Thoughts on coronavirus...

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Re: Thoughts on coronavirus...

Postby Masato » Sat Apr 17, 2021 6:19 pm

Canuckster wrote:
Megaterio Llamas wrote:II'll be sure to have my proof handy at all times.

Heck, you always have your phone with you anyways...


Proof of immunization

"You will have the option to receive a paper and digital copy of your immunization record card. We recommend registering for Health Gateway, where your digital immunization record card will be available only after you receive the vaccine.

Note: Health Gateway is not a source of vaccine or immunization information.

Your immunization record will be also be stored in the online provincial database, accessible to you, public health and your doctor."

Example of a paper immunization record card:


Health Gateway eh. Sounds about right ;)

Im pretty sure masato could make up one of these lickety split

I could, yes. Not sure how to laminate into a nice plastic card though.

Also don't know how to hack the database system to get on the digital roster.

My brother has been hired to develop that system for the BC government. I will try to twist his arm to sneak me in lol but I don't think he will

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Postby Rambo John J » Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:57 pm

Masato wrote:
Rambo John J wrote:
penxv wrote:It doesn't matter if it's real or not, if you're worried about it then you are sabotaging your entire immune system.

Helluva sentence

The Weapon of Suggestion is on full display

Hey Rambo! how you doing?

What's life like in your place in the world? How you keeping up?

Nice to see ya again


I'm doing great, haven't missed a day of work in years and business grows each year.

Still surprised to see how low the IQ of the masses is, this plandemic exposed them sadly.

My area NW USA is dumb as fuck...we love playing "pandemic"...a permanent mask rule has been on the table for my state.
They say it wouldn't necessarily be permanent but we know how that goes...moving goalposts etc...

Vaccines and Masks are highly political here and I live in a "blue" state so Divide and Conquer is winning the day as usual.

I know a guy who is having kidney issues after being hospitalized the day he got vaccinated...Have yet to meet a person who had a bad bout with coronaviruses this year.

Hope all you guys are well and happy.

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:36 pm

Canada: Scientists & MDs Urge the Province of Ontario to Hold an Open Scientific Debate ... ic-debate/

A group of 9 scientists and medical doctors from Ontario has issued a challenge to the provincial premier Doug Ford, calling for an open scientific debate to urgently take place, at the latest by May 7th. (voir version française)

While focused on Ontario, this letter is perfectly applicable to the other provinces and territories of Canada, which have all adopted similar measures as those implemented in Ontario.

The letter calls for a review of all the key aspects of the Ontarian response to the pandemic, including “early multidrug treatment measures, proven to be highly effective … (and) … not being employed to save lives in Ontario,”

“We are formally asking for a public forum with the Premier and his COVID-19 response team, in order to provide Ontarians with a transparent discussion of the complete data to date and the various strategies used over the year, today and in the future in relation to the Provincial response to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic.”

The topics to be covered would include, but not be limited to:

-What are the actual dangers of SARS-CoV-2 by age group and steps taken to protect those in long-term care and the most vulnerable, age 60 and older with co-morbidities?

-What is the rationale for the current vaccine roll-out and alteration to the manufacturers’ recommended vaccination protocols?

-What controls are in place to limit the number of cycles used in performing PCR tests to 30 cycles to avoid undue false positives inflating the cases reported?

-Identification and review of supporting science and corresponding data that led the province to their conclusions that the approach in use was, and is, appropriate, and not worth revision as the crisis evolved over the past 12+ months.

-How effective are stringent population-wide restrictions (lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates, and stay at home orders) at controlling the pandemic and are they the best response given the collateral damage?

-Why have early multidrug treatment measures, proven to be highly effective and including but not limited to ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, azithromycin and other compounds used routinely in other countries, not being employed to save lives in Ontario, an action that would virtually eliminate the perceived need for lockdowns, school closures, masking among other things.

-What are the priorities in the management of the pandemic and how can we shift the response from fear to confidence?

>> First Ambulatory Treatment Recommended for COVID-19 in Canada

“For over a year the Government of Ontario has used a blanket non-targeted and population-wide approach using measures that now appear to be, at best, arbitrary and worse capricious. These have led to unnecessary death of our seniors and collateral damage to our society’s mental health, deaths of despair, drug overdoses (intentional or not), alcoholism, suicidal ideation and worse.”

“The education of our children has been hurt beyond comprehension. Similarly, knowing that the school environment is often the 1st place where evidence for child abuse or certain illnesses are initially recognized the impact on the health of our children has been very damaging. The incidence of presentation to emergency departments of parents with injured children caused by child abuse has increased dramatically! And of course, the impact on our children’s education and development has been horrible.”

“Ontarians with severe illnesses, small businesses, and our economy have suffered immeasurable harms. In the interest of the 14.7 million people living in this Province, we want to provide all of them with a transparent discussion of the data, facts, and alternatives so we can all make an informed, collective decisions on how best to move forward with the interests of every demographic in mind.”

Signatories are:

Dr. H. C. Tenenbaum (Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto),
Dr. B. A. Mallard (Professor of Immunogenetics, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph,
Dr. B. W. Bridle (Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph),
Dr. M Palmer (Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Waterloo),
Dr. P.E. Alexander (Assistant Professor of Health Research Methodology, Evidence-Based-Medicine, Department of Health Research, McMaster University),
Dr. D. DeCunha (Clinical and Chief Psychologist, Psychology Works, Toronto),
Dr. P. Oldfield (PhD, Independent Scientific/Regulatory Consultant, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry),
Dr. L. Rapson (Assistant Professor Department of Family & Community Medicine U of Toronto),
Dr. I. Bernstein, (B.Sc., M.D.,C.C.F.P., F.C.F.P., Lecturer, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Toronto).

Here is a PDF of the complete letter: ... _Forum.pdf

Ontario Premier Doug Ford Open Scientific Debate Challenge
Today we are making a formal request of the Ontario Premier, Doug Ford, and his pandemic response team,
including the Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. David Williams, to join a multidisciplinary team in an open
academic discussion, to be held publically, about the events surrounding Ontario’s pandemic response over
the last year and into the future.
This request for an open debate is similar to the one requested of the Premier of Alberta, Jason Kenney, and
his Covid-19 Task Force on March 29, 2021. We believe the Canadian public across all provinces deserves to
hear an open debate of all the facts so they can stay informed about the various points of view expressed by
highly qualified Canadian scientists. These are experts in the fields of clinical medicine, biology, immunology,
virology, epidemiology, and infectious diseases.
 Dr. H. C. Tenenbaum (Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Toronto),
 Dr. B. A. Mallard (Professor of Immunogenetics, Department of Pathobiology, University of Guelph,
 Dr. B. W. Bridle (Associate Professor of Viral Immunology, Department of Pathobiology, University of
 Dr. M Palmer (Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Waterloo),
 Dr. P.E. Alexander (Assistant Professor of Health Research Methodology, Evidence-Based-Medicine,
Department of Health Research, McMaster University),
 Dr. D. DeCunha (Clinical and Chief Psychologist, Psychology Works, Toronto),
 Dr. P. Oldfield (PhD, Independent Scientific/Regulatory Consultant, Fellow of the Royal Society of
 Dr. L. Rapson (Assistant Professor Department of Family & Community Medicine U of Toronto),
 Dr. I. Bernstein, (B.Sc., M.D.,C.C.F.P., F.C.F.P., Lecturer, Department of Family and Community
Medicine, University of Toronto).
We are formally asking for a public forum with the Premier and his COVID-19 response team, in order to
provide Ontarians with a transparent discussion of the complete data to date and the various strategies used
over the year, today and in the future in relation to the Provincial response to the SARS CoV-2 pandemic. The
event moderator(s) is to be agreed. All biographies will be made available upon request.
This event is being organized in direct response to ongoing societal lockdown and closure restrictions
(including school closures), the sub-optimal vaccine roll-out, lack of treatment options, the handling of the
virus in long-term care homes, hospitals, as well as with other vulnerable demographic groups, and the impact
these have had on the province and the overall health and wellbeing of all Ontarians.
The topics we want to cover include, but are not limited to:
1. What are the actual dangers of SARS-CoV-2 by age group and steps taken to protect those in long-term
care and the most vulnerable, age 60 and older with co-morbidities?
2. What is the rationale for the current vaccine roll-out and alteration to the manufacturers’
recommended vaccination protocols?
Ontario Premier Doug Ford Open Scientific Debate Challenge
3. What controls are in place to limit the number of cycles used in performing PCR tests to 30 cycles to
avoid undue false positives inflating the cases reported?
4. Identification and review of supporting science and corresponding data that led the province to their
conclusions that the approach in use was, and is, appropriate, and not worth revision as the crisis
evolved over the past 12+ months.
5. How effective are stringent population-wide restrictions (lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates,
and stay at home orders) at controlling the pandemic and are they the best response given the
collateral damage?
6. Why have early multidrug treatment measures, proven to be highly effective and including but not
limited to ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, doxycycline, azithromycin and other compounds used
routinely in other countries, not being employed to save lives in Ontario, an action that would virtually
eliminate the perceived need for lockdowns, school closures, masking among other things.
7. What are the priorities in the management of the pandemic and how can we shift the response from
fear to confidence?
For over a year the Government of Ontario has used a blanket non-targeted and population-wide approach
using measures that now appear to be, at best, arbitrary and worse capricious. These have led to unnecessary
death of our seniors and collateral damage to our society’s mental health, deaths of despair, drug overdoses
(intentional or not), alcoholism, suicidal ideation and worse.
The education of our children has been hurt beyond comprehension. Similarly, knowing that the school
environment is often the 1st place where evidence for child abuse or certain illnesses are initially recognized
the impact on the health of our children has been very damaging. The incidence of presentation to emergency
departments of parents with injured children caused by child abuse has increased dramatically! And of
course, the impact on our children’s education and development has been horrible.
Ontarians with severe illnesses, small businesses, and our economy have suffered immeasurable harms. In the
interest of the 14.7 million people living in this Province, we want to provide all of them with a transparent
discussion of the data, facts, and alternatives so we can all make an informed, collective decisions on how best
to move forward with the interests of every demographic in mind.
Where: Online event with details to be determine upon acceptance of the Ontario Government and
the Chief Medical Officer of Health.
When: Within a week to two given the urgent nature of the situation in Ontario. We request that
that a date be agreed upon between April 26 and May 7, 2021.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Apr 22, 2021 10:40 pm

-14 months to flaten the curve
- I rent this space for advertising

Don't be selfish, preserve this world for the next generations.

I'll never long for what might have been
Regret won't waste my life again
I won't look back I'll fight to remain

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Postby Canuckster » Fri Apr 23, 2021 2:04 am

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Wed Apr 28, 2021 3:38 pm

"Covid Lockdown Cost/Benefits:
Critical Assessment of Literature"

Dr Douglas Allen, PhD, Cdn Prof of Economics, Simon Fraser Univ examined >80 Covid studies: "possible lockdown will go down as one of greatest peacetime policy failures in Canada's history"


2/ "By late April 2020, it was already known that:
i) empirical predictions of SIRS based models were wrong
ii) that the models made a number of questionable assumptions
iii) that the deaths were highly skewed to the elderly
iv) that the costs were large"

3/ "By August 2020, there was enough information available to show that any reasonable cost/benefit analysis would show that lockdown was creating more harm than good. It is unreasonable to suggest that a proper decision could not have been made in the fall."

4/ In Canada, plausible "benefit of lockdown was avoidance of extra 22,333 yrs of lost life. However, cost of lockdown was 6,300,000 yrs of lost life"

Dr Allen concludes overall long-term societal harms of lockdowns in Canada alone are a staggering 282X worse than any supposed benefit

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Postby Masato » Fri Apr 30, 2021 5:26 pm



Death due to COVID-19 parties could lead to manslaughter charges ... -1.5408590

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Postby Masato » Tue May 04, 2021 11:04 pm

Trudeau openly siding with 'Allies' to push for global vaccine passport ID system:

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Postby Masato » Thu May 13, 2021 4:10 pm

More on Trudeau now with 'G20 Partners' to push vaccine passports. He is 1000% Globalist


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Postby Masato » Thu May 13, 2021 4:21 pm


This is absurd and disgusting seriously

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