The Social Christ by Samael Aun Weor

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The Social Christ by Samael Aun Weor

Postby shankara » Sat May 12, 2018 11:32 am

This book which I recently translated is very insightful about many social issues afflicting humanity. Samael is known for his spiritual books based on Tantric philosophy but he also had some very revolutionary ideas about social organisation. This book offers a critique of both Marxism and Capitalism, calls on the workers to unionize to fight against oppression, explains many ways to make the social life of humanity less cruel and exploitative. Also it talks a bit about the Soviets trying to hybridize humans with monkeys, interesting stuff like that.

Samael sometimes draws on the doctrines of Gurdjieff which leads some to accuse him of plagiarism, yet Gurdjieff claimed his doctrine was in fact very ancient and only being introduced rather than created by him.

Anyway, I think just about anyone can get some valuable ideas from this book...

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Postby Masato » Sat May 12, 2018 8:02 pm

^^ Hey shankara, welcome to the forum! Sorry I assumed you were a bot

You translate books?

Is this a hobby? profession? What languages do you translate? Is it coincidence that you translate books you also find personally interesting? How does this work?

Curious to learn more

If you were a bot I'd probably not read your posts, lol but if you are real they are all super interesting

Welcome aboard!! looking forward to sharing some ideas and topics like this

I never heard about soviets breeding people with monkeys, lol crazy!

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Postby shankara » Sun May 13, 2018 6:04 pm

I translated this book because it interested me and nobody else was translating it into English. A lot of his other books have been translated but they're for people who are more interested in the spiritual side of things rather than the more practical wisdom. Samael called his teaching "Revolutionary Gnosticism", necessary not to omit the 'revolutionary' part.

I don't actually speak Spanish, only English and French, but Samael's style is very simple and clear so I managed to make sense of it with google translate and a piece of pirated translation software. Currently I have a lot of free time and no real profession so I figured I'd use the time to do something I figured is valuable, though probably I won't be translating any more of his stuff, it's from the 60's after all so nowadays it's perhaps not all relevant.

As for the Soviet monkey children thing, I hadn't heard about it either and I am wondering whether such a thing is actually possible (do they have the same number of chromosomes as us?).

This forum seems like a cool place, you are the founder I take it?

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Postby Masato » Sun May 13, 2018 10:38 pm

Yes this forum is my creation

A big motivation was to spawn discussions like this (though few of our members contribute to this subforum :cry: ). I love hearing what inspires others from a spiritual/philosophical/wisdom point of view. You sound like a super interesting person, big props to you using your free time for meaningful things like this

How did you find this place? How come you have so much free time ya bastard? :D

Most welcome, sir - hope we can have many more insightful discussions here, I will read your posts happily. Super thrilled you're not a bot, lol

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Postby shankara » Mon May 14, 2018 10:48 am

Hi. Yeah it seems like the people on here are quite open-minded. I'm quite new to internet forums but a lot of them seem to be people having arguments which lead nowhere and personally attacking each other. I found the link to this place I think on a search for alternatives to another forum, someone had posted the link.

I have a lot of free time because I'm in a situation where it's not possible for me to work... Could call it a period of transition from where I was before...

Thanks for the compliment, Gauranga. I'll try to keep stopping by and joining in the discussions..

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Postby Masato » Mon May 14, 2018 2:33 pm

shankara wrote:Hi. Yeah it seems like the people on here are quite open-minded. I'm quite new to internet forums but a lot of them seem to be people having arguments which lead nowhere and personally attacking each other. I found the link to this place I think on a search for alternatives to another forum, someone had posted the link.

Yeah that is a weird phenomenon, how so many forums so quickly degenerate into grounds for ego-contests and fighting. So many are filled with arrogant, condescending posters who are so sure of their opinions and lash out at anyone who offers any different perspective. Even conspiracy forums where there should be comradery in finding truth and helping put together the puzzles are almost all infected with in-fighting and angry division. Then the whole thing just becomes hundreds of pages of bickering and insults, what a waste of time. Even more ridiculous is what is the point of arguing with someone who is bent on never changing their mind, while you are also bent on your own views? lol like butting heads eternally

I'm really happy this place seems to be working in this manner... on one hand people may say its rough but do you see any of this kind of bitching and fighting? I think its most possible to have a forum that makes the most of the medium; a place to share and learn and converse respectfully, where the members are wise enough to know that none of has all the answers and can only benefit from hearing other perspectives. We are all missing so much, lets learn from each other and encourage each other to do our best, no matter what reality we are given. Share, Learn, Create, Inspire!! :D :D :D

Hope you stick around. We move at a slower pace than other forums you may be used to but those who figure out our vibe will hopefully pick up on its value. It really is quite unique as far as forum-land goes IMHO

Be well man

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Postby Canuckster » Mon May 14, 2018 2:59 pm

This place.
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Mon May 14, 2018 4:49 pm

^^ lol :D
here is a Twitter ad I made some years ago for this place


which one of those kids in the top image is Vutu? lol I could make a hilarious cast of Tom sawyer-esque child characters based of the personalities of the gang if international misfits we have here :D

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Postby Masato » Mon May 14, 2018 4:51 pm

we should get back on topic

I don't know much about this Gurdjieff fellow you speak of. I like this line from your OP, Shankara:

"Samael sometimes draws on the doctrines of Gurdjieff which leads some to accuse him of plagiarism, yet Gurdjieff claimed his doctrine was in fact very ancient and only being introduced rather than created by him."

Are you a fan on Carl Jung?

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Postby shankara » Tue May 15, 2018 10:38 am

Carl Jung, yeah interesting guy. It's a shame that the psychiatrists now aren't generally all that into him, they follow the scientific positivism which Samael critiques in the book. Jung so far as I remember said that some kind of God or spirituality is necessary for mental healing, I think much better this than simply reducing people to neurochemicals and using medications which they haven't even figured out exactly how they work. There are Jungian techniques, dream analysis for example, which could be very useful yet are never used in psychiatric hospitals.

Gurdjieff was a seriously interesting guy, there's a film of his autobigraphical book "Meetings With Remarkable Men", the film has a different ending to the book but still definitely worth watching (you can find it on thepiratebay).

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