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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 13, 2014 11:32 am

Hey all

'You are what you eat' - literally in many ways. It makes perfect sense that what you put into your body EVERY DAY would have some effect on your state of health.

Yet bafflingly, modern doctors really know nothing about this.

A few years ago I suddenly developed a lot of digestion pains and reactions. Doctors could not help (other than suggesting I had cancer, which was a lot of fun to hear), and even a specialized Gastroenterwhatever you call them bluntly told me to my face that he couldn't help me.

And you know what? He never asked me ONCE what kind of diet I had. He looked at the digestive system as some kind of machine that is expected to work the same in every human body, regardless of what you stuff through it.

So I was forced to figure it out myself.

This was one of the best things that ever happened to me.

I suddenly began simply paying more attention to what I eat, and how my body reacts to what I eat. It didn't take long before I developed a sudden new sense where I could feel my insides. Its so weird how we just kind of eat and then mentally block out the digestion process and just leave it to our unconscious bodily systems alone.

Anyways to make a long story short I cured myself quite quickly by just thinking more about food, and the really quite incredible process of putting it INSIDE your body as a means of keeping yourself alive. It is really worthy of a lot more respect IMO than we give it... it should be a sacred thing, really.

So many health problems, but the medical field never seems to understand the food aspect of it. I think if we learn to slow down and just really get in tune with our bodies, we can be our own doctor 95% of the time.

Illness for the most part I believe is mostly always just STRESS + JUNKY FOOD.

The idea that every body should work the same way I believe is a fallacy. Every body works in its own way, and no doctor could ever hope to know what that it. - Its up to us to know our own selves.

"Let Food be your Medicine, and Medicine be your Food"

I encourage anyone else to share their stories or learnings of nutrition, natural medicines, growing food, GMOs, or whatever.

That being said, I love these little motherfuckers:


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Postby Canuckster » Mon Oct 13, 2014 5:04 pm

hear hear,

you already know my story bro, was hampered by crippling arthritis and no doctor could figure it out.

all they wanted to do was prescribe me pills.

i threw away the scrips, and discovered that wheat was causing my problems. and since then ive been 100% free of the arthritis that was plaguing me. not to mention dropping a shitload of weight.

i will not listen to doctors first anymore, no matter what. unless i have a broken bone and need a cast or reconstructive surgery, I will never take their advice first again.

far too many people in my own circle I have seen improve their health dramatically simply by improving their diet and eliminating grains, wheat and too much processed shit.

my 2 cents.
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Postby Masato » Mon Oct 13, 2014 8:14 pm


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Postby Luigi » Wed Oct 15, 2014 7:56 pm

My diet is so bad. I eat fruit and drink fruit juices, but I only have vegetables like once every 2 days lol

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Oct 21, 2014 11:44 am

- Talking about health, i love honey, my state Santa Catarina is the biggest producer of honey.(I'm bragging:D)
So it's very acessive here, and i know several people that are health nut's, funny thing is that a lot of them don't eat honey.


I think people got so indoctrinated to take pills for every single thing, that they think they can eat unhealthy, and some day take one pill to fix their problems.

And the health industry put pictures of models with defined abs, as the paragon of health so everyone want's that six pac at any cost.
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