Why are White Men So Angry?

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Re: Why are White Men So Angry?

Postby penxv » Sun Jun 09, 2019 2:23 am

Leading the opposition is an old tactic.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jun 10, 2019 6:38 pm

penxv wrote:Plus you're guaranteed to draw spook attention having a forum where people aren't buying the 9/11 clownshow. Most plebs aren't going to be too excited about exposing themselves as wrongthinkers.

Fuck tha 911 clownshow

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Postby onetrickpony » Fri Jun 14, 2019 5:08 am

penxv wrote:Thats why vutu and friends are here.

Vutu and friends are here because they can’t pick their battles and go to war about whatever, whenever.

If they were welcome at other forums they would be there.

But that Is what differentiates this place from the others. The unwanted opinions are open for discussion. It doesn’t matter if they’re not popular, racist, disgusting or ridiculously stupid. You can voice your opinion and argue it’s merit without being censored.

That’s a rare thing these days.

The problem is that broadcasting the lawlessness of the site could very well bring in a bunch of fucking idiots that are actually racist (unlike vutu who’s sole purpose seems to be to argue with anything that has a pulse) and incredibly stupid.

Personally, I don’t mind interacting with people like that. I have the chance to change their mind or at the very least I get to better know my enemy.

It’s ultimately up to Mr. Toys how he wants his site to go. The one thing I can be certain about is that I’ll stick around to see the outcome.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:22 pm

onetrickpony wrote:
penxv wrote:Thats why vutu and friends are here.

Vutu and friends are here because they can’t pick their battles and go to war about whatever, whenever.

If they were welcome at other forums they would be there.

But that Is what differentiates this place from the others. The unwanted opinions are open for discussion. It doesn’t matter if they’re not popular, racist, disgusting or ridiculously stupid. You can voice your opinion and argue it’s merit without being censored.

That’s a rare thing these days.

The problem is that broadcasting the lawlessness of the site could very well bring in a bunch of fucking idiots that are actually racist (unlike vutu who’s sole purpose seems to be to argue with anything that has a pulse) and incredibly stupid.

Personally, I don’t mind interacting with people like that. I have the chance to change their mind or at the very least I get to better know my enemy.

It’s ultimately up to Mr. Toys how he wants his site to go. The one thing I can be certain about is that I’ll stick around to see the outcome.

Thank you onetrick

I also find it valuable to interact with folks that seem different or disagreeable sometimes. In real life we can't 'block' or put people on ignore and poof they all disappear off your feed, lol. Different opinions exists, people view things different ways. Not all are right but not all are totally wrong either. Its a good chance to learn peace and middle ground, instead of dividing into camps and demanding everyone be like-minded. I've been able to make lots of great connections and allies in life by finding respect for those we are conditioned to walk away from. Its really interesting actually. We learn and grow by discussing and listening, not arguing and ignoring.

The concept here however is not just for the ruffians, but because soon it won't be just controversial language that will be censored, but actual facts and truths. Already many discussions that I consider to be vital are 'off the table', inappropriate for discussion, never ever discussed in the MSM, yet are true and meaningful to shed light on and examine

I think some serious censorship has already long begun, they started with obvious things like sexism and racism, and then turned it up to any social un-PC language in general, then they turn it up some more then they turn it up some more and now everyone is afraid to say shit. Group-think right now imo is at a super dangerous high, and simple realities of the political world and life itself are being labeled and shunned as hate-speech. Too many are just going along with it, lets all STFU at least we have the Raptors lol

Free speech is so important right now. Scary levels of censorship and fear to step outside the narrowing social boundaries of thought-police. Yes a free-speech zone may bring some trash but worth the inconvenience imo. Honestly, haven't even had any inconvenience here yet. Vutu is a card but I learned to see through that and find value as well

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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:22 pm

I did get threatened to take it down once actually. I am acquainted with a relatively wealthy person in entertainment, but he is also certifiably crazy lol so one day he calls me and says he has something big and do I wanna be on board yes or no right now but I have to scrub all the Masato Toys stuff off the net and take down the forum forever yes or no? lol

Of course I said no because I don't agree to such ambiguous terms but it was pretty funny.

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Postby Masato » Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:25 pm

typical forum terms & conditions:
(this is tame actually. Some forums have multiple pages of legal copy its nuts)

Our terms & conditions:

Maybe this is stupid, but it seems to be working out OK so far :D

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:11 pm

onetrickpony wrote:
penxv wrote:Thats why vutu and friends are here.

Vutu and friends are here because they can’t pick their battles and go to war about whatever, whenever.

If they were welcome at other forums they would be there.

But that Is what differentiates this place from the others. The unwanted opinions are open for discussion. It doesn’t matter if they’re not popular, racist, disgusting or ridiculously stupid. You can voice your opinion and argue it’s merit without being censored.

That’s a rare thing these days.

The problem is that broadcasting the lawlessness of the site could very well bring in a bunch of fucking idiots that are actually racist (unlike vutu who’s sole purpose seems to be to argue with anything that has a pulse) and incredibly stupid.

Personally, I don’t mind interacting with people like that. I have the chance to change their mind or at the very least I get to better know my enemy.

It’s ultimately up to Mr. Toys how he wants his site to go. The one thing I can be certain about is that I’ll stick around to see the outcome.

Why pick battles?
If somebody says something to piss you off or you feel is incorrect, let them know
A lot of people can't handle that and the society we live in (pussified as fuck) says it's best just to let the small shit go, fuck that society
But that's why most people are not fans of mine lol

As for if we were allowed anywhere else, we would be, I strongly have to disagree with

I am not allowed on one forum on the net and even that place offered a way for me to come back (when everything went down) which I declined
I hadn't been on here since November until yesterday, haven't been on shergod in a couple years, have made I think 2 posts to the otherground in the past year, and hardly even do reddit anymore since it turned to shit
8chan got shutdown, still go on 4chan and endchan though

I think this is by far my favorite place though and the only one I'd keep going back to (even if I do take some long breaks lol), it's the only place that doesn't censor and the only one that the owner actually leads by example rather than being a dictator

Most are going to say this is one of those battles I don't need to take on, but, I feel those statements are incorrect (at least in my case) and you are making too broad of a generalization

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Postby onetrickpony » Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:17 am

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
onetrickpony wrote:
penxv wrote:Thats why vutu and friends are here.

Vutu and friends are here because they can’t pick their battles and go to war about whatever, whenever.

If they were welcome at other forums they would be there.

But that Is what differentiates this place from the others. The unwanted opinions are open for discussion. It doesn’t matter if they’re not popular, racist, disgusting or ridiculously stupid. You can voice your opinion and argue it’s merit without being censored.

That’s a rare thing these days.

The problem is that broadcasting the lawlessness of the site could very well bring in a bunch of fucking idiots that are actually racist (unlike vutu who’s sole purpose seems to be to argue with anything that has a pulse) and incredibly stupid.

Personally, I don’t mind interacting with people like that. I have the chance to change their mind or at the very least I get to better know my enemy.

It’s ultimately up to Mr. Toys how he wants his site to go. The one thing I can be certain about is that I’ll stick around to see the outcome.

Why pick battles?
If somebody says something to piss you off or you feel is incorrect, let them know
A lot of people can't handle that and the society we live in (pussified as fuck) says it's best just to let the small shit go, fuck that society
But that's why most people are not fans of mine lol

As for if we were allowed anywhere else, we would be, I strongly have to disagree with

I am not allowed on one forum on the net and even that place offered a way for me to come back (when everything went down) which I declined
I hadn't been on here since November until yesterday, haven't been on shergod in a couple years, have made I think 2 posts to the otherground in the past year, and hardly even do reddit anymore since it turned to shit
8chan got shutdown, still go on 4chan and endchan though

I think this is by far my favorite place though and the only one I'd keep going back to (even if I do take some long breaks lol), it's the only place that doesn't censor and the only one that the owner actually leads by example rather than being a dictator

Most are going to say this is one of those battles I don't need to take on, but, I feel those statements are incorrect (at least in my case) and you are making too broad of a generalization

Raging against everything others say that you don’t agree with is tiring and ultimately only leads to you being angry instead of expressing your arguments and moving on.

I would rather save my efforts to justify the points I strongly believe in, have researched and know the facts and can intelligently retort to without allowing my emotions to get the better of me.

I completely understand your opinion and if that is what works for you I support you, but, personally I no longer have the time or want to expend the effort to fight with trolls ad nauseam on every statement I disagree with.

I learned not so long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:06 pm

onetrickpony wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
onetrickpony wrote:Vutu and friends are here because they can’t pick their battles and go to war about whatever, whenever.

If they were welcome at other forums they would be there.

But that Is what differentiates this place from the others. The unwanted opinions are open for discussion. It doesn’t matter if they’re not popular, racist, disgusting or ridiculously stupid. You can voice your opinion and argue it’s merit without being censored.

That’s a rare thing these days.

The problem is that broadcasting the lawlessness of the site could very well bring in a bunch of fucking idiots that are actually racist (unlike vutu who’s sole purpose seems to be to argue with anything that has a pulse) and incredibly stupid.

Personally, I don’t mind interacting with people like that. I have the chance to change their mind or at the very least I get to better know my enemy.

It’s ultimately up to Mr. Toys how he wants his site to go. The one thing I can be certain about is that I’ll stick around to see the outcome.

Why pick battles?
If somebody says something to piss you off or you feel is incorrect, let them know
A lot of people can't handle that and the society we live in (pussified as fuck) says it's best just to let the small shit go, fuck that society
But that's why most people are not fans of mine lol

As for if we were allowed anywhere else, we would be, I strongly have to disagree with

I am not allowed on one forum on the net and even that place offered a way for me to come back (when everything went down) which I declined
I hadn't been on here since November until yesterday, haven't been on shergod in a couple years, have made I think 2 posts to the otherground in the past year, and hardly even do reddit anymore since it turned to shit
8chan got shutdown, still go on 4chan and endchan though

I think this is by far my favorite place though and the only one I'd keep going back to (even if I do take some long breaks lol), it's the only place that doesn't censor and the only one that the owner actually leads by example rather than being a dictator

Most are going to say this is one of those battles I don't need to take on, but, I feel those statements are incorrect (at least in my case) and you are making too broad of a generalization

Raging against everything others say that you don’t agree with is tiring and ultimately only leads to you being angry instead of expressing your arguments and moving on.

I would rather save my efforts to justify the points I strongly believe in, have researched and know the facts and can intelligently retort to without allowing my emotions to get the better of me.

I completely understand your opinion and if that is what works for you I support you, but, personally I no longer have the time or want to expend the effort to fight with trolls ad nauseam on every statement I disagree with.

I learned not so long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

You bring up a good point about things you have researched, I guess I try not to disagree with things that I haven't researched (obviously not always, but I do try to be open to most opinions, especially if I don't know anything about it

If somebody says something I don't know about, I go and research about it, then if I disagree, hit em up :)

The advantage I have here is I guess my free time so that's a massive difference between us and completely understandable why you wouldn't want to bother

Edit: the part about the getting dirty and the pig liking it, I completely agree with
I think our perspectives are just different, I like to get dirty and generally like it even more when the pig likes it too and is willing to have a back and forth so I can see things from their perspective, its kind of how I learn to view things from different perspectives so that I can be more open minded and know that there is truly never a correct answer to any question, just the answer we have been taught is correct based on the perspective society feels is best at that point in time

I do try to leave trolls alone though, that I'll give you
I let one get to me and it was stupid to allow myself to go there

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