Hamas goin off

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Re: Hamas goin off

Postby Edge Guerrero » Fri Oct 13, 2023 5:59 pm

Human Rights Watch says Israel used white phosphorus in Gaza, Lebanon

JERUSALEM, Oct 13 (Reuters) - Human Rights Watch on Thursday accused Israel of using white phosphorus munitions in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon, saying the use of such weapons puts civilians at risk of serious and long-term injury.

In an apparent rebuttal, the Israeli military said in a statement: "The current accusation made against the IDF (Israel Defence Force) regarding the use of white phosphorus in Gaza is unequivocally false.

"The IDF has not deployed the use of the such munitions," it added. It was not immediately clear whether the latter statement also applied to Lebanon.

Israel has been bombarding Gaza in retaliation for a Hamas rampage in southern Israeli towns that killed at least 1,300 people this week. At least 1,500 Palestinians have been killed. Israel has also traded barbs with Lebanon's Hezbollah group.

Human Rights Watch said it verified videos taken in Lebanon on Oct. 10 and Gaza on Oct. 11 showing "multiple airbursts of artillery-fired white phosphorus over the Gaza City port and two rural locations along the Israel-Lebanon border".

It provided links to two videos posted on social media that it said show "155mm white phosphorus artillery projectiles being used, apparently as smokescreens, marking, or signaling". Both show scenes near the Israel-Lebanon border, it said.

The group did not provide links to videos showing their alleged use in Gaza. Palestinian TV channels have broadcast video in recent days showing thin plumes of white smoke lining the sky over Gaza that they say was caused by such munitions.

Reuters could not independently verify the rights group's accounts.

Israel's military in 2013 said it was phasing out white phosphorus smokescreen munitions used during its 2008-2009 offensive in Gaza, which drew war crimes allegations from various rights groups.

The military at the time did not say whether it would also review use of weaponised white phosphorus, which is designed to incinerate enemy positions.

White phosphorus munitions can legally be used on battlefields to make smoke screens, generate illumination, mark targets or burn bunkers and buildings.

Because it has legal uses, white phosphorus is not banned as a chemical weapon under international conventions, but it can cause serious burns and start fires.

White phosphorus is considered an incendiary weapon under Protocol III of the Convention on the Prohibition of Use of Certain Conventional Weapons. The protocol prohibits using incendiary weapons against military targets located among civilians, although Israel has not signed it and is not bound by it.

Reporting by Emily Rose and Rami Ayyub; Editing by Diane Craft and Jonathan Oatis

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Postby penxv » Sat Oct 14, 2023 4:39 am

Underwhelming. Not a lot of effort. I don't think we'll ever see another "Harley Guy"

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Postby Masato » Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:50 pm

Ron Paul on point way back in the day, as almost always:

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Postby Masato » Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:52 pm


Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, says the quiet part out loud!

He claims Israel are operating under international law, because the “entire nation” of Palestine “is responsible”.

“This rhetoric that civilians are not aware, not informed, it’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime.”

HOLY SHIT… Israel are comfortable slaughtering civilians because they, quite literally, according to their President, view the Palestinian civilians as military combatants who are also responsible for the Hamas attacks. Israel says Palestinian civilians don’t exist…

Let me say that again. The Israeli President just blamed 5+ million civilians, half of which are children, for the Hamas attacks, and feels it’s their fault and they are worthy to be exterminated…

Folks… this is a genocide.

I can now say, unequivocally, that I not only do not support Israel, but denounce them fully.

I still denounce Hamas fully, and all acts of violence against civilians, but what Israel are doing is genocide.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat Oct 14, 2023 8:59 pm

Masato wrote:

Israeli President, Isaac Herzog, says the quiet part out loud!

He claims Israel are operating under international law, because the “entire nation” of Palestine “is responsible”.

“This rhetoric that civilians are not aware, not informed, it’s absolutely not true. They could have risen up, they could have fought against that evil regime.”

HOLY SHIT… Israel are comfortable slaughtering civilians because they, quite literally, according to their President, view the Palestinian civilians as military combatants who are also responsible for the Hamas attacks. Israel says Palestinian civilians don’t exist…

Let me say that again. The Israeli President just blamed 5+ million civilians, half of which are children, for the Hamas attacks, and feels it’s their fault and they are worthy to be exterminated…

Folks… this is a genocide.

I can now say, unequivocally, that I not only do not support Israel, but denounce them fully.

I still denounce Hamas fully, and all acts of violence against civilians, but what Israel are doing is genocide.

- Its already a genocide.

This is genocide
This dystopian-like horror has been Israel’s ‘end game’ all along: pulverise every square inch of Gaza and its people into dust and memory.

Andrew Mitrovica

The cataclysm that you and I are witnessing in Gaza is a genocide in the awful making.

It is not an “onslaught”. It is not an “invasion”. It is not even a “war”. It is a genocide.

The apocalyptic scenes and sounds in Gaza are proof that a cruel, occupying army is intent on achieving its overarching aim: the annihilation of what remains of an already shattered slice of land and the indiscriminate killing of helpless, exhausted children, women and men.

Over decades, a succession of immune Israeli governments and their useful proxies, the rampaging settler militias, have waged incremental genocide, bit by bit, with the explicit approval, consent, and encouragement of Western governments – who, in a predictable show of performative solidarity with a ruthless ally – have bathed their tourist attractions in blue and white or the Star of David.

Go ahead, you craven enablers, show the world your true and rank colours. We will remember.

Make no mistake: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – along with his racist gang of brutish (by nature, temperament, and vernacular) cabinet ministers – have been aching, for a long, frustrating time, to abandon the let’s-teach-Palestinians-a-lethal-lesson spasms of violence in favour of the much more satisfying wholesale destruction of the Gaza Strip.

The monstrous plan is as plain as Netanyahu’s wretched character: Be done with Gaza by erasing Gaza.

Anyone, anywhere, in any forum who denies this fact is either a liar, blind – or willfully, happily, and comfortably both.

This is not “righteous” payback or vengeance. It is – I repeat, for the legion of complicit hacks and stenographers who, remarkably, have never noticed, let alone given a damn, about the perpetual suffering and trauma of Palestinians – a genocide.

If my blunt indictment stings, I challenge any of the historically illiterate columnists and American TV news celebrities who have rushed to Israel to burnish their credentials as “foreign correspondents” – with their hairstylists, makeup artists and writers in tow – to disabuse me, and much more importantly, the Palestinian diaspora and their allies, of our belief that a murderous genocide is unfolding in that besieged enclave.

These insufferable hypocrites are again tarring Palestinians as “evil predators” while praising Israelis as “solicitous saints” for warning grateful Palestinians in Gaza that they’re going to kill them en masse.

These fawning Israel loyalists have likely not once stepped inside the barbed-wired walls and fences that encircle Gaza or interviewed any of the millions of human beings who, for generations, have endured the loss, theft, deprivations, indignities, humiliations, and, of course, lethal ferocity committed by an apartheid state.

It is a familiar, surreal minstrel show that reduces an old, complex story into a pat, easy-to-digest clash between black and white for countless equally callow, geography-allergic Americans who are convinced that carrying a passport is “woke”.

The white hats – the Israelis – are always the innocent victims. The black hats – the Palestinians – are always the guilty perpetrators.

Hence, the cavalier disregard for the almost incomprehensible human consequences of Israel’s blatant annulment of that, by now, silly, anachronistic term: international law.

Stop the stuff of life – food and water – from getting into captive Gaza. Fine.

Stop fuel and electricity from being delivered to homes and hospitals. Fine.

Bomb United Nations schools sheltering desperate Palestinian families from the incessant carpet bombing. Fine.

Attack ambulances to bar them from ferrying mangled children to darkened hospitals where they require urgent care. Fine.

Unleash white phosphorous to burn Palestinians to the bone. Fine.

Dispense with the canard of “precision strikes” to prevent “civilian casualties” and revel, instead, in turning Gaza into Fallujah, circa 2005. Fine.

Seal the prison that is Gaza tighter to make escape and hope impossible. Fine.

Then demand that 1.1 million people move to nowhere within hours or face, in all likelihood, a certain death. Fine.

On appalling cue, the usual gallery of preening presidents and prime ministers has deplored the atrocities committed by the black hats – while applauding, as a necessary and welcomed rebuttal, the atrocities committed by the white hats.

So please, would fantasists stop imploring the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague to do something, anything, to hold “both parties”, including, Israel, to account?

It has not happened and will not happen because the ever-compliant ICC knows that it must not offend, and will not offend, the powers that be in Washington, DC who run the whole fraudulent farce.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu – who, just a few weeks ago, was excoriated for being an indicted crook facing a corruption trial on a slew of fraud, bribery, and breach of trust charges as well as having an authoritarian’s DNA – has been rehabilitated by US President Joe Biden and obsequious company as the Middle East’s shining avatar of resolve, resilience and morality.

Such is the diseased “moral” compass of Biden and his pedestrian confederates in London, Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Canberra and Ottawa.

Still, it’s hardly surprising that feral colonial powers – given their hideous record of killing and disfiguring so many innocents, in so many scarred places – would offer their blanket endorsement to another colonial power responsible for killing and disfiguring so many innocent Palestinians in Gaza and beyond yesterday, today and tomorrow.

But know this: Biden et al do not speak for millions of citizens who they purport to represent, but who will continue to stand steadfast with unbowed Palestinians and their just and humane cause.

Despite all the nonsense and posturing by the “international community” about “resolving the crisis through diplomacy”, this dystopian-like horror has been the “end game” all along: pulverise every square inch of Gaza and its people into dust and memory.

The risible “two-state” solution is a sick illusion promoted by slick, Ivy-league-educated diplomats like US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and the other Israeli war-crime apologists who preceded him – fused, as they were and are, to their “partners” in Tel Aviv like conjoined twins.

Blinken has travelled to Israel at the behest of his boss to “greenlight” genocide. We will remember that, too.

A malignant regime, motivated by a poisonous combination of ultra-nationalism and fanaticism, knows that its sinister goal is in tantalizing sight.

There will be more horrors to come. But Palestinians will not be broken. They will persevere and prevail. It will be hard and take time, but they will rebuild.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sat Oct 14, 2023 9:09 pm

Palestinians in Gaza face impossible choice: Stay home under airstrikes, or flee under airstrikes?

Updated 7:55 PM BRT, October 13, 2023

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) — Watching the pulverized alleys of Jabaliya refugee camp in northern Gaza empty of people, Naji Jamal was frozen with indecision.

Should he heed the Israeli army’s demand that all Palestinians evacuate and make the risky trip to Gaza’s south, where his only certainty was homelessness? Or should he stay at his multistory building — within what the Israeli army has now designated a target zone — ahead of a likely Israeli ground invasion?

“It’s an existential question, but there is no answer,” Jamal, a 34-year-old health clinic worker, said. “There is no safe haven, there is no place that is not being shelled and besieged, there is no place to go.”

In an unprecedented order to civilians in northern Gaza and Gaza City, the Israeli military gave Jamal — and 1.1 million other Palestinians — 24 hours to make up their minds. It was the sixth day of Israeli bombing prompted by Hamas’ brutal attack that killed more than 1,300 Israelis and stunned the country.

As the clock ticked on the ultimatum, hundreds of thousands of Israeli army reservists were massing near Gaza’s northern border. Israeli warplanes roared overhead, diving low to hurl bombs at homes and residential high-rises. Aid groups appealed to the international community to stop what they denounced as a possible war crime of forcible population transfer.

In understaffed and poorly supplied hospitals, Palestinian doctors said they felt they had no choice but to stay put. There was no way to evacuate Shifa, Gaza’s biggest hospital, its general director Mohammad Abu Selim said. Even though the hospital was in chaos — its electricity dwindling under an Israeli siege, its beds overwhelmed, its morgue overflowing — Abu Selim said there was simply no other safe place in Gaza to put 600 patients, many of them in serious condition from the attacks.

“To ask us to evacuate is ridiculous, it’s impossible,” Abu Selim said.

But hundreds of thousands of other Palestinians across the territory wrangled over the agonizing choice as the Israeli retaliation intensified. The Israeli army says its airstrikes target militant infrastructure, not civilians — a claim that Palestinians reject.

Many fled south for their lives, squeezing into relatives’ cars and trundling through streets blocked by rubble even as thundering bombardment crashed around them. A jumbled line of tractors, horse carts and donkeys stretched some 30 kilometers (18 miles) across the strip, turning what is normally a breezy 45-minute trip into a harrowing — and for dozens of people, deadly — two-hour journey.

Israeli airstrikes on evacuating vehicles killed at least 70 people, the Hamas press office said.

“I don’t trust them,” said Ali Abdul Bari, a 37-year-old resident of Gaza City said of the Israeli army. “But I will always do whatever I can to keep my family safe.”

Bari’s apartment on the northwest edge of Gaza City was flattened in a huge airstrike late Thursday. Dazed and weary from nights spent awake, he arrived in Khan Younis, a city in southern Gaza, after the evacuation order, but couldn’t fit all his family members in the car. He promised his aunt and uncle that he would return for them Saturday. Bari said the decision was simple for him.

“I am responsible for my parents, my brothers and my sisters,” he said.

When asked about how civilians would be able to evacuate to safety even as heavy bombardment persisted, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, an Israeli military spokesman, told reporters: “We will try to make sure that it will happen.”

Despite the danger, some stubbornly refused to leave their homes. They watched the convoys pass, remembering previous tides of Palestinian refugees who fled other wars only to never be able to return home. Some Palestinians point back to what they call the Nakba, or “catastrophe,” of Israel’s creation in 1948, when some 700,000 fled or were driven from their homes in what is now Israel. Gaza’s Hamas rulers have also urged people not to flee, describing Israel’s order as “psychological warfare” to break their solidarity.

“This is the Nakba, all of our traumas, all over again,” said activist Yasser Hasouneh, in Gaza City. “We will not be intimidated.”

Others did not have the means or the foresight to pack up and leave.

Jamal, in the Jabaliya camp, simply didn’t have a car. The thought of piling his infant son, ailing mother and 30 other family members onto a horse cart and sending them through a war zone made him shudder. He said he was resigned to whatever God had in store for him.

“This way we will be together and can read the Quran and pray,” he said.

For many, word of evacuations moved slowly, due to the the collapse of mobile phone networks and internet in much of Gaza.

In the heart of Gaza City — a once-vibrant district hollowed out by heavy bombardment — 27-year-old engineer Saeb al-Jarz was waiting for word of his father, who was wounded in an airstrike on their residential tower late Thursday. Three of his neighbors were killed and his family home destroyed.

Still in shock from the scenes he witnessed, al-Jarz first heard about the Israeli army’s evacuation ultimatum from an Associated Press reporter. He was thrown into a panic, scrambling to figure out next steps with his 25 relatives.

“Maybe we stay, because if we die, we die together,” he said.

His voice trembled. He changed his mind.

“I just really, really want to live,” he said.

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Postby Masato » Sat Oct 14, 2023 11:38 pm


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:48 pm

As Gaza Deaths Rise, Ice Cream Trucks Double Up As Morgues For Bodies
Israel has unleashed the fiercest bombardment on the Gaza Strip to hit back at Hamas after it carried out the deadliest attack on Israel for decades.

Gaza: Health officials in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip have resorted to storing the bodies of Palestinians killed by Israeli air strikes in ice cream freezer trucks because moving them to hospitals is too risky and cemeteries are short of space.
Israel has unleashed the fiercest bombardment on the Gaza Strip to hit back at the Palestinian group Hamas after it carried out the deadliest attack on Israel for decades.

"The hospital morgue can only take 10 bodies, so we have brought in ice cream freezers from the ice cream factories in order to store the huge numbers of martyrs," said Dr. Yasser Ali of the Shuhada Al-Aqsa hospital in Deir Al-Balah.

The freezer trucks, whose sides still show advertising images of smiling children enjoying ice cream cones, are normally used to make deliveries to supermarkets. Now they are makeshift morgues for victims of the devastating war between Hamas and the Israeli army.

The Israeli military said on Sunday it would still allow Gazans to evacuate south ahead of an expected ground assault in retaliation for the attacks by eight days ago by Hamas gunmen, who killed 1,300 people in Israel.

Authorities in Gaza said Israeli air strikes had killed more than 2,300 people, a quarter of them children, with nearly 10,000 wounded so far. Hospitals are running short of supplies and struggling to cope with growing numbers of wounded.

Israel has vowed to annihilate Hamas after its fighters rampaged through Israeli towns on Oct. 7 shooting men, women and children and seizing hostages. That means the Gaza death count will rise sharply.

"Even with these freezers, the number (of the dead) exceeds the capacity of this main morgue of the hospital, and alternative ones, and between 20 and 30 bodies are being kept in tents too," said Ali, as he opened the doors of the freezers to show the white-shrouded bodies inside.

"The Gaza Strip is in crisis and if the war continues in this way we will not be able to bury the dead. The cemeteries are already full and we need new ones to bury the dead," Ali said.

In Gaza City too, authorities were preparing mass graves, said the head of the Government Media Office, Salama Marouf.

"In light of the large number of martyrs inside the morgues of Al-Shifa Hospital, whose relatives did not arrive to bury them, signs of change began to appear on the bodies," he said.

"And in light of the continued arrival of martyrs in their dozens as a result of the occupation's massacres, a mass grave has been prepared to bury approximately 100 martyrs in the emergency cemetery."

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:51 pm

"Taking Away IDs, Car Keys": Israel Claims Hamas Not Letting Gazans Flee
Hamas has urged people not to leave, saying roads out are unsafe. The group's chief Ismail Haniyeh has said the Palestinians would "remain in our land".

'Taking Away IDs, Car Keys': Israel Claims Hamas Not Letting Gazans Flee
Thousands of residents in the Gaza Strip have fled their homes.

New Delhi: Amid a looming ground assault by Israel on the Gaza Strip, its defence forces has claimed that Hamas was not letting the civilians in the densely populated territory flee south towards a closed border with Egypt. The Israel Defence Forces today released an alleged telephonic conversation with a Gazan who was heard saying, "They (Hamas) are preventing people from leaving."
The Israel Defence Forces or IDF while releasing the audio with subtitles on its X handle, wrote, "A Gaza resident trying to evacuate southward tells an IDF Intelligence Officer about how Hamas is not letting them leave".

The alleged conversation between the Gaza resident and an IDF intelligence officer:

Gazan: They are preventing people from leaving

IDF Officer: Tell me where it is that they stopped you

Gazan: Those who are here near the agency. They are taking (away) the ID card and the car keys

IDF Officer: You mean the movement? Hamas?

IDF Officer: Who is stopping you? Hamas?

Gazan: Yes, yes

Hamas has urged people not to leave, saying roads out are unsafe. The group's chief Ismail Haniyeh has said the Palestinians would "remain in our land" even as thousands of residents in the enclave that is home to more than two million people reported to have fled their homes since Israel began its bombardment.

Israel claims Hamas is preventing people from leaving in order to use them as human shields.

The surprise Hamas assault in which its operatives stormed through Israeli towns a week ago launched the region into a new crisis as Israeli leaders now prepare to respond with crushing force.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to "demolish Hamas" as his troops prepared to move into the Gaza Strip.

The only route out of Gaza not under Israeli control was a checkpoint with Egypt at Rafah. Egypt officially says its side is open, but traffic has been halted for days because of Israeli strikes.

Inside the city, conditions are deteriorating and deaths from Israeli strikes are rising. Working amid a pile of bodies, Palestinian health workers are storing bodies in ice cream freezer trucks because moving them to hospitals is too risky and cemeteries are full.

More than 1,400 people have been killed in Israel since the attack unleashed last week while the death count from Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip surged to at least 2,670.

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Postby Diet Butcher » Mon Oct 16, 2023 9:38 am

TIL that Pornhub is a Canadian company?

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