McGregor to challenge Khabib Nurmagomedov for lightweight title at UFC 229

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Re: McGregor to challenge Khabib Nurmagomedov for lightweight title at UFC 229

Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:30 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Nick has done it, its really not all that new

They never get it and Conor better not fucking get it

But it has happened

- I bellieve that Connor will get. This fight was a huge ppv sucess. The after match antics sky-lauched Khabib to stardom.
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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:38 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Only thing I'll add to rematches is if the champ is a longtime champ (Aldo), in that case, I'd give an immediate rematch but that's just me

I really think it depends on how Conor handles it
If he comes out real and says hey I need to work on my wrestling and will be but I can still knock any man cold when I'm on my game and the left connects
Say that khabib was the better fighter on that night and he has nothing but respect for the mans skill
Say that he will be taking on Diaz for the third time and he hopes that one day down the line he will get his chance to redeem himself

But that's not conor lol
He'll say he wants a rematch and try to play it off as rust
Kavanaigh worried me on Jre when he said he thinks their wrestling will be fine and they wont bring in anybody specific for that
Bad mistake imo

- I think that the champ deserves a rematch. Even if he never defended the title. UFC didnt respected with Aldo did. A 10 year tenure asa light-weight champion. Even Connor said that the k.oed Aldo was atipical. Even thought he never gave him the rematch.Connor was amix of Khabib being a monster dedicated to the art of asswhooping.

Connor nothing training serious and the two year out of MMA. And Connor can bring who he wants for the camp. A 10 week camping isnt goingto close the graplling gap btw the two. I think Khabib is his nemesis. Like Khabib will meet his nemesis someday too!
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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:46 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

Not sure why that would matter honestly
It is a racial slur which most definitely was over the line to Frazier since we know he took his hatred of Ali to grave
Even going so far as to be happy at Ali disease

I think that's a big problem
Going "over the line" seems to only matter to people when it's something that is sensitive to you, that is 100% bias
Look at it without bias and everything can be considered over the line since people can always find reasons to be sensitive to nearly all issues

Its is fine to hate McGregor for his trash talk, it's fine to consider him a disrespectful piece of shit
But you have to accept it as part of accepted trash talk in combat sports if you also find the trash talk that ali used acceptable or you are being nothing more than biased

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:Did Ali ever curse in his trashtalk? I would like to see a HL of his worst, lol

I've watched a lot of Ali footage and can only remember lighthearted humor. But I wasn't there, maybe history likes to ignore some parts of his career :D

No he didnt curse but again that is just something that is sensitive to you
You really find using racial slurs light hearted?
You really find calling another black man an uncle Tom in 1971, trying to turn an entire population against a man lighthearted?

We can respectfully disagree on that

This brings up some really good questions!

I remember Ali was very concerned about the state of the black race in his days, talked a lot about the issue. Not defending his comments but some context may be needed here, Ali was fighting for more than just belts and W's in those days

To clarify, I never said calling him an Uncle Tom was lighthearted, I was only commenting on what I had personally remembered from footage I'd watched, and those memories are all lighthearted stuff. I didn't know he called Frazier that, but not surprised to hear, lol. Also didn't know Frazier had such strong feelings against Ali. Being happy at his disease is also pretty low though, so I suppose they are even now lol

But the question is about the limits of trashtalk;

Some press after the fight asked Dana if he thought he let the trashtalk go too far, if he could/should have done something about it as if it may have prevented the brawl after the fight. Dana emphatically said 'No', then went to explain how its part of the fight game and you can't tell the fighters what to say or not say.

But really? In any other facet of society these days, political correctness is at an all-time high. If an athlete in any other non-combat sport utters any sort of slur or insults someones family or religion, the world would flip out and there would be major repercussions. Any celebrity really, look at celebs like Roseanne Barr or Kramer etc. One slur and they are finished. There is really no tolerance for it anymore

So why in combat sports, someone like Dana wouldn't even think of curbing acceptable language? When he said 'its just part of the fight game' I had a strong feeling like we would look back on that one day and wonder what took so long to change it? Like that statement was already past its time. Seems crazy that fighters can not only get away with any sort of speech but also physical assault and we still accept it as 'part of the sport'.

Now don't misunderstand, I personally am more on the side of free speech, don't like a lot of PC censorship... but just considering the temperature of the rest of the public world being so sensitive it seems really weird that in the UFC its still no holds barred in this area. Where would the line be?? Chael Sonnen and Colby C can insult an entire nation of people, lol and the crowd loves it!

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:50 pm

Edge Guerrero wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote: We shall see
I'm hoping for a 1 year suspension and 400k (20% of show money)

Dont strip the title (he deserves that and earned it) but do an interm while waiting and khabib fights interm when he returns

Edit: the 400k isnt a big deal for people who think it's a lot
He'd have 1.6m coming back to him from show and another 8-10m coming from points
So that's about 4% of his purse

- I agree with you. Atacking Mcgregor after dude was on a four round fight isnt right.

I dont blame Khabib for doing what he did to Danis thought, even thought i agree that he deserves the punishment. But UFC set the precedent by letting Mcgregor team getting of the bus incident!

I completely understand why he did it, I dont blame him for wanting to get to Dillon, you just can't do it there
Meet up on the street or in the hospital diaz/trigg style and handle shit, just not there, its bigger than him, he just gave governing bodies tons of ammo to attack the sport, that's mostly what I'm pissed about
I do not want to even go back to states banning the sport

And I think that's why khabib wont face any punishment from the ufc, so it doesn't bring talk of bias to Dana
The commission will come down on khabib though

Cant complain about a commission not giving Conor a suspension for the dolly, there was no commission over seeing anything when Conor did the dolly shit so they couldn't do anything (he has faced a small fine before and all commissioned could have declined to license him based on past actions but they love that money), so the courts dealt with it and he got sued for millions (imo not enough because they used the footage to promote and generated conor even more than he lost)

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:51 pm

Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

I just thought of something else for this lol
With this thinking, what did Conor say that was untrue?

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:52 pm

There is no consistency in the UFC for violations.

Hypocrisy all over. Legit fighters getting huge penalties for PED, yet Brock Lesnar waltzes into main events as he pleases. Conor gets away with assault with a weapon and all is forgiven

Its crazy.

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Postby Masato » Wed Oct 10, 2018 10:54 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

I just thought of something else for this lol
With this thinking, what did Conor say that was untrue?

Well Khabib is not actually a rat :D

Good point though, Conor plays it well, I remember watching the whole 1st press conference and Conor said the same thing; that he speaks the TRUTH. He may phrase it rudely or violently but most of his stuff (aside from predictions of the fight) is on point

Maybe Ali was too! :D especially from the perspective of Nation of Islam mentality

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:02 pm

Masato wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

Not sure why that would matter honestly
It is a racial slur which most definitely was over the line to Frazier since we know he took his hatred of Ali to grave
Even going so far as to be happy at Ali disease

I think that's a big problem
Going "over the line" seems to only matter to people when it's something that is sensitive to you, that is 100% bias
Look at it without bias and everything can be considered over the line since people can always find reasons to be sensitive to nearly all issues

Its is fine to hate McGregor for his trash talk, it's fine to consider him a disrespectful piece of shit
But you have to accept it as part of accepted trash talk in combat sports if you also find the trash talk that ali used acceptable or you are being nothing more than biased

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:Did Ali ever curse in his trashtalk? I would like to see a HL of his worst, lol

I've watched a lot of Ali footage and can only remember lighthearted humor. But I wasn't there, maybe history likes to ignore some parts of his career :D

No he didnt curse but again that is just something that is sensitive to you
You really find using racial slurs light hearted?
You really find calling another black man an uncle Tom in 1971, trying to turn an entire population against a man lighthearted?

We can respectfully disagree on that

This brings up some really good questions!

I remember Ali was very concerned about the state of the black race in his days, talked a lot about the issue. Not defending his comments but some context may be needed here, Ali was fighting for more than just belts and W's in those days

To clarify, I never said calling him an Uncle Tom was lighthearted, I was only commenting on what I had personally remembered from footage I'd watched, and those memories are all lighthearted stuff. I didn't know he called Frazier that, but not surprised to hear, lol. Also didn't know Frazier had such strong feelings against Ali. Being happy at his disease is also pretty low though, so I suppose they are even now lol

But the question is about the limits of trashtalk;

Some press after the fight asked Dana if he thought he let the trashtalk go too far, if he could/should have done something about it as if it may have prevented the brawl after the fight. Dana emphatically said 'No', then went to explain how its part of the fight game and you can't tell the fighters what to say or not say.

But really? In any other facet of society these days, political correctness is at an all-time high. If an athlete in any other non-combat sport utters any sort of slur or insults someones family or religion, the world would flip out and there would be major repercussions. Any celebrity really, look at celebs like Roseanne Barr or Kramer etc. One slur and they are finished. There is really no tolerance for it anymore

So why in combat sports, someone like Dana wouldn't even think of curbing acceptable language? When he said 'its just part of the fight game' I had a strong feeling like we would look back on that one day and wonder what took so long to change it? Like that statement was already past its time. Seems crazy that fighters can not only get away with any sort of speech but also physical assault and we still accept it as 'part of the sport'.

Now don't misunderstand, I personally am more on the side of free speech, don't like a lot of PC censorship... but just considering the temperature of the rest of the public world being so sensitive it seems really weird that in the UFC its still no holds barred in this area. Where would the line be?? Chael Sonnen and Colby C can insult an entire nation of people, lol and the crowd loves it!

Oh I agree man, it's crazy that we allow different standards of "acceptable"
You guys should know I'm more of an anarchist so personally I think all speach is acceptable, but to see some of the most PC people I know loving some of the trash talk is mind boggling

And yes I love ali and do not consider him a racist man, i understand what he was fighting at the time and he did what he thought was best

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Oct 10, 2018 11:04 pm

Masato wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Masato wrote:But was Frazier an Uncle Tom?

I just thought of something else for this lol
With this thinking, what did Conor say that was untrue?

Well Khabib is not actually a rat :D

Good point though, Conor plays it well, I remember watching the whole 1st press conference and Conor said the same thing; that he speaks the TRUTH. He may phrase it rudely or violently but most of his stuff (aside from predictions of the fight) is on point

Maybe Ali was too! :D especially from the perspective of Nation of Islam mentality

From what I saw he was yelling at Ali, calling him a rat

I agree khabib would never rat

Hahaha mystic mac hasn't been so mystic for quite a few years

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:32 pm

Khabib Nurmagomedov to UFC: If you cut my teammate, ‘you’ll lose me too’

By MMA Fighting Newswire Oct 11, 2018

When the UFC gets around to handing out punishments for the chaotic brawl that closed out the show at T-Mobile Arena this past weekend, it may have to heed the words of its lightweight champion.

Khabib Nurmagomedov laid down an ultimatum to officials on Thursday, threatening to leave the promotion should any of his teammates who were involved in the UFC 229 post-main event incident be released for their involvement.

Following his successful title defense against rival Conor McGregor on Saturday, Nurmagomedov leapt over the Octagon fence and jumped into the crowd to confront McGregor’s teammate Dillon Danis. The Bellator fighter had allegedly called Nurmagomedov “a f*cking Muslim rat” at some point during the bout, though Danis has since denied these allegations.

Regardless, the situation escalated when Nurmagomedov’s teammates became involved in a physical altercation with McGregor that saw punches thrown on both sides inside the cage. Though the names involved are still being officially confirmed, one person that has been prominently connected to the melee is UFC featherweight Zubaira Tukhugov.

Nurmagomedov specifically mentions Tukhugov in his Instagram post, challenging UFC president Dana White to follow up on his threat to release any fighters that were involved in the UFC 229 brawl.

“If you decide to fire him, you should know that you’ll lose me too,” Nurmagomedov wrote, referring to Tukhugov. “We never give up on our brothers in Russia and I will go to the end for my brother. If you still decide to fire him, don’t forget to send me my broken contract, otherwise I’ll break it myself.”

Tukhugov was scheduled to fight McGregor’s teammate Artem Lobov at UFC Moncton on Oct. 27, but that bout is presumably in jeopardy should Tukhugov be sanctioned by officials.

Nurmagomedov also questioned the UFC’s handling of this situation compared to the incident in Brooklyn this past April that saw McGregor and cohorts invade the Barclays Center and proceed to go on a rampage that resulted in McGregor throwing a dolly that shattered the window of a bus carrying several UFC fighters, leading to injuries to Ray Borg and Michael Chiesa.

See Nurmagomedov’s full statement below:

“I would like to address (the UFC). Why didn’t you fire anyone when their team attacked the bus and injured a couple of people? They could have killed someone there, why no one says anything about insulting my homeland, religion, nation, family?

[i][color=#00BF00]“Why do you have to punish my team, when both teams fought. If you say that I started it, then I do not agree, I finished what he had started.

“In any case, punish me, (Zubaira Tukhugov) has nothing to do with that. If you think that I’ll keep silent then you are mistaken. You canceled Zubaira’s fight and you want to dismiss him just because he hit Conor. But don’t forget that it was Conor who had hit another brother first, just check the video.

“If you decide to fire him, you should know that you’ll lose me too. We never give up on our brothers in Russia and I will go to the end for my brother. If you still decide to fire him, don’t forget to send me my broken contract, otherwise I’ll break it myself.

“And one more thing, you can keep my money that you are withholding. You are pretty busy with that, I hope it won’t get stuck in your throat. We have defended our honor and this is the most important thing. We intend to go to the end.”[/color][/i]

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