What does Bryan Callen Know?

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What does Bryan Callen Know?

Postby Masato » Tue Jul 10, 2018 4:16 am

Hey all

Long but interesting video, I will sum it up:

Bryan Callen is a comedian that circles with Joe Rogan and co., on his podcast regularly. Many pointed out his odd reaction to the pizzagate issue, where he was clearly triggered, vehemently opposing it without any reasons, saying it was debunked and not possible, but admitted to not looking into it, just being super defensive and irrational.

OK, no big deal, lots of people don't wanna go there etc./ But the vid maker then compiles a series of clips from other Joe Rogan episodes where Callen goes on and on about the most perverted situations, all sorts of raunchy stories both gay and straight. Then he plays clips where Callen admits being sexually abused as a child, and numerous occurrences having people fuck with him at young ages. Other stories of Callen claiming to be with famous celebrities in twisted sexual perversions.

So, the video maker asks the question; Considering his vast sexual experiences all the way from childhood, why would he be so stubborn to say that pedophilia in high places is not possible, and react so closed-mindedly?

Wait, it gets better; the vid maker then discovers that Bryan Callen's FATHER IS A MAJOR MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, with serious elite-level positions in executive banking, living all around the world, Saudi Arabia etc, rubbing shoulders with David Rockefeller, etc etc

The video asks some serious questions. Sometimes it gets off topic, and you may want to skip through Callen's nauseating sex tales, but it does pose some serious questions imo.

He paints the hypothesis that Callen has seen exactly what pizzagate claimed to tap into, and he freaked out when he saw that it might be leaking. Its a reasonable theory imo

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Postby Rambo John J » Mon Jul 16, 2018 3:28 pm

probably was groomed by a hollywood perv

I wouldn't trust callen one bit, something about him has always seemed off to me

Makes me laugh sometimes but when he is serious I can't stand his delusions of Grandeur

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Thu Aug 15, 2019 6:29 pm

The real question is, what does rogan know
He has been to "eyes wide shut parties" (his own wording) at Naomi Campbell's place
Campbell and her e boyfriend are being linked to the epstein case
makes one wonder, honestly wouldn't be surprised if callen is the one who brought Joe in

Edit: ftr I don't think rogan is involved in pedo shit, I do think he has had a talking to and has seen some shit though

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Postby penxv » Sun Aug 18, 2019 10:38 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:The real question is, what does rogan know
He has been to "eyes wide shut parties" (his own wording) at Naomi Campbell's place
Campbell and her e boyfriend are being linked to the epstein case
makes one wonder, honestly wouldn't be surprised if callen is the one who brought Joe in

Edit: ftr I don't think rogan is involved in pedo shit, I do think he has had a talking to and has seen some shit though



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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:14 pm

penxv wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:The real question is, what does rogan know
He has been to "eyes wide shut parties" (his own wording) at Naomi Campbell's place
Campbell and her e boyfriend are being linked to the epstein case
makes one wonder, honestly wouldn't be surprised if callen is the one who brought Joe in

Edit: ftr I don't think rogan is involved in pedo shit, I do think he has had a talking to and has seen some shit though



Yep, I point this out to people as well, fucked up eh

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Mon Aug 19, 2019 8:24 pm

Joe Rogan exposed



Joe Rogan has become something of a celebrity in the alternative media world as the host of the Joe Rogan Experience which, according to Wikipedia, was downloaded 16 million times a month in October 2015. What I will attempt to show here is that Rogan is, among other things, an agent of intelligence whose shtick is to get young rebellious types to experiment with drugs, engage in idle conspiracy talk, and ultimately spin them back to the mainstream.

Rogan’s bio is so convoluted and contradictory that it’s difficult to know where to begin to dissect this guy. Let’s begin with his birth date: August 11, 1967. 8-11. We know that 8 is the favorite number of intelligence, with 11 a close second. Note how many famous people have supposedly been born on variants of 8. That right there is enough to set off alarm bells in my mind regarding this guy.

His life from birth to high school graduation is covered in one brief paragraph on wikipedia. We learn only that his mother was ‘a free spirit’ and his father was a cop who beat his wife. The rest of the early life bio is taken up with accounts of his martial arts training. He dropped out of college.

While Rogan was doing stand-up comedy in Boston, he was ‘discovered’ by a Jew talent agent, Jeff SussMAN. Stories that involve people with surnames ending in MAN usually indicate a hoax. This is another red flag.

In 1994 Rogan moved to L.A., no doubt at the behest of his intelligence handlers, to enhance his ‘career opportunities.’ This Boston kid, with neither talent nor looks, who had only performed at some comedy clubs in Boston immediately landed a gig on MTV. That doesn’t happen in the real world unless you are a Jew with Hollywood connections and/or under the guidance of Intelligence. MTV is a subsidiary of Viacom, one of the largest media companies in the world. Rogan was immediately offered a three-year exclusive contract. Isn’t it nice how these people never have to go through the normal rigors of climbing up the corporate ladder or working their way upward? They are just conveniently and smoothly moved along to get more and more exposure.

I tried to find a clip of Rogan performing on MTV but was unable to locate one. It would be interesting to watch that clip because, according to wiki, his performance blew away top studio execs who engaged in a bidding war for his talents. Again, this doesn’t happen in real life. After jumping ship at MTV, Rogan got in bed with the Disney Corporation (Walt Disney- 33rd Degree Freemason) and FOX (numerology:666). All of these Forbes 500 corporate and Zionist connections will be important to remember later as we analyze Rogan in his role as an independent voice and counterculture icon.

Joe Rogan performed at the Comedy Store in L.A. for 13 years- another spook numerology indicator. From 1995-1999, Rogan moved over to NBC where he played a role on a sitcom. Are you keeping track of all of the corporate connections? So far, we have MTV, FOX, Disney, and NBC , and we’re just getting started. It’s incredible to think that this guy who has fashioned this persona of being smart and interesting is a college dropout who worked in tv sitcoms, the lowest of the low in terms of ‘popular entertainment.’

After the sitcom era, Rogan began working for UFC. I can’t untangle how exactly he landed that gig, but Wiki admits that it was through the influence of SussMAN. Rogan’s role here seems to be to keep young, testosterone-fueled men glued to the tv watching cage fighting instead of getting involved in politics, grassroots organizing, etc.

During this time, Rogan also hosted the NBC shoe ‘Fear Factor.’ I’ve never seen the show as I don’t own a television, but I know it involves paying people to do stupid and gross things like eating spiders and the like. It’s basically the Jews in Hollywood throwing a few shekels at the goyim to make fools of themselves and then laughing about it.

Taking a break from the cesspool of sitcoms and gross-out television shows, Rogan starred in his own show, ‘Joe Rogan questions everything’ in which he attempted to flip the entire notion of an open-minded investigator by belittling and mocking not the establishment, but the independent media itself. Watch the program where he attempts to debunk chemtrails to see a blatant example of this.

And finally we arrive at Rogan’s current acting gig, The Joe Rogan podcast. “But wait,” you say, “that’s not an acting job. It’s just Joe giving his thoughts on the world.” No, it isn’t. Rogan has always been an actor. His bio admits as much, in great detail. He performed a role in his sitcoms, his ‘reality shows’, in UFC fights, at his comedy routines, and everywhere else. If you are a listener of Rogan’s podcast, it’s impossible to know what he really believes and what he’s being told to say by his Zionist handlers. One day Rogan stated steadfastly that humans never traveled to the moon and the next day he said the opposite (as he hosted the NWO puppet Neil DeGrasse TySON. (MAN and SON surnames= hoaxers.)

When normal people want to do a podcast, they just set it up at their computer in their living room or bedroom with a simple microphone, wifi connection and go at it. But when JOE ROGAN wants to do a podcast, he rents out an entire building with a sophisticated studio, huge radio microphones, wall-mounted cameras and the like. This tells us that either Rogan is a huge megalomaniac with an inflated ego (and a fat bank account) , or his handlers set the entire operation up.

Rogan admits that he smokes pot before each podcast and that’s he’s stoned throughout the entirety of the show, showing you that he thinks the whole thing is a joke. His listeners apparently haven’t caught on to this. College dropout Rogan includes variants of ‘fuck’ in almost every sentence he utters. His limited vocabulary limits his use of the English language, so that he is rendered to speaking sentences like this: ‘That was just stupid as fuck!’

Note the photos on the wall behind Rogan during is podcast. There are pictures of Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix. Why do you think Rogan chose those two particular people to place in the viewer’s eyes? Could it be that Intelligence put them as a marker? Remember, the Intelligence community loves to place these markers as inside jokes, and since Presley and Hendrix were both Intelligence projects, we can connect some dots.

I’ve always thought it was funny to watch Rogan talk with his co-hosts, friends, and guests in the studio. They’re separated by huge consoles , boom mikes, and earphones even though they’re just a few feet from each other. The whole podcast appears to be an operation, and I’m sure it is.

In October of 2015, Rolling Stone magazine published an extensive piece on Rogan. Since RS is owned and run by Intelligence, it makes sense that they would publicize one of their own. Right off the bat, take note of the photo of Rogan RS uses to headline the piece. It’s in black and white, covers half of his face in shadow, and features him frowning malevolently with his bald head and tattooed forearms. Why do you think RS wanted to show him like that? Who instructed the photographer to shoot him in such a way?

The headline proclaims Rogan as a ’21st Century Timothy Leary.’ Just as the MSM will call any enemy of the Anglo-Israeli-American Axis ‘the new Adolf Hitler’, anyone who speaks about psychedelics and gets airtime is called the ‘the new Timothy Leary.’ The problem with that comparison is that it’s nonsense. The only thing Leary and Rogan have in common is that both worked for the CIA.

The article itself, written by some sniveling ‘journalist’ named Eric Hedegaard is painful to read. Before we move on to the article, we should note that Hedegaard is probably a fake name, and Hedegaard himself probably a fake person altogether. Two ‘e’s in the surname clue us in the hoax, and the double ‘a’ nails it.

The first sentence in the article tells us how awful this piece will be. Here it is: Maybe never in your life do you meet an individual like Joe Rogan. Are there no longer editors working at prominent magazines and newspapers who have even a basic grasp of the English language? From that sentence, it’s not clear at all what the hell the writer is trying to say. He’s probably saying, “I have never met anyone like Joe Rogan.” Or maybe he’s trying to say, “You will never meet a guy like Joe Rogan.” Instead, he mangles the English language. I guess this is the kind of writing RS is looking for these days. The next sentence, incredibly, is just as bad. He’s that singular, in a multivariate kind of way. I had to consult my dictionary to find the definition of multivariate. It relates to statistics and is completely inappropriate to the meaning the writer is searching for. Again, where are the editors? It seems that Hedegaard, whoever and whatever he is, is trying to scramble the readers’ brains, much like what Rogan does in his podcasts.

The grammar and sentence structure in the rest of the article is just as horrific, but I won’t torture you with any more examples. We are told that Rogan is short. It’s a minor detail, but one worth noting. Remember, the vast majority of major stars in Hollywood are short, Jewish, and gay. For the record, Rogan is 5’8″.

Hedegaard speaks glowingly of Rogan’s use of DMT and other drugs to enhance his consciousness. Nonsense. Rogan doesn’t want people expanding their consciousness. It’s not even Rogan speaking. It’s our governors speaking through him. They want people doing drugs-any drugs. As long as people are sitting at home stoned, stupefied, or navel-gazing, they will pose no threat to the establishment.

Hedegaard tells his readers that Rogan’s podcast ‘is one of the greatest things going.’ Wow. Really? I guess we’re all supposed to become more enlightened when Rogan interviews former porn stars. We’re also told that Rogan ‘shoots himself up with testosterone on a weekly basis’ and that his podcast topics have no rhyme or reason. However, instead of criticizing this lack of focus or even coherence, Hedegaard thinks it’s cool.

Joe Rogan is a huckster of the worst sort. He’s an A-list con man, a guy who has never really had a real job, and a pretender tough guy. Joe Rogan, you are exposed.


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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:18 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
penxv wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:The real question is, what does rogan know
He has been to "eyes wide shut parties" (his own wording) at Naomi Campbell's place
Campbell and her e boyfriend are being linked to the epstein case
makes one wonder, honestly wouldn't be surprised if callen is the one who brought Joe in

Edit: ftr I don't think rogan is involved in pedo shit, I do think he has had a talking to and has seen some shit though



Yep, I point this out to people as well, fucked up eh

That particular CT doesn’t convince me. It’s possible but it could also just be a logo of an M

Like EY every time he sees a fucking triangle somewhere he thinks it’s Illuminati.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:22 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote:

Joe Rogan exposed



Joe Rogan has become something of a celebrity in the alternative media world as the host of the Joe Rogan Experience which, according to Wikipedia, was downloaded 16 million times a month in October 2015. What I will attempt to show here is that Rogan is, among other things, an agent of intelligence whose shtick is to get young rebellious types to experiment with drugs, engage in idle conspiracy talk, and ultimately spin them back to the mainstream.

Rogan’s bio is so convoluted and contradictory that it’s difficult to know where to begin to dissect this guy. Let’s begin with his birth date: August 11, 1967. 8-11. We know that 8 is the favorite number of intelligence, with 11 a close second. Note how many famous people have supposedly been born on variants of 8. That right there is enough to set off alarm bells in my mind regarding this guy.

His life from birth to high school graduation is covered in one brief paragraph on wikipedia. We learn only that his mother was ‘a free spirit’ and his father was a cop who beat his wife. The rest of the early life bio is taken up with accounts of his martial arts training. He dropped out of college.

While Rogan was doing stand-up comedy in Boston, he was ‘discovered’ by a Jew talent agent, Jeff SussMAN. Stories that involve people with surnames ending in MAN usually indicate a hoax. This is another red flag.

In 1994 Rogan moved to L.A., no doubt at the behest of his intelligence handlers, to enhance his ‘career opportunities.’ This Boston kid, with neither talent nor looks, who had only performed at some comedy clubs in Boston immediately landed a gig on MTV. That doesn’t happen in the real world unless you are a Jew with Hollywood connections and/or under the guidance of Intelligence. MTV is a subsidiary of Viacom, one of the largest media companies in the world. Rogan was immediately offered a three-year exclusive contract. Isn’t it nice how these people never have to go through the normal rigors of climbing up the corporate ladder or working their way upward? They are just conveniently and smoothly moved along to get more and more exposure.

I tried to find a clip of Rogan performing on MTV but was unable to locate one. It would be interesting to watch that clip because, according to wiki, his performance blew away top studio execs who engaged in a bidding war for his talents. Again, this doesn’t happen in real life. After jumping ship at MTV, Rogan got in bed with the Disney Corporation (Walt Disney- 33rd Degree Freemason) and FOX (numerology:666). All of these Forbes 500 corporate and Zionist connections will be important to remember later as we analyze Rogan in his role as an independent voice and counterculture icon.

Joe Rogan performed at the Comedy Store in L.A. for 13 years- another spook numerology indicator. From 1995-1999, Rogan moved over to NBC where he played a role on a sitcom. Are you keeping track of all of the corporate connections? So far, we have MTV, FOX, Disney, and NBC , and we’re just getting started. It’s incredible to think that this guy who has fashioned this persona of being smart and interesting is a college dropout who worked in tv sitcoms, the lowest of the low in terms of ‘popular entertainment.’

After the sitcom era, Rogan began working for UFC. I can’t untangle how exactly he landed that gig, but Wiki admits that it was through the influence of SussMAN. Rogan’s role here seems to be to keep young, testosterone-fueled men glued to the tv watching cage fighting instead of getting involved in politics, grassroots organizing, etc.

During this time, Rogan also hosted the NBC shoe ‘Fear Factor.’ I’ve never seen the show as I don’t own a television, but I know it involves paying people to do stupid and gross things like eating spiders and the like. It’s basically the Jews in Hollywood throwing a few shekels at the goyim to make fools of themselves and then laughing about it.

Taking a break from the cesspool of sitcoms and gross-out television shows, Rogan starred in his own show, ‘Joe Rogan questions everything’ in which he attempted to flip the entire notion of an open-minded investigator by belittling and mocking not the establishment, but the independent media itself. Watch the program where he attempts to debunk chemtrails to see a blatant example of this.

And finally we arrive at Rogan’s current acting gig, The Joe Rogan podcast. “But wait,” you say, “that’s not an acting job. It’s just Joe giving his thoughts on the world.” No, it isn’t. Rogan has always been an actor. His bio admits as much, in great detail. He performed a role in his sitcoms, his ‘reality shows’, in UFC fights, at his comedy routines, and everywhere else. If you are a listener of Rogan’s podcast, it’s impossible to know what he really believes and what he’s being told to say by his Zionist handlers. One day Rogan stated steadfastly that humans never traveled to the moon and the next day he said the opposite (as he hosted the NWO puppet Neil DeGrasse TySON. (MAN and SON surnames= hoaxers.)

When normal people want to do a podcast, they just set it up at their computer in their living room or bedroom with a simple microphone, wifi connection and go at it. But when JOE ROGAN wants to do a podcast, he rents out an entire building with a sophisticated studio, huge radio microphones, wall-mounted cameras and the like. This tells us that either Rogan is a huge megalomaniac with an inflated ego (and a fat bank account) , or his handlers set the entire operation up.

Rogan admits that he smokes pot before each podcast and that’s he’s stoned throughout the entirety of the show, showing you that he thinks the whole thing is a joke. His listeners apparently haven’t caught on to this. College dropout Rogan includes variants of ‘fuck’ in almost every sentence he utters. His limited vocabulary limits his use of the English language, so that he is rendered to speaking sentences like this: ‘That was just stupid as fuck!’

Note the photos on the wall behind Rogan during is podcast. There are pictures of Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix. Why do you think Rogan chose those two particular people to place in the viewer’s eyes? Could it be that Intelligence put them as a marker? Remember, the Intelligence community loves to place these markers as inside jokes, and since Presley and Hendrix were both Intelligence projects, we can connect some dots.

I’ve always thought it was funny to watch Rogan talk with his co-hosts, friends, and guests in the studio. They’re separated by huge consoles , boom mikes, and earphones even though they’re just a few feet from each other. The whole podcast appears to be an operation, and I’m sure it is.

In October of 2015, Rolling Stone magazine published an extensive piece on Rogan. Since RS is owned and run by Intelligence, it makes sense that they would publicize one of their own. Right off the bat, take note of the photo of Rogan RS uses to headline the piece. It’s in black and white, covers half of his face in shadow, and features him frowning malevolently with his bald head and tattooed forearms. Why do you think RS wanted to show him like that? Who instructed the photographer to shoot him in such a way?

The headline proclaims Rogan as a ’21st Century Timothy Leary.’ Just as the MSM will call any enemy of the Anglo-Israeli-American Axis ‘the new Adolf Hitler’, anyone who speaks about psychedelics and gets airtime is called the ‘the new Timothy Leary.’ The problem with that comparison is that it’s nonsense. The only thing Leary and Rogan have in common is that both worked for the CIA.

The article itself, written by some sniveling ‘journalist’ named Eric Hedegaard is painful to read. Before we move on to the article, we should note that Hedegaard is probably a fake name, and Hedegaard himself probably a fake person altogether. Two ‘e’s in the surname clue us in the hoax, and the double ‘a’ nails it.

The first sentence in the article tells us how awful this piece will be. Here it is: Maybe never in your life do you meet an individual like Joe Rogan. Are there no longer editors working at prominent magazines and newspapers who have even a basic grasp of the English language? From that sentence, it’s not clear at all what the hell the writer is trying to say. He’s probably saying, “I have never met anyone like Joe Rogan.” Or maybe he’s trying to say, “You will never meet a guy like Joe Rogan.” Instead, he mangles the English language. I guess this is the kind of writing RS is looking for these days. The next sentence, incredibly, is just as bad. He’s that singular, in a multivariate kind of way. I had to consult my dictionary to find the definition of multivariate. It relates to statistics and is completely inappropriate to the meaning the writer is searching for. Again, where are the editors? It seems that Hedegaard, whoever and whatever he is, is trying to scramble the readers’ brains, much like what Rogan does in his podcasts.

The grammar and sentence structure in the rest of the article is just as horrific, but I won’t torture you with any more examples. We are told that Rogan is short. It’s a minor detail, but one worth noting. Remember, the vast majority of major stars in Hollywood are short, Jewish, and gay. For the record, Rogan is 5’8″.

Hedegaard speaks glowingly of Rogan’s use of DMT and other drugs to enhance his consciousness. Nonsense. Rogan doesn’t want people expanding their consciousness. It’s not even Rogan speaking. It’s our governors speaking through him. They want people doing drugs-any drugs. As long as people are sitting at home stoned, stupefied, or navel-gazing, they will pose no threat to the establishment.

Hedegaard tells his readers that Rogan’s podcast ‘is one of the greatest things going.’ Wow. Really? I guess we’re all supposed to become more enlightened when Rogan interviews former porn stars. We’re also told that Rogan ‘shoots himself up with testosterone on a weekly basis’ and that his podcast topics have no rhyme or reason. However, instead of criticizing this lack of focus or even coherence, Hedegaard thinks it’s cool.

Joe Rogan is a huckster of the worst sort. He’s an A-list con man, a guy who has never really had a real job, and a pretender tough guy. Joe Rogan, you are exposed.


Also a lot of EY type hooks in there (birthdate, etc)

But also some interesting food for thought as well.

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Postby The Anti-Archon » Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:21 pm

Masato wrote:
Also a lot of EY type hooks in there (birthdate, etc)

But also some interesting food for thought as well.

Yeah, the birthdate and suname things are a big leap that I don't buy, but I also don't buy Rogan at face value. He is a handler for the social engineers. That said, he's still pretty entertaining, but I wouldn't look to his show or guests to break the truth on the pedophile aristocracy.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 21, 2019 10:08 pm

The Anti-Archon wrote: That said, he's still pretty entertaining, but I wouldn't look to his show or guests to break the truth on the pedophile aristocracy.

He did voice some suspicion about Bryan Callen's reaction if I recall correctly. He talked about the issues, but like his buddy Alex Jones he STFU pretty fast after that.

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