Hamas goin off

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Re: Hamas goin off

Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Oct 31, 2023 9:29 pm

Gaza has become a ‘graveyard’ for thousands of children: UN
An average of 420 Palestinian children have been killed or injured every day in the Gaza Strip since October 7.

The Gaza Strip is now a graveyard for thousands of children, the United Nations has said, as it warned of the prospect of more dying of dehydration amid Israel’s war on the besieged enclave.

The Israeli army has widened its air and ground attacks on Gaza – including houses and hospitals – which has been under relentless air raids since the surprise offensive by the Palestinian group Hamas on October 7 that killed 1,400 people in Israel, according to Israeli officials.

More than 8,500 Palestinians, mostly children and women, have been killed, Gaza’s health ministry said.

“Our gravest fears about the reported numbers of children killed becoming dozens, then hundreds, and ultimately thousands were realised in just a fortnight,” James Elder, a spokesperson for the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), said in a statement on Tuesday.

“The numbers are appalling; reportedly more than 3,450 children killed; staggeringly this rises significantly every day.”

“Gaza has become a graveyard for thousands of children. It’s a living hell for everyone else.”

Catherine Russell, the executive director of UNICEF, also said that at least 6,300 children have been injured due to the Israeli attacks.

This means that on average, 420 Palestinian children are killed or injured every day in the Gaza Strip, she explained.

“These numbers should shock and shake us to the core,” Russell said.

The body called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire, with all access crossings into the Gaza Strip opened for the safe, sustained and unimpeded access of humanitarian aid, including water, food, medical supplies, and fuel.

“And if there is no ceasefire, no water, no medicine, and no release of abducted children? Then we hurtle towards even greater horrors afflicting innocent children,” said Elder.

The spokesman said that according to figures from health faculties in Gaza, some 940 children were missing.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) spokesman Jens Laerke added: “It’s almost unbearable to think about children buried under rubble, but [with] very little opportunity or possibility for getting them out.”

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:42 pm

Israel's Gaza attack 'beyond proportionality', Norway says


Israel is breaking the rules of modern warfare in Gaza, Norway's prime minister has said.

"I believe this is beyond proportionality," Norway's prime minister Jonas Gahr Støre told EUobserver in Oslo on Tuesday (31 October).

"The humanitarian consequences for civilians are catastrophic — the number of casualties, the amount of destruction, and especially the enormous burden carried by children is, as we see it, in breach of what humanitarian norms and standards require," he said.

Gahr Støre spoke in the margins of a yearly meeting of eight Nordic leaders and MPs that was held in the Norwegian parliament, the Storting.

Israel has killed more than 8,000 people in the Gaza Strip, according to local health authorities, after Palestinian group Hamas, which rules Gaza, killed 1,400 Israelis in a dawn raid on 7 October.

Article 51 of the Geneva Conventions, a post-WW2 international rulebook, says: "Launching an attack which may be expected to cause incidental loss of civilian life ... which would be excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated, is prohibited".

"Israel knows that we condemn Hamas' terror and that we defend Israel's right to defend itself. We demand that hostages [being held by Hamas] are released," Gahr Støre added.

"At the same time, we require that proportionality is respected. And the extent of destruction and the humanitarian suffering happening now is beyond that", he said.

The Gaza war has prompted pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protests in European cities, as well as a spike in antisemitic incidents.

And a sea of Palestinian flags outside the Storting on Tuesday swelled as leaders spoke and the year's first snowflakes began to fall from grey skies outside the parliament's panoramic windows.

Protesters also played loud audio of what sounded like Gaza air-strikes, which nearly drowned out Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg when he spoke in the plenary chamber.

But for Gahr Støre, this was "no problem".

"There are several hundred demonstrations every year. Some of them are noisy. Some of them are not noisy. As long as they are peaceful, as long as they're respectful and following [the] guidance of the police, it is perfectly OK," he said.

The Oslo summit came shortly after EU leaders met in Brussels on 27 October and called for a "humanitarian pause" in Gaza, which Israel ignored.

Asked if Norway had any power to rein in Israeli aggression, Gahr Støre said: "We can speak out, we can vote in the United Nations, we can ask for humanitarian support so that help can come in and foreign people can come out."

Norway is a close Nato ally of EU and Nordic states.

It voted in favour of a non-binding Jordanian resolution in the UN in New York on 27 October calling for an "immediate, durable, and sustained humanitarian truce" between Israeli forces and Hamas.

But it was the only Nordic nation that did so, highlighting how divisive the war has been among European friends.

The New York vote came just a few hours after 27 EU leaders agreed a joint statement in Brussels, but it split the EU into three groups.

Belgium, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovenia, and Spain joined the large majority (120 out of 183) of UN members who voted in favour.

Austria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary rejected the resolution together with the US and Israel.

The other 15 EU states (Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Finland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Sweden) abstained.

For his part, Nato's Stoltenberg, who is a former Norwegian prime minister, said in Oslo on Tuesday: "We condemn Hamas's terror against Israel."

"At the same time, it is important that Israel's response takes place within international law, that civilian lives are protected and that humanitarian aid reaches Gaza", he added.

But Denmark's prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, took a more pro-Israeli line, even though she is from the same social-democrat political family as Gahr Støre and Stoltenberg.

Frederiksen focused on antisemitic incidents in Europe instead of the Gaza bombardment.

"It is very clear, in Denmark, that it has become more dangerous to be a Jew. Quite a few of our Jewish minorities are no longer wearing their religious symbols, even in the streets of Copenhagen," she told the Storting debate.

"With that, we break the promise we made after the Second World War that it would never again be dangerous to be a Jew in Europe," Frederiksen added.


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:51 pm

The UN is in disarray over the Israel-Hamas war
It’s an emotional time for an institution whose staffers are being killed in Gaza while Russia and the United States feud at the Security Council.

The state of Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians is nearly as old as the United Nations. But it’s hardly ever caused as much havoc at the typically staid institution as it has in the last month.

Israeli officials have called for the secretary-general to resign, a top human rights official stepped down with an angry letter invoking “genocide,” and diplomats on a paralyzed U.N. Security Council are upbraiding each other for being too soft on Hamas, the militant group that attacked Israel on Oct. 7.

The frustration is palpable in Turtle Bay, the New York neighborhood home to the U.N. headquarters, diplomats and officials say. It courses through WhatsApp messages and the corridors. Informal meetings on totally unrelated topics inevitably turn toward the Middle East.

And it’s getting worse as the body count rises — a number that already includes more than 70 U.N. employees.

“You can feel that tension — it’s definitely a big crisis. The numbers are absolutely staggering,” said one diplomat from a Security Council member country, who like others, was granted anonymity to candidly discuss a sensitive issue. “This adds to the frustration that you will sort of sense in the hallways at the U.N.”

The drama revives the question of whether the United Nations is a useful forum for solving problems or just one to air grievances. Moscow and Beijing are using the moment to erode U.S. influence with countries that identify with the Palestinian cause and resent how their own needs are ignored by Washington.

Richard Gowan, a U.N. analyst with the International Crisis Group, a think tank, said that during many moments of upheaval, U.N. diplomats spar in public but are affable with one another otherwise. “I am hearing that the mood in private is much edgier this time around,” Gowan said.

The new war began when Hamas stormed southern Israel and killed some 1,400 people while taking more than 200 hostage. Israel has since laid siege to the Gaza Strip, launching airstrikes and sending in ground troops. At least 9,000 Palestinians are believed to have been killed, most of them civilians, according to reports citing health officials in the Hamas-controlled territory.

The initial Hamas attack drew denunciations from many corners of the U.N., including Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. But the Security Council — the U.N.’s most powerful body — was immediately riven. While the U.S. demanded countries condemn Hamas by name, some countries reportedly refused — opting for generic condemnations of attacks on civilians.

In the days since, Russia and the United States have quarreled over the texts of potential Security Council resolutions, each accusing the other of bad faith and offering varying descriptions of where they really stand. Members diverge on whether to call for a cease-fire, whether to say Israel has the right to self-defense and whether to even mention the initial attack in statements.

The United States in particular has resisted calls for a cease-fire, saying such a move would undercut Israel’s ability to defend itself, instead backing “humanitarian pauses” — lulls in fighting that could last as little as a few hours.

Russia and to a lesser extent China — who, like the U.S., wield veto power on the council — have led the opposition to the United States. Other countries, including Brazil and the United Arab Emirates, have also played key roles.

So far, no resolution related to the Israel-Hamas war has passed the 15-member body. Russian-backed ones have received too few votes. A Brazilian-led one that earned enough votes was vetoed by the U.S., while a U.S.-led one with enough votes was vetoed by Russia and China.

But the 193-member U.N. General Assembly, where the great powers lack vetoes, overwhelmingly passed a non-binding resolution led by Jordan and other Arab states that called for a humanitarian truce. The measure ultimately passed with 121 votes in favor, 14 against and 44 abstentions.

The United States voted against it, partly because it failed to specifically mention Hamas or the hostages. But even some traditional U.S. allies, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, abstained instead of siding with the United States. France supported the resolution. A Canadian amendment that would have addressed some U.S. and Israeli concerns failed to pass. The U.S. allies in particular have struggled to maintain a variety of interests, including a desire to keep good ties with Arab countries without necessarily upsetting Israel or America.

The results were a striking contrast to U.S.-led resolutions against Russia’s war on Ukraine, which received more than 140 votes. Now, Russia — which has killed numerous Ukrainian civilians and abducted thousands of Ukrainian children — is casting itself as a champion of human rights.

Dmitry Polyanskiy, a senior Russian diplomat at the United Nations, said Russia had no problem calling out Hamas for its brutal attacks, but that Israel and the United States should acknowledge the assault was preceded by decades of Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

He also insisted Russia targets Ukrainian military infrastructure, not civilians. If the U.S. wants to condemn atrocities, he said, “why don’t they condemn what Israel is doing in Gaza?”

U.S. diplomats at the United Nations dismissed Russia’s tactics as ludicrous, noting that U.S. leaders have repeatedly called for Israel to protect civilian lives. As far as America’s standing? They argued that this current crisis won’t affect the U.S. ability to rally countries around other issues, including Ukraine.
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Nov 07, 2023 10:53 pm

“One-sided resolutions, whether they are put forward in the Security Council or the General Assembly, will not help to advance peace,” said Nathan Evans, spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. “The only thing that Russia has contributed to this effort are failed resolutions that the vast majority of the Security Council has opposed.”

The modern state of Israel was established in the late 1940s, just a few years after the United Nations, and it has long been a lightning rod at the international body. Its very creation sparked a war. It is often the target of ire from other countries, especially Muslim-majority ones, at the U.N. (In fact, U.S. diplomats argue that recent U.N. votes are in line with past ones related to Israel.)

In a sense, the debates at the United Nations mirror the infighting at other institutions — from the U.S. State Department to the European Union’s executive bodies — over how to approach this new Middle East war. But the reflections are not exactly the same: There has long been more overt sympathy for the Palestinians within the U.N. than, say, the United States government.

This time, the actions of the Israeli ambassador, Gilad Erdan, have startled many in the U.N. system, where decorum is prized.

During at least one U.N. gathering, Erdan wore a yellow star patch on his suit — a reference to an identifying measure used against Jews during the Holocaust. Erdan also has called for the resignation of Guterres, the secretary-general, who has supported a cease-fire and pointed to the long history of Palestinian suffering in discussing the current war.

Israeli officials accused Guterres of effectively justifying the Hamas attack, even though he has condemned them. But Erdan’s call for Guterres to step down galled some U.N.-based diplomats who said Guterres often takes positions that run against the interests of an individual state if he believes it’s in line with U.N. principles.

Erdan said he has no choice in a system he described as tilted against Israel and sympathetic to terrorism by Palestinians who seek to eradicate his country.

“Sometimes I need to shock the U.N. bodies to show them what we truly think about how they treat Israel with double standards that they do not apply to any other country in the world,” he said.

The United Nations, he argued, “can be relevant only to allow countries to explain their decisions and acts. But surely it cannot be the arena now to solve any kind of conflicts.”

The fissures at the U.N. are going beyond the member states and affecting staffers who work for various parts of the institution, such as its refugee and health divisions.

Craig Mokhiber, a U.N. human rights official, wrote a letter on his way out of the job in which he bemoaned the U.N.’s failure to stop what he called a “textbook case of genocide” against the Palestinian people. The letter quickly went public and viral.

There’s distress over the dozens of U.N. employees killed in the war. Many were based in Gaza and died in apparent Israeli bombings. While working for the U.N. abroad often comes with risks, such a large death toll in a short period is rare for the institution.

Inside U.N. offices in New York and beyond, the conversations are often personal. Many Israeli and Palestinian staffers who sit together in various U.N. agencies and try to tackle global challenges have already lost loved ones in the war.

“The U.N. is so unique as a working environment,” one diplomat at the world body said. “People aren’t screaming at each other in the halls or anything like that. It’s just emotional.”

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat Nov 11, 2023 11:09 pm

Israel's war on Hamas homes in on Gaza hospitals

By Nidal Al-Mughrabi and Maytaal Angel
November 11, 20237:51 PM GMT-3Updated an hour ago

Surgeon at Al Shifa hospital says 500 patients still there
Israel says it is not shooting at hospital and people can leave
Palestinian Red Cross reports intense shooting at Al-Quds hospital
Islamic Jihad fighters say they are clashing with Israeli forces near hospitals

GAZA/JERUSALEM, Nov 11 (Reuters) - Palestinian officials said two babies had died and dozens more were at risk after fuel ran out at Gaza's largest hospital on Saturday, while Israel said it was ready to evacuate babies from the facility.

As the humanitarian situation worsened, the Gaza's border authority announced that the Rafah land crossing into Egypt would reopen on Sunday for foreign passport holders after being closed on Friday.

Amid continued fighting, Hamas said it had completely or partially destroyed more than 160 Israeli military targets in Gaza, including more than 25 vehicles in the past 48 hours.

But an Israeli military spokesperson said Hamas had lost control of northern Gaza.

The Israeli military will help evacuate babies trapped in Gaza's Al Shifa Hospital, chief military spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said.

"The staff of the Shifa hospital has requested that tomorrow we help the babies in the pediatric department to get to a safer hospital. We will provide the assistance needed," Hagari told a news conference.

Israel said earlier that doctors, patients and thousands of evacuees who have taken refuge at hospitals in northern Gaza must leave so it can tackle Hamas gunmen who it says have placed command centres under and around them.

Hamas denies using hospitals in this way. Medical staff say patients could die if they are moved and Palestinian officials say Israeli fire makes it dangerous for others to leave.

"It's totally a war zone, it's a totally scary atmosphere here in the hospital," Ahmed al-Mokhallalati, a senior plastic surgeon at Al Shifa hospital, told Reuters. "It's continuous bombardment for more than 24 hours now."

Most of the hospital staff and people sheltering at the hospital had left, he said, but 500 patients were still there.

The Israeli military denied endangering the hospital.

"There are clashes between IDF (Israel Defense Forces) troops and Hamas terrorist operatives around the hospital. There is no shooting at the hospital and there is no siege," said Colonel Moshe Tetro, head of coordination and liaison at COGAT, the Israeli defence ministry body handling civil affairs in Gaza.

A Palestinian health ministry spokesman said Israeli shelling had killed a patient in intensive care.

Ashraf Al-Qidra, who represents the health ministry in Hamas-controlled Gaza, said Israeli army snipers on the rooftops of buildings near the hospital fired into the medical complex from time to time, limiting people's ability to move.

"We are besieged inside the Al Shifa Medical Complex, and the (Israeli) occupation has targeted most of the buildings inside," he told Reuters by phone.

The hospital suspended operations after fuel ran out, Qidra said, adding that two babies had died in an incubator, where there were 45 babies in total.

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Postby Megaterio Llamas » Tue Nov 14, 2023 12:16 pm

Greta weighing in:

el rey del mambo

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Postby Diet Butcher » Wed Nov 15, 2023 7:07 pm

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Postby Masato » Wed Nov 15, 2023 8:56 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:https://twitter.com/zensunni_/status/1724535204675539042?s


Owen Benjamin?

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Postby Masato » Thu Nov 16, 2023 1:48 am

This seems encouraging:

ADL director secret recording show they have lost control of the Gen Z generation, their propaganda is not working.
Panic mode.
He actually suggests 'targeting' the entire generation with brainwashing tactics.

not gonna work imo. I have faith in the kids, I think they will grow through the bullshit and start figuring shit out sooner than you know it.

"Tehran Times leaks a confidential recording that reveals the director of ADL's concerns about public opinion in United States, especially among Generation Z, aka Zoomers. Expect a smear campaign against Gen Z."

Jonathan Greenblatt-ADL Director

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Postby Masato » Fri Dec 08, 2023 2:26 pm

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