When dealing with the police - tip for youngsters.

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When dealing with the police - tip for youngsters.

Postby Vutulaki » Thu Dec 27, 2018 9:20 am


Nothing good can possibly come from you being open and transparent with them. If local laws allow then exercise your right to silence or non dialogue.

Play the tape forward to your court case where you want to plead not guilty cause you're not, this is the cop's "free play" time to fuck you up. They know youre on the back foot, have no lawyer present and probably stressed out of your mind in what is a routine situation for them.

I repeat the first line above - You are NOT IN A POSITION TO EXONERATE YOURSELF.

Those residing in NSW Australia, do not ever agree to a videotaped interrogation, this is them getting you on the stand without your lawyer present plain and simple.

Learn your rights fellas, I just watched 3 kids (20's) get busted for some shit they could have walked away from because they thought they were fast talkers or didnt know their rights.

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