Is some art driven by fear of impermanence?

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Is some art driven by fear of impermanence?

Postby Masato » Sun Jan 06, 2019 12:59 am

Had a thought that’s been haunting me lately;

So much of art, whether it be literary, visual, or musical is motivated by a desire to capture a moment in time, a story or a life. To preserve some insight into life, some wisdom gained. Or to immortalize a person or event, etc. Or simple poetry, hoping to capture a single moment or flavour in time, never to be experienced again in quite the same way. Often the best artworks are so written by experience, or sung about true tales that ring with authenticity, a window into stories long past.

Could this drive to make such art stem from an unconscious fear that such things precious to us will disappear and be forgotten?

I think about those Tibetan sand art things that they destroy right after they finish. Or even contemplating theatre/stage plays in the sense that when it’s over its over. Not like a book that can survive hundreds of years, or a recording or film that can be listened to or watched over and over. Some things only happen once then slip through our fingers.

If this is so, how do you see this act of trying to preserve an experience of time? Act of fools? Or great recorders of human history? Done from fear of impermanence, or from an understandings of impermanence?

Just some thoughts

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Edge Guerrero
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:49 pm

- Some forms of arts like musics, writing, look like they only fit that especial period of time they where developed.

As a comic-book reader for example, ithink that some characters like Super-man wherent made to last that much, they where made just to be at that time, but for some reason they become such a part of modern story. So in my opinion several of the arts that we se where made just for that time, but for some reason they endend lastingor even become engrued on our culture!

Art initially started as a form to preserve a special part of time, sad that several of that work got destroyed.

1, 2 you hear the clock ticking?
Tick-tock, you're about to stop living
Tick-tock, I want you to remember me
Tick-tock, but the day don't have no memory.
- I rent this space for advertising

Don't be selfish, preserve this world for the next generations.

I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back I'll fight to remain

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Postby Masato » Sun Jan 06, 2019 10:50 pm

Some art, whether literary, visual, theatrical or musical etc... become timeless when they touch upon a truth or a theme that is archetypal in the human experience. Something that rings true in any era or time or place, something divine that everyone can connect to

This is the highest art imo, and rare

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