Famous Scientists & the Occult

Politics, History, & 'Conspiracy'
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Re: Famous Scientists & the Occult

Postby SRBrant » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:37 am

Masato wrote:I think maybe I knocked this thread bit off track... to me the interesting thing is not some conspiratorial angle, but rather just the irony that some key founders in the scientific enlightenment were also interested in alchemy and magic and things that our scientific age today ridicules and shuns.

Like I have said before: It feels that it would be wrong to learn the laws of this world without studying the sciences of the next world.

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Postby greenseed » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:12 pm


John Whiteside "Jack" Parsons (born Marvel Whiteside Parsons;[nb 1] October 2, 1914 – June 17, 1952) was an American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, and Thelemite occultist.

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Postby greenseed » Mon Aug 13, 2018 6:15 pm


In 1660, within a few months of the restoration of Charles II, a group of twelve men, including Robert Boyle and Christopher Wren, met in London to set up a society to study the mechanisms of nature. At a time when superstition and magic governed reason, the repressive dogma of Christian belief silenced many, and where post-war loyalties ruined careers, these men forbade the discussion of religion and politics at their meetings. The Royal Society was born and with it modern, experimental science.

THE INVISIBLE COLLEGE is a fascinating study of the turbulent political, economic and religious background to the formation of the Royal Society - an era of war against the Dutch, the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London. It will make you reassess many of the key events of this period and will show how Freemasonry, supported by Charles II, was the guiding force behind the birth of modern science, under the cover of the Royal Society.

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Postby penxv » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:44 pm

SRBrant wrote:
Masato wrote:^ thanks Canuckster, but I actually appreciate SRBrant sometimes calling me out for maybe taking it too far...

I know for sure there ARE many grand conspiracies, the definition of the word is basically just (powerful) people gathering to do shit & hide their tracks. This for me is a simple matter of reality as you describe. How much and how big/deep this goes is up for debate.

To me it as absolute fact that 9/11 for instance was a lie/conspiracy, and that the entire MSM mechanism was complicit in its execution. This is really big, and rocked my world into wondering what ELSE we've been lied to about? It's hard to know

Many have offered that almost EVERYTHING we think we know has been a manufactured deception, and while perhaps SRBrant is on the sensible side of this, I can't help but shake a very strong intuition + years of conspiracy research that keeps suggesting that the truth is indeed somewhere in that larger ballpark.

When one researches where MONEY comes from, who controls it, their ideologies, and how they have used it, it gets pretty scary real fast. Our modern world is definitely NOT just a random collection of people bumbling around without any conspiracy or long term planning... For sure it is the result of quite the opposite. Wars, politics, etc have been in the hands of an extreme few for a few centuries now... But how far does their deception go? Which of what we've been told is true, and what is more lies? How much of History is a lie? How much of history has been covered up or re-written? A little bit, or tons of it? To me, these elites most definitely have held the power to execute such lies, when you create/control all the universities, the press, Hollywood, agencies like the Smithsonian and Carnegie Libraries etc etc... the power to control and narrate our whole reality is not really that far fetched when you consider how much of these institutions have actually been in the same hands.

So do we go as far as those who say that even Evolution was a calculated deception to erase important eras of history? What of those crowds who argue that even dinosaurs are a massive hoax (an interesting yarn whether you buy it or not), or that Space/Moon Landings are also faked? ... or that our earth is not even a globe at all?? Is it just as nuts to think that the scientific revolution or the reformation may have been part of a larger secret plot?

I really don't know anymore. Sometimes I wake up feeling like the lies really are that big, and we are living in a giant Matrix-like deception. Other times I think twice when people like SRBrant or other friends tell me its all nonsense. Then again, SRBrant believes he speaks with Fox Deities so take your advice with a few grains of salt, lol

A leader must always be responsible for guiding his men, not forcing them. Personally, I see conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati, Bilderberg, Freemasons or any other secret, faceless organization not as facts, but as cautionary tales; parables about the perils of abuse of power instead of bogeymen to constantly be in fear of. Even the Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40,000 can be seen as a parable about what goes on behind closed doors with its deep-rooted corruption, constant rewriting of history (entire libraries can be BURNED if they contradict the word of the Imperial Cult), bureaucratic incompetence and how sometimes the biggest lies are told for a damn good reason (such as the case is with the Ruinous Powers.)

Also, evolution has been confirmed to be a fact by mountain ranges worth of evidence. It is important to question the things that come out at night, but it is another thing entirely to question the very sun that rises.

"Then again, SRBrant believes he speaks with Fox Deities so take your advice with a few grains of salt, lol"

Pot, meet kettle. You follow the Vermilion Path too, do you not?

What are the ruinous powers?

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Postby SRBrant » Tue Aug 14, 2018 3:57 am

penxv wrote:
SRBrant wrote:
Masato wrote:^ thanks Canuckster, but I actually appreciate SRBrant sometimes calling me out for maybe taking it too far...

I know for sure there ARE many grand conspiracies, the definition of the word is basically just (powerful) people gathering to do shit & hide their tracks. This for me is a simple matter of reality as you describe. How much and how big/deep this goes is up for debate.

To me it as absolute fact that 9/11 for instance was a lie/conspiracy, and that the entire MSM mechanism was complicit in its execution. This is really big, and rocked my world into wondering what ELSE we've been lied to about? It's hard to know

Many have offered that almost EVERYTHING we think we know has been a manufactured deception, and while perhaps SRBrant is on the sensible side of this, I can't help but shake a very strong intuition + years of conspiracy research that keeps suggesting that the truth is indeed somewhere in that larger ballpark.

When one researches where MONEY comes from, who controls it, their ideologies, and how they have used it, it gets pretty scary real fast. Our modern world is definitely NOT just a random collection of people bumbling around without any conspiracy or long term planning... For sure it is the result of quite the opposite. Wars, politics, etc have been in the hands of an extreme few for a few centuries now... But how far does their deception go? Which of what we've been told is true, and what is more lies? How much of History is a lie? How much of history has been covered up or re-written? A little bit, or tons of it? To me, these elites most definitely have held the power to execute such lies, when you create/control all the universities, the press, Hollywood, agencies like the Smithsonian and Carnegie Libraries etc etc... the power to control and narrate our whole reality is not really that far fetched when you consider how much of these institutions have actually been in the same hands.

So do we go as far as those who say that even Evolution was a calculated deception to erase important eras of history? What of those crowds who argue that even dinosaurs are a massive hoax (an interesting yarn whether you buy it or not), or that Space/Moon Landings are also faked? ... or that our earth is not even a globe at all?? Is it just as nuts to think that the scientific revolution or the reformation may have been part of a larger secret plot?

I really don't know anymore. Sometimes I wake up feeling like the lies really are that big, and we are living in a giant Matrix-like deception. Other times I think twice when people like SRBrant or other friends tell me its all nonsense. Then again, SRBrant believes he speaks with Fox Deities so take your advice with a few grains of salt, lol

A leader must always be responsible for guiding his men, not forcing them. Personally, I see conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati, Bilderberg, Freemasons or any other secret, faceless organization not as facts, but as cautionary tales; parables about the perils of abuse of power instead of bogeymen to constantly be in fear of. Even the Imperium of Man from Warhammer 40,000 can be seen as a parable about what goes on behind closed doors with its deep-rooted corruption, constant rewriting of history (entire libraries can be BURNED if they contradict the word of the Imperial Cult), bureaucratic incompetence and how sometimes the biggest lies are told for a damn good reason (such as the case is with the Ruinous Powers.)

Also, evolution has been confirmed to be a fact by mountain ranges worth of evidence. It is important to question the things that come out at night, but it is another thing entirely to question the very sun that rises.

"Then again, SRBrant believes he speaks with Fox Deities so take your advice with a few grains of salt, lol"

Pot, meet kettle. You follow the Vermilion Path too, do you not?

What are the ruinous powers?

In Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, the ruinous powers are the four gods of Chaos: deities of unfathomable demonic power. Their influence is spiritually and physically corrupting. You've got Khorne (Hatred, violence, war, blood, murder, rage), Nurgle (Rot, disease, decay, entropy, despair, degradation), Tzeentch (Sorcery, magic, hope, conspiracy, change, knowledge) and Slaanesh (Pleasure, pain, excess, greed, lust, perfection, desire).

All of whom are in a state of eternal war with another if not with all things physical and comprehensible. Then again, in the Realm of Chaos, even time itself is open for interpretation. Damn, 40k is awesome...

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Postby Redneck » Wed Aug 29, 2018 12:49 pm

The Occult was the foundation of what we know as science today.

At first it was Sorcerers, Astrologers, Shaman and Alchemists who were experimenting with natural forces and trying to manipulate them. This evolved into the sciences, such as physics, astronomy, biology/medicine and chemistry. I think that both fire and electricity are examples of what ancient occult practitioners were looking for.

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