Report says that Jeffrey Epstein has killed himself in prison

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Re: Report says that Jeffrey Epstein has killed himself in prison

Postby Luigi » Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:13 am

So Epstein was a college dropout who became a millionaire because he had connections? Not surprised.

The powers that be will do everything to sweep this situation under the rug but it might already be too big. Then again maybe it will just a JFK thing where most don't believe the official account but the truth gets buried and nothing happens.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:10 pm

Luigi wrote:So Epstein was a college dropout who became a millionaire because he had connections? Not surprised.

The powers that be will do everything to sweep this situation under the rug but it might already be too big. Then again maybe it will just a JFK thing where most don't believe the official account but the truth gets buried and nothing happens.

He was never actually a billionaire, he was a sponsored mossad agent

His "girlfriend" was actually his mossad handler and he had his island, mansions, everything given to him

I haven't figured out yet how he landed the gig but it seems to happen when maxwells dad "commits suicide" and then she falls into epsteins lap
He had to have big connections before all of this or there is no way he would even get the opportunity to meet maxwell

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:12 pm

Question for the artists in here

What is wrong with this picture (besides the obvious Clinton in a dress lol)

Hint, the same thing was done to an Obama painting


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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:29 pm

penxv wrote:Nice hangers.

She is hot af, or at least was at one point



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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:30 pm

Oh, and here's somebody at Chelsea's wedding


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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:38 pm

And sorry for all the multiposts Masato, different aspect of this so I put them into individual posts

Last one, for now lol

Correction to my breakdown
It was Acosta who said he was told to back off epstein due to him being intelligence and above Acosta pay grade

Acosta told this to Trumps team when they were vetting him for his position with them

This very likely could have been when trump started really focusing on epstein and I imagine Acosta told them a hell of a lot more because it seems he had a lot of info when he was told to back off

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:10 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Looks like I was wrong about Massachusetts

Nypost saying they took photos of her at in and out burger in LA

The Pic doesn't really look like her though, well, their cover photo does but the Pic lower in the article looks way different

Compared to

Edit: she was reading
The book of Honor: the secret lives and deaths of Cia operatives ... his-death/

Something interesting has been pointed out

The first picture they use is not the original photo they had up

Original photo was a much wider shot which showed she was with someone (shows two cell phones and a 2nd tray) but possibly even more important, this 2nd photo they used now has the Nypost writing placed over top of something that looks a bit wierd (could be the guy to her right leaning at a very wierd angle possibly?)
Look between her left arm and the flag pole
Lots of symbolism in there too, the book, good boys, her ring (which kind of looks like a USB wedding ring ... ding_ring/ )

The dailymail in the uk (not the best source but just using the pics they used) used a different picture than the new york post
This one looks photoshopped as fuck
The dailymail article has a bunch of photos but that one is the only one I can find with obvious photoshop usage ... geles.html

This whole thing is fucked up, it's a bit convenient the day after reports or her being in Massachusetts, we get these obviously staged photos with lots of symbolism and one with obvious photoshop

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Mon Aug 19, 2019 12:18 am

It just keeps fucking going

This is from the advertising agency that does the ads for the bus stop in those photos

Advertising agency Outfront Media said the hospital ad had been there since July 28 – with Ms Maxwell said to have been photographed on August 12.

Spokeswoman Carly Zipp said: 'We think the poster in the Maxwell picture was photoshopped in.
We checked… and we have no evidence or record of Good Boys ever being there.'

What the fuck?
Dailymail says they had somebody check and currently the hospital ad is still up ... eover.html

Another possible fuck up in the wide shot is the reflection in the windows showing cars when I would think it should be showing the people sitting and eating on the in and out patio

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Postby fungi » Mon Aug 19, 2019 9:28 am

Masato wrote:Good breakdown.

And not just because you get to hear SyrianGirl say 'honeypot'.

Good watch. Makes alotta sense.

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Postby penxv » Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:28 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Looks like I was wrong about Massachusetts

Nypost saying they took photos of her at in and out burger in LA

The Pic doesn't really look like her though, well, their cover photo does but the Pic lower in the article looks way different

Compared to

Edit: she was reading
The book of Honor: the secret lives and deaths of Cia operatives ... his-death/

Something interesting has been pointed out

The first picture they use is not the original photo they had up

Original photo was a much wider shot which showed she was with someone (shows two cell phones and a 2nd tray) but possibly even more important, this 2nd photo they used now has the Nypost writing placed over top of something that looks a bit wierd (could be the guy to her right leaning at a very wierd angle possibly?)
Look between her left arm and the flag pole
Lots of symbolism in there too, the book, good boys, her ring (which kind of looks like a USB wedding ring ... ding_ring/ )

The dailymail in the uk (not the best source but just using the pics they used) used a different picture than the new york post
This one looks photoshopped as fuck
The dailymail article has a bunch of photos but that one is the only one I can find with obvious photoshop usage ... geles.html

This whole thing is fucked up, it's a bit convenient the day after reports or her being in Massachusetts, we get these obviously staged photos with lots of symbolism and one with obvious photoshop

Definitely photoshop.

In the pic w the guy behind her. The space between her left arm and the umbrella pole isn't right.

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