EY's stupidity hits an alltime high

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Re: EY's stupidity hits an alltime high

Postby Vutulaki » Sat May 12, 2018 6:47 am

I think Ive joked about it but Im actually convinced that he is, I was over there reading something he posted today and it just struck me as being ghay as fuck. Then I scrolled through the threads and it came together. Ive never read any hetero male of any race talk about whether their race's is good looking/attractive or not. Even asian dudes like thickish asian girls these days, I hang out with a more than a few some direct from chink/gook land and none of them would ever go after the stick thin praying mantis catwalk models Emily posts from his travels over at girlpower.com

He trains with resistance bands FFS, resistance bands.. think about it.

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Postby Som-Pong » Sat May 12, 2018 10:05 am

The gay music, the fixation on looks, pretty much everything he posts screams closet fag.

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Postby Vutulaki » Mon May 14, 2018 12:40 am

And the stupidity level keeps soaring to new heights day after day post after post.

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RE: Chinese consumers don't idealize American products the way they used to —
^ you are clueless. there are 100s of thousands of koreans that speak Chinese.

in fact koreans speak the best chinese out of the non-great-chinese regions.

they are probably the best chinese speakers in the world.

speaking chinese is not unique at all in Korea. In fact when you go to korean restaurants, never speak chinese because all the waiters/waitresses speak chinese as they are from the "chosen tribe" in china"

Now I dont know if even EY is this stupid or if this is his romo way of trying to kiss ass after being slapped around by literally everyone of his own members for a few years now on every single fucken post but should this be his patented stupidity he's outdone himself once again..

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Diet Butcher
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Postby Diet Butcher » Mon May 14, 2018 5:43 pm

^ there might some some truth to that though. I have some customers who go to Korea all the time. I asked them how they get along there cuz gook Engrish is almost non-existent. They said that most of them speak Mandarin these days so its no problem. *shrug*

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Postby Vutulaki » Tue May 15, 2018 12:57 am

Diet Butcher wrote:^ there might some some truth to that though. I have some customers who go to Korea all the time. I asked them how they get along there cuz gook Engrish is almost non-existent. They said that most of them speak Mandarin these days so its no problem. *shrug*

Hmm well I fucken highly doubt it, reason being is that last time I was there which was over 5 years ago admittedly they couldnt speak english for shit. My cousin actually travels there every 3 months cause he imports motor vehicle spare parts to the Islands direct from SK (makes a killing vs buying via Aus/NZ) and he says its still the same, outside of his contacts no one speaks english worth shit and when I say no one Im saying maybe 2/10 depending where you are (Yes hang out near a university and that number goes way up) certainly not at your local pojangmacha (SP?) joint (Korea's yadong bars) which is where you wanna be.

Obviously Korean is the most widely spoken language (duh) but then Im sure its followed by English then Chinese IDK if its canto or mandarin. Older Chinese and Korean tourists tend to frequent pre organised shops, restaurants, bars etc etc where the attendants speak their language, you sure this isnt the case here?

Disclaimer - Its been a while since Ive been there, every second Korean may be fluent in Chinese now IDK, I do everything in my powers to stay away from FOB Koreans in Australia these days too (Finally followed the advice of Aussie Koreans) so Im not exactly in the know.

I just dont see how they struggled with English due to having such shit learning processes in place then suddenly (in 5 years) half the country picked up conversational level Chinese. Not calling you out here I admit I may be wrong but I can't see it happening, also no way Chinese has the same or even close to the prestige with them as English does. Yeah its a useful language but not even close to English in the grand scheme of things.


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Postby Vutulaki » Wed May 16, 2018 2:44 am

Looks like the world is learning their language, found this on my daily troll route on reddit.

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu May 17, 2018 3:09 pm

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu May 17, 2018 3:16 pm

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Postby jho » Fri May 18, 2018 2:32 am

You guys should come back, deep down inside you guys love that guy and his tiny, rock hard cock.

Is it worth throwing away the comradery you guys once had, for a shabbos goy like Trump?

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Postby Vutulaki » Fri May 18, 2018 3:52 am

lalalala !

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