"Kenyota" idea feedback.

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"Kenyota" idea feedback.

Postby Som-Pong » Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:11 am

I trust pretty much everyone at first. I've been caught up in some bad shit for it but I have friends from every walk of life. I am happy about it.

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Postby SRBrant » Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:56 pm

Masato wrote:^ not a barter economy... a 'gift' economy.

Its a whole shift of perception and energy. He's talking about a 180 degree reversal of what money has done to our consciousness.

There was a Russel Crow movie called 'A Beautiful Mind' about a mathematician named Nash who invented 'Game Theory'. The title of that movie is ironic because Game theory is basically a capitalist business model that says never trust anyone and that its OK to fuck over your competitors, lol

I have long proposed that a TOTAL INVERSE of Nash's Game Theory would have just as powerful results.

This is sort of what Eisenstein is talking about, and also what I am sensing in your KS Meritocracy ideas.

Keep shifting, brother... its weird but we need to keep bringing these concepts into focus

I prefer a form of game theory that fucks over whoever preys on the weak for personal gain and I mean fucking them over HARD.

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