Who here gets into Halloween?

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Who here gets into Halloween?

Postby Masato » Tue Oct 14, 2014 5:42 pm

Hey all

What are your Halloween plans? Who's gotz kidz?

There is a street in my town that goes halloween crazy every year, the whole street is done up and people come from all around to trick or treat, its great.

My kids are ripe trick or treat age so its fun to do it with them.

Is anyone planning to make a costume?

I'll try to find some of the costumes we've made

I need to come up with something for me but no ideas yet. I don't like to put too much work, just something simple yet fun and creative


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Postby greenseed » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:06 pm

my dad instilled a concrete hatred of halloween in me. He gave out bags of cut carrots and apple slices a few years but then stopped completely. I never really understood why he hates it until a few years ago when i realized it's just another holiday/tradition that has been commercialized to death while encouraging children to gorge on sugar until they shit their pants. As well as all the trash created from all the plastic decorations to the one use dick costumes. Not gonna lie I used to enjoy trick or treating as a kid till i was 12 or so and I have enjoyed a few very fun costume parties in my 20s, but this year i'll probably get together with some friends and make some pizzas and have a few brews. rant complete.

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Postby Masato » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:24 pm

^ I hear ya man, lol

Its ridiculous

But my kids are 6 and 11, and if I can get into the mood I have to admit I have a lot of fun

Wouldn't give a shit if I wasn't a dad

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Oct 15, 2014 8:37 am

Agree with the idea on this one. Can't stand these forced on you holidays and traditions that make absolutely no sense whatsoever. wasteful, with all the pressure to go green that we have, yet we won't be seeing these bullshit holidays disappear anytime soon.
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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 15, 2014 9:38 am

hmm, so right in so many ways

But building costumes can be very creative :D

I could easily say the same about Christmas, but is it worth it to be a grumpy scrooge all season? There is something to be said for getting into the spirit of something if your intentions are for fun/family/community

Its a difficult balance, there is so much in our society that is bullshit, but what is the cost to just hate on it one's whole life?

How can we be culturally aware and progressive without being an annoying and depressing shmuck to everyone around us?

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Oct 15, 2014 4:44 pm


- We have halloween partyes here too.
But we don't ask for candys.:(

- I rent this space for advertising

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Postby Canuckster » Wed Oct 15, 2014 5:14 pm

You don't have to hate on it, just stick to your values. And teach your kids the same as best you can instead of teaching them to be a greedy little self absorbed bastard.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Fri Nov 07, 2014 11:35 am

OK you party poopers...

Halloween can be a lot of fun! Its about being creative and being silly imo... Here are some pics, though I didn't take too many and lots of em came out blurred as fuck, lol.

We went down to the halloween street again... SO many awesome houses I wish I had better pictures.
tons of fun

My daughter is the box of french fries, lol - her idea & design










This was my favourite decoration - these eyes MOVED AROUND and blinked etc. Looked fucking awesome (projected from the back on white sheets)


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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:36 am

Halloween 2016:

My insane kids picked really difficult costumes this year. Daughter wanted to be a jar of Nutella, son wanted to be a Lego guy.

How the fuck do you build those? lol

We went to the local Re-Use Centre (Canuckster, have you been? Its great) and scrounged for anything we could find that might resemble the parts we needed... I totally scored on the Lego head; we found some kind of kitchen mixer thing where the bowl looked almost exactly like a Lego head. It even had a bump on the top!

We measured where the eyes would go, and masked them off using some round stickers, then spray-painted the whole thing yellow.

When it dried, I used black marker ans white-out to paint a face on it. The eyes were still transparent and lined up perfectly with my son's eyes:

Body we went a little cheaper, just a cardboard frame, spraypainted, white-out tie:


Daughters was also hard but we managed it. Cut the bottom off a plastic trash-bin and spray-painted it brown. Photoshopped the logo and printed it on paper (I actually do a lot of illustration work for Nutella so I have hi-res logos in my computer). I don't remember what the lid was made from, some rubber thing we found at the re-use center. My daughter thought it was too big and floppy but she was a good sport about it and we thought it still turned out pretty funny.



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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 02, 2015 10:43 am

I didn't take pictures of that Halloween street this year, but we did go and it was great as always.

All except at the end where 3 teenagers on bicycles stole a kid's candy and rode off with it. Kid was crying (maybe 8 or 9 yrs old), and the Dad actually chased after the thieves! lol He didn't come back for a long time, people were wondering what happened to him.

Someone else gave their whole stash to the kid, I told him never to be like those guys and I saw that he understood.

We also went to a house closer to our neighborhood that was getting famous as 'The Chainsaw House'. lol it was awesome, best Halloween House eva. Dud had a mask and a CHAINSAW (no blade), and was actually really intimidating, honestly trying to be as creepy/scary as he could. There were other people dressed up as an evil clown sitting in a truck, a mangled guy trapped under the wheel of the truck, fucked up creatures crawling out of dark places scaring people, etc.

I even jumped a few times, it was really scary to actually make it past all these characters to trick-or-treat at the door.

The irony of it all was that when you finally make it to the door, a very sweet and warm friendly lady would greet you and give you the candy :D

Great Halloween, one of my best friends came out to stay with his wife and kid for 2 nights. After trick-or-treating and putting the kids to bed, we smoked spliffs and talked philosophy, art, history, and politics ALL FUCKING NIGHT, lol

Was glorious

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