alcohol, which imo does not really enhance the spirit, but then they militantly keep us away from all the drugs that do. Demonize them, shame them. Keep that spiritual side of people quiet!!!!

We have had all the knowledge taken away from us!!

Yet, it always remains inside us. The truth is always ready to be experienced, as here it is! We only need take off our blinders and see without the taint of our cultural conditioning.

I like the way you think - when we get spiritual reminders, no matter how small, we KNOW it. We just do inside, we get a feeling that this is the right path. And FUCK society or scientists or doctors that try to explain shit away.

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Postby Masato » Fri Sep 12, 2014 10:40 am

Canuckster; were there any other notable sensations whenever this happened?

Would it happen regardless of your mood or thoughts? Any kind of mental or emotional feeling corresponding with the experiences, before or after?

Seems there could be a more rational explanation, but if you feel there was something else involved I can respect

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Postby Canuckster » Sat Sep 13, 2014 11:51 am

Masato wrote:Canuckster; were there any other notable sensations whenever this happened?

Would it happen regardless of your mood or thoughts? Any kind of mental or emotional feeling corresponding with the experiences, before or after?

Seems there could be a more rational explanation, but if you feel there was something else involved I can respect

I don't specifically remember anything in that regard, although it may have played a part. Who's to say what it really was.

That's the problem with spirituality, it's all subjective and open to an individual's interpretation with no way to verify any of it.

I do know that I have yet to see it occur since I changed my perspective on life. That's a fact. As far as a reasonable explanation on why I can't give. The lights are connected to a photocell and driven by a high voltage ballast and for it. To happen over and over in numerous locations all over the province? I cannot say. The only thing for sure is its connected to the timeline of a major shift in me and it was significant enough to make me take notice.

Also will watch tom Campbell vids, thanks
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