Zionism Thread

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Zionism Thread

Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:06 pm

I think its about time we make a thread for such related material.

Whatever one's views, I don't think its possible anymore to deny that Israel is clearly a major influence/key player in the Geo-Politics of our times.

Both modern and historical examinations are welcome; Zionism and all that has resulted and fractalled off since and is yet to come.

It is a fascinating story with many deep roots and branches, many angles to examine in a world that people (and especially MSM) has been somehow conditioned to not examine

such as:

-Israeli Lobby/AIPAC in US Politics
-Balfour Declaration/pre-war Zionism
-History of Creation of Israel and resulting wars/history
-Possible involvement of 911?
-Influence of Military/Finance etc
-US NeoCons
-Prophetic endeavors/3rd Temple etc
-Judaism vs Zionism
-Recent Embassy switch to Jerusalem
-Media influence
-World opinion
-Future timelines

*Thread caveat/request:

This thread is intended to have nothing to do whatsoever with Jewish folks as individuals or as a whole; it is strictly a discussion and critique on the geo-political actions of hardcore Zionism both historically and currently, and the specific acts of such players on the Grand Chessboard


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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:18 pm

Don't even know where to start so here are some light random current headlines that I think are relevant:

U.S. Senate’s First Bill, in Midst of Shutdown, is a Bipartisan Defense of the Israeli Government from Boycotts

https://theintercept.com/2019/01/05/u-s ... -boycotts/


When each new Congress is gaveled into session, the chambers attach symbolic importance to the first piece of legislation to be considered. For that reason, it bears the lofty designation of H.R.1 in the House, and S.1 in the Senate.

In the newly controlled Democratic House, H.R.1 – meant to signal the new majority’s priorities – is an anti-corruption bill that combines election and campaign finance reform, strengthening of voting rights, and matching public funds for small-dollar candidates. In the new 2017 Senate, the GOP-controlled S.1 was a bill, called the “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act,” that, among other provisions, cut various forms of corporate taxes.

But in the 2019 GOP-controlled Senate, the first bill to be considered – S.1 – is not designed to protect American workers, bolster U.S. companies, or address the various debates over border security and immigration. It’s not a bill to open the government. Instead, according to multiple sources involved in the legislative process, S.1 will be a compendium containing a handful of foreign-policy related measures, a main one of which is a provision, with Florida’s GOP Sen. Marco Rubio as a lead sponsor, to defend the Israeli government. The bill is a top legislative priority for AIPAC.

In the previous Congress, that measure was known as S.170, and it gives state and local governments explicit legal authority to boycott any U.S. companies which themselves are participating in a boycott against Israel. As the Intercept reported last month, 26 states now have enacted some version of a law to punish or otherwise sanction entities which participate in or support the boycott of Israel, while similar laws are pending in at least 13 additional states. Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen the legal basis to defend those Israel-protecting laws from constitutional challenge.

Punishment aimed at companies which choose to boycott Israel can also sweep up individual American citizens in its punitive net, because individual contractors often work for state or local governments under the auspices of a sole proprietorship or some other business entity. That was the case with Texas elementary school speech pathologist Bahia Amawi, who lost her job working with autistic and speech-impaired children in Austin because she refused to promise not to boycott goods produced in Israel and/or illegal Israeli settlements.

Thus far, the two federal courts that have ruled on such bills have declared them to be unconstitutional violations of the First Amendment speech rights of American citizens. “A restriction of one’s ability to participate in collective calls to oppose Israel unquestionably burdens the protected expression of companies wishing to engage in such a boycott,” U.S. District Court Judge Diane J. Humetewa of Arizona wrote in her decision issuing a preliminary injunction against the law in a case brought last September by the ACLU on behalf of “an attorney who has contracted with the state for the last 12 years to provide legal services on behalf of incarcerated individuals” but who lost his contract to do so after he refused to sign an oath pledging not to boycott Israel.

A similar ruling was issued in January of last year by a Kansas federal judge, who ruled that state’s Israel oath law unconstitutional on the ground that “the Supreme Court has held that the First Amendment protects the right to participate in a boycott like the one punished by the Kansas law.” In that case, a Mennonite who was a long-time public school teacher lost her independent contract as a school curriculum developer after she followed her church’s decision to boycott goods from Israeli companies in the occupied West Bank and thus refused to sign the oath required by Kansas law.

These are the Israel-defending, free-speech-punishing laws which Rubio’s bill is designed to strengthen. Although Rubio is the chief sponsor, his bill attracted broad bipartisan support, as is true of most bills designed to protect Israel and which are supported by AIPAC. Rubio’s bill last Congress was cosponsored by a several Democrats who are still in the Senate: Bob Menendez, N.J.; Joe Manchin, W.Va.; Ben Cardin, Md.; Ron Wyden, Ore.; Gary Peters, Mich.; and Debbie Stabenow, Mich.

The support among Democrats for bills that would punish supporters of the Boycott Israel movement is now particularly awkward given that two of the most prominent newly elected Democratic members – Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, the first two Muslim women in Congress – are both supporters of that Israel boycott.

Last year, Sen. Cardin introduced a bill that would have criminalized participation in international boycotts of Israel, and it was on the verge of passing with significant bipartisan support until the ACLU sounded the alarm on how gravely unconstitutional that bill was. Once the Intercept reported on the mechanics of the bill and the covert effort to enact it with little attention, numerous Democratic Senators announced they were reconsidering their support, stalling the bill’s enactment. Though Cardin attempted to pass a watered-down version in the lame-duck session, it is now Rubio’s Israel-defending bill that has taken center stage even as the U.S. government is in the midst of a shutdown for American citizens.
That the newly elected United States Congress would choose to prioritize protection of this foreign nation — at the expense of the Constitutional rights of American citizens and over countless bills that would help Americans — was only one of the stinging criticisms voiced to the Intercept by ACLU Senior Legislative Counsel Kathleen Ruane:

In the midst of a partial government shutdown, Democratic and Republican senators have decided that one of their first orders of business next week should be to sneak through a bill that would weaken Americans’ First Amendment protections. The bill, Combatting BDS Act, encourages states to adopt the very same anti-boycott laws that two federal courts blocked on First Amendment grounds. The legislation, like the unconstitutional state anti-boycott laws it condones, sends a message to Americans that they will be penalized if they dare to disagree with their government. We therefore urge senators to vote no on the Combatting BDS Act next week.

With the seven Democratic co-sponsors, the bill would have the 60 votes it needs to overcome a filibuster. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. – who supported Sen. Cardin’s far more draconian bill of last year and is one of the Senate’s most reliable AIPAC loyalists – also plans to support the Rubio bill, rather than whip votes against it, sources working on the bill said. Schumer’s spokesperson did not respond to a request for comment.

If the bill does pass the Senate, the major question will be whether the Democratic House – now led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a long-time Israel advocate but also as a supporter of the First Amendment – takes it up and passes it into law.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 07, 2019 4:20 pm

^^ that is on the heels of another story recently where US government employees were recently forced to take some sort of oath vowing they would not support BDS or something to that effect

One woman refused to take the oath and lost her job. Were many articles ranting how unconstitutional it is to force Americans to make oaths to other countries, etc.

I don't have any links now but you can find it, then relate it to the above article ^

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Postby Masato » Thu Jan 10, 2019 9:52 pm

This was bloody fascinating.

I never heard of this guy Gilad Atzmon before but he seems quite the mind

Serious conversation. Big questions. Honest thoughts.

Super insightful, guy on the left has some hardcore real life experience and authority on the issues/history/philosophy galore. Guy on the right picks his brain completely. Great great talk

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Postby Luigi » Sat Jan 12, 2019 3:08 am

Rabbi Shekels' latest victim:


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Postby SRBrant » Sat Jan 19, 2019 2:35 am

"Zionist involvement in 9/11."

You're on THIN ICE, Masato.

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Postby Masato » Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:03 pm

^^ Thin ice like a hockey rink; only 1 inch thick, but underneath is hard smooth solid concrete :D

Seriously, I would challenge anyone to make a case for any other group who has anywhere near the same A)motive and B)means to pull off a 9/11. Israel has both in spades, I don't see any other group coming as close.

Here is a list of High Profile Israeli/Zionists who are totally linked to key aspects of the 9/11 events. BOTH means and motive for every one:
ALL of these people in key positions relating to 9/11 are Jewish/Israeli/Zionists;

WTC in Private Hands:

Larry Silverstein
- obtained a 99 year lease on the entire WTC complex 24 July, 2001
- scored $4.5+ Billion in insurance money as a result of the destruction of his complex|
- personal friends with Zionists Rupert Murdoch, Ariel Sharon, Netanyahu

Frank Lowy
- owned the shopping concourse area called the Mall at WTC
- member of the Golani Brigade
- member of Hagganah, a Jewish terrorist organization
- funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy
- close friends with top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak

Lewis Eisenberg
- head of the Port Authority of New York
- authorized lease transfers to both Larry and Lowy (^^)
- partner in the Jewish bank Goldman-Sachs
- member of the Planning Board of the United Jewish Appeal/United Jewish Federation

Ronald Lauder
- billionaire (Estée Lauder Cosmetics)
- chairman of NY Governor George Pataki’s commission on privatization
- key individual who lobbied for the privatization of the WTC
- key individual who lobbied for the privatization of Stewart Air Force Base (over which the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged)
- active in the following organizations:
Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Jewish National Fund
World Jewish Congress
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
Anti-Defamation League
Jewish Theological Seminary
- elected president of the World Jewish Congress on 10 June, 2007
- founder of a school for the MOSSAD in Herzliya Israel called the Lauder School of Government Diplomacy and Strategy


- Security of WTC was contracted to KROLL ASSOCIATES (after the 1993 bombing), owned by Jules & Jeremy Kroll (both Israeli Zionists)
- Kroll Associates was awarded this from the Port Authority of New York [Owned by Rockefellers]

- Managing Director of Kroll was Jerome M. Hauer, who set up Giuliani's office of emergency management( OEM) in Silverstien's WTC Building 7
- Hauer's mother was Honorary President of the New York Chapter of Hadassah, the Daughters of Zion movement (one of the central Zionist orgs involved in the creation and maintenance of the State of Israel)


- Security at ALL 3 AIRPORTS of alleged hijackings were run by ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA
- ICTS International / Huntsleigh USA was owned by Ezra Harel and Menachem Atzmon at time of 9/11 (Both Israeli Jews)
- ICTS International was the security org that allowed the 19 alleged arab hijackers on board 4 different planes
- in charge of airport security when the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, allegedly boarded a plane with a shoe bomb
- in charge of airport security when the Underwear Bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly attempted to bomb Northwest Airlines Flight 253
- a few hours before the Patriot Act was passed, it was edited to make foreign companies in charge of security on 9/11 immune to lawsuits. This would prevent American courts from demanding that ICTS provide testimony or hand over the missing surveillance videos from the airports.

Israeli Intelligence and P-tech

- National security computerized systems that orchestrated the scrambling of jets in the event of national emergencies such as multiple hijackings were running on Ptech software
- Ptech clients includes: the FAA, N.A.T.O, United States Armed Forces, Congress, Dept. Of Energy, Dept. of Justice, FBI, Customs, the IRS, the Secret Service, and even the White House
- Marketing Manager of PTech was Michael S. Goff (Zionist/Jewish)
- Goff also worked for Israeli database company Guardium, funded by MOSSAD

Rabbi Dov Zakheim and Systems Planning Corporation:

- Rabbi Dov Zakheim was the appointed Undersecretary of Defense and Pentagon Comptroller from 2001-2004 (George W. Bush administration)
- As Pentagon Comptroller, Zakheim is responsible for the disappearance of $2.6 TRILLION, announced by Donald Rumsfeld on 10th September, 2001.
- Coincidentally, the specific section of the Pentagon that was “hit” or “blown up” contained the bookkeeping for these missing funds

- Co-author of the PNAC paper on rebuilding America’s defenses
- PNAC paper advocated the necessity of a "Pearl Harbor-like incident" to mobilize America

- Dov Zakheim ran System Planning Corporation (SPC)– remote airplane control technology
- SPC Corp provided the the technology that allows planes to be remote controlled should the pilots be incapacitated or the plane hijacked

- Zakheim's subsidiary, Tridata Corporation, oversaw the investigation of the first “terrorist” attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 (This would have given them intimate knowledge of the security systems and structural blueprints of the World Trade Center.)

Cover Up : 9/11 Investigation in Zionist Hands:

- Michael Chertoff:
- In charge of the Criminal Division in the Justice Department on 9/11
- later, Director of Homeland Security
- holds dual citizenship with the US and Israel
- prosecuting judge in the first terrorist attack on the WTC in 1993
- let hundreds of Israeli spies who were arrested prior to and on 9/11 go back home to Israel
- His family is one of the founding families of the state of Israel
- mother was one of the first ever agents of the Mossad
- father and uncle are ordained rabbis and teachers of the Talmud
- wife, Meryll Chertoff, was a regional director of the ADL
- would become head of Homeland Security and invest in company that built airport scanners

Richard Pearle:
- Chairman of Pentagon’s Defense Policy Board
- expelled from Sen. Henry Jackson’s office in the 1970s after the NSA caught him passing highly classified documents to Israel

Paul Wolfowitz:
- Deputy Defense Secretary, GWB Administration
- member of the Defense Policy Board in the Pentagon
- Key member of PNAC

Douglas Feith:
- “Dual Citizen” of US-Israel
- Headed reconstruction in Iraq
- Effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy
- created the “Office of Special Plans” shortly after 9/11 - source of all intelligence accusing Iraq of developing WMD’s /having ties to Al Qaeda
- Fired from National Security Council in 1976 due to suspicion of passing classified documents to Israel.

Eliot Abrams:
- Key National Security Council Advisor
- Associated with Zionist/Pro-Israel think-tanks: AEI, PNAC, CSP, and JINSA
- Convicted of lying to congress in the Iran/Contra Affair but was later given a pardon by Bush

Marc Grossman:
- “dual citizen” of US and Israel
- Under Secretary for Political Affairs on 9-11

Ari Fleischer:
- White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11
- Fed all Iraq WMD lies to the press
- “dual citizen” of US and Israel
- connected to the extremist group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics

- ALL appointed chief judges were Zionist Jews:

- Alvin K. Hellerstein:
- involved in several high-profile 9/11 related cases
- wife is a former senior officer & current treasurer of AMIT, "world’s leading supporter of religious Zionist education and social services for Israel’s children and youth,

- Michael B. Mukasey:
- oversaw the litigation between Larry Silverstein and insurance companies after 9/11
- prevented full inquiry into the Five Dancing Israelis
- later appointed attorney general by President Bush

- Kenneth Feinberg:
- set up the victim’s compensation fund ($7 billion) to victims’ families in exchange for not demanding legal investigation of 9/11

- Sheila Birnbaum:
- appointed ‘special mediator‘ of the legal suits filed by the 3% of families who decided not to be bought off
- all of the cases/trials were squashed

Israeli Influence of 9/11 Commission/Investigation:

Philip Zelikow:
- appointed the executive director of the 9/11 commission
- Bush Admin insider
- worked with Condoleezza Rice on the National Security Council 1989-91
- 1996-98 Zelikow is director of the Aspen Strategy Group which also included people such as Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz
- 1995, Zelikow and Rice wrote a book together
- named under George Bush Jr to a position on the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board [PFIAB]

Benjamin Chertoff (cousin of Michael Chertoff):
- wrote the 9/11 hit piece in Popular Mechanics debunking ‘9/11 conspiracies’

Stephen Cauffman:
- Leader of NIST coverup of WTC 7 destruction, which maintained that fire brought down WTC 7

Alan D. Ratner:
- Director of Metals Management and the SIMS group
- responsible for quickly scooping up the WTC steel rubble and shipping it off to Asian smelters
- sold over 50,000 tons of crime scene evidence steel to a Chinese company at $120 per ton

Who was Bush Jr's Speech-Writer?

David Frum
- Bush’s personal Speechwriter
- the man behind the “Axis Of Evil” label
- co-authored a book with Zionist Richard Perle, entitled: 'An End To Evil: How To Win The War On Terror'
- called for regime change in Iran & Syria


- Israeli instant messaging company, ODIGO, admitted of instant messages warning of an impeding attack 2 hours prior to the first plane hitting. Several high profile Jews have also subsequently admitted to receiving the ODIGO message
- Only 3/4000 Israelis (not merely american jews, but Israelis) working in the WTC/Pentagon area died on Sept 11
- Odigo has offices in New York and in Herzliya, Israel. Herzliya is the location of Mossad HQ.
- On Sep 10, 2001, the Tokyo branch of Goldman Sachs warned its American employees to steer clear of American buildings
- ZIM, an Israeli company, vacated its office in the North WTC tower a week before 9/11, breaking its lease.

The Five Dancing Israelis:

- Sivan & Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Schmuel, Oded Ellner & Omer Marmari, all Israeli citizens, were detained by NYPD on 9/11
- police/FBI field found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters, $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports in a van
- bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives
- released and sent back to Israel
- Later appeared on an Israeli talk show and claimed they were in NYC that day "to document the event”

Truck Bomb Destined for George Washington Bridge

- a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge on 9/11
- Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York
- Suspects were Israeli

Mural Van:
- white van parked near the twin towers on 6th and King Street had a mural painted on the side that literally depicted a jetliner crashing into the twin towers and exploding.
- police audio transmission indicates that the two suspects in the van started to run away when the van was stopped and were apprehended shortly thereafter in some sort of struggle.
- five employees that were taken into custody were all former members of the Israeli Army
- Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released.
- police recording also indicates that the mural van subsequently exploded following the detainment of the two suspects

- All of the white vans were working for the ostensible moving company Urban Moving Systems
- Urban Moving Systems was under direction of Dominic Suter, an Israeli Spy who immediately fled to Israel after the attacks
- left Urban Moving System in a hurry, cleared out his New Jersey home, put it up for sale and returned with his family to Israel

Israeli 'Art Students':

- Israelis posing as art students selling their art [actually made in China], – were suspected of spying for Israel
- detained by the FBI and later deported to Israel on account of visa violations
- FBI first took notice of them in January of 2001
- detailed DEA report documented 180 cases of Israeli art students infiltrating DEA facilities. It provided names, drivers’ license numbers, addresses and phone numbers of the Israelis.
- 5 of the 'Art Students' had residence in Florida, only blocks away from Mohammed Atta's residence
- Others in Texas had residences close to other alleged hijackers
- 6 of the students had mobile phones that had been purchased by a former Israeli vice consul in the U.S.
- All shipped back to Israel post-9/11 no questions asked (during a time when security/suspected terrorists was at an all-time high)

- On December 13, 2001 the EIR’s Washington Bureau Chief Bill Jones asked Colin Powell, There were 60 Israeli citizens who have been picked up in the post- Sept. 11 sweep, many of whom, if not all of whom, are connected to Israeli intelligence. Are you concerned about such intelligence operations on U.S. soil, and have you taken up this issue with your counterpart in Israel?

Powell responded: I’m aware that some Israeli citizens have been detained, and I’ve been in touch with the Israeli government as to the fact that they have been detained, in making sure that they have rights of access to Israeli diplomatic personnel here in the United States. With respect to why they are being detained, and the other aspects of your question, whether it’s because they are in intelligence services or what things they were doing, I will defer to the Department of Justice and the FBI to answer that; because, frankly, I deal with the consular parts of that problem, not the intelligence or law-enforcement parts of that problem.

Mohammed Atta Leads Directly To Jewish Crime Network

- Less than one week before 9/11 several of the hijacker ‘patsies’, including Atta, boarded a Sun Cruz Casino Boat in Florida.

Who owned these casino boats?

Jack Abramoff
- entertained the Arab patsies aboard his yacht
- Bush Admin insider having been on the Transition Advisory Team assigned to the Department of the Interior in 2001

Netanyahu's Comments on 9/11:

- publicly stated that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were “good” for U.S.- Israeli relations, and would generate “immediate sympathy” for the Israeli cause of ethnically cleansing the Palestinians
- told an audience at Bar Ilan: “We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,” Ma’ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events “swung American public opinion in our favor.”

I'm not saying it's so, notice I used the word 'possible'. But the plausibility, motivation, means, and key players involved are well enough for me to consider it seriously. Why is this such an impossible or 'thin ice' scenario to consider and examine?

I still honestly don't get why you are so triggered by this, if I found evidence it was done by Japanese mafia or Russians I would call what I see out just the same. I've been studying 9/11 since Day 1, and its simply where the trails have led me. I have no dog in the fight

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Postby Luigi » Tue Jan 22, 2019 6:05 am

Mas if you compiled that yourself I am impressed. You were always a step ahead, a few feet deeper in this murky midst. I find the Zionism stuff kinda like feminism in that its done to death yet it keeps popping up. Starting to taste like brown bread when you want a pop tart. I commend those who can keep digging though.

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:25 pm

Thanks Luigi

Brown Bread is better for you than pop tarts :D

To be honest, the subject it relatively new for me. I'd been studying 911, geo-politics, War on Terror, and all conspiracies under the sun since day 1 of 911, but never really looked at Israel as any significant piece of the puzzle. Didn't really know anything about it to be perfectly honest. No one ever talked about it, it was absent from almost all conspiracy discussions no matter how extreme. And of course whenever someone did, it had that fearful taste that maybe I shouldn't be listening to this etc.

Then all of a sudden a couple years ago I started seeing how big of a role it actually plays in things. From the WW's to the War on Terror, Israel and Zionists I see now are a totally a crucial and central piece of the puzzle. Its just that so few dare to look into it, even fewer dare to discuss it. Guys like Alex Jones for example NEVER goes there, ever. Yet he covers any other 'conspiracy' he can wrangle together.

Its just become so obvious imo, the relationship between Israel and US, the power of AIPAC and Israeli lobby groups, the amount of Zionist influence on the Neo-Con groups, the motivation to re-structure and control the Middle East (their neighbors), etc. Israel is clearly at the center of the whole Middle East mess, yet we are to believe they are not a player in the game? Just innocently and unfortunately sitting in the center of it all, but not involved? The way the MSM avoids any utterance of the subject like a plague, the clear and absurd over-representation of Israeli's/Zionists in the MSM... etc etc etc. It's starting to look like the 'Elephant in the Room'/'Emperor wears no clothes' type of situation.

I heard it explained once that 'Jewish Power is the extent to which people are censored from talking about Jewish Power'.

Its really unbelievable to me how such a key element in trying to understand our world is completely off-limits to most people. You can talk about anything you want, slander Russia and Iran and Trump all day, but don't you dare criticize Israel. Even though there is a total apartheid racially-based religious extremist system going on with nukes and getting unquestioned trillions from the US every year, presidency to presidency without fail. Nothing to see here? Really?

I think the silence needs to be broken. Israel is at the crux of so many world issues/problems right now, how insane is it that everyone is somehow scared to even discuss it?

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:35 pm


- All 3 are demonstrably over-represented by Israeli influence. Can this even be debated? Its very clear for anyone to see imo. I could post evidence here all day but find it redundant as its so obvious and easy to find for one's self

What are the ramifications of that? That amount of power really is almost unimaginable

Something is very wrong here, yet no one dares speak of what's right in front of their eyes.

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