Crazy days and Nights

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Crazy days and Nights

Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:34 am

Fuck off I know it's a gossip site

Anyways, cdan has a guy named enty (he's an entertainment lawyer) that for years has written blind items
Basically a blind item is a story he writes (Some true some false) where he tells some shit that goes down in Hollywood, leaving out names but always giving some pretty damn good clues
People in comments theorize on who the people are and it's fun
Anyways, they have done stories on Weinstein way before news came out, they had others on Louis ck, So this is how we know some of the shit he writes is fact

Here's today's blind item
Dan Schneider is next :)

Four For Friday - It's About "Time" - A Himmmm Blind Item
Tick tock, tick tock. That clock is ticking loudly as a chain of events and a metaphorical deal with the devil can bring down this entire media corporation and their now-struggling studio within the coming year. This one has been a long time coming, and is thankfully about to come to an end for the perpetrators of some of the modern entertainment industry's worst long-time institutional abuses of underage actresses. For many of the long-time CDAN regulars this one won't be a shock, although the details might. Many people in Hollywood and out have been waiting to see when this Producer at this cable network is going to be called out, publicly accused, or charged for his many years of abuse behind the scenes. Many have wondered why - with so many others being brought down - he's managed to escape almost unscathed? It's because of his Protector. His Protector is the mega-wealthy big boss of the studio and corporate parent, and he wields a lot of power over many types of media, in both Hollywood and New York. Many years ago the Producer got himself in serious trouble over his perverted abuses of several of his actresses. Not just those he abused himself, but those he encouraged his writers, directors, and co-producers to sexually abuse. This was not a one-time thing, but an ongoing constant pattern which led those actresses to drugs, self-destruction, self-abuse, mutilation, destroyed dreams, wasted careers, damaged families, and even insanity. Made more disgusting by the complicity and apathy of the parents, "momagers", and guardians who just wanted fame and money. All so that some jolly perverts could get their rocks off living out their sick unfulfilled tweenage dreams. At that time, the Protector still had most of his marbles and was going to live forever. Many believe he still may, although he's now alive in name only and the flames are lapping at his legs daily. Back then he still had his iron grip on his business and he's never been afraid to sue, threaten, harass, or destroy others as his favorite sport.

Back when the abuses emerged as whispers at the corporation, the executives and The Protector sat down with his corporate bean counters and realized the massive cash cow this Producer was for them. Huge. Very huge and big in every way. In fact, probably one of the three biggest revenue generators in the corporate parent's entire history (especially in the coveted target demographic for ads, merch, and licensing). When that much is at stake, they don't want to rock the boat or kill the golden goose (Or cow. Or even a giant pig.). Anyway, on the other hand? It is a public corporation, and that means things can get leaked and revealed just through statements and financial reports. What then evolved was a corporate game of chess that nobody could imagine.

The Producer was no dummy, so he personally hired investigators to provide ammo for his case. He then hired top financial experts to lay out the revenue he and his cronies represented to the corporation both in the past and in future revenues. So when the Protector summoned him? The Producer showed the Protector a huge financial report to validate his power and worth to the bottom line. Then he showed a massive dossier of files going back 50 years of the powerful Protector's own misdeeds. From New York, to Hollywood, to Boston, to London - a trail of abuses, perversions, thefts from his company, abuse, stealing from his own family, and even outright felonies. By the time he got down the list to mention offshore banking, the Protector knew he'd met someone on his level. Thus the two twisted men forged a strategy and agreement to protect each other and the corporation.

The Producer surrendered his very expensive background report - and the Protector agreed to make all those "pesky" abuse whispers go away. They also agreed to blame another big corporate executive within the corporation if anything ever did leak out and set him up as a fall guy. The Protector even targeted one of his corporate underlings to shoulder the blame too, so he could claim ignorance. None of this was simple, instant, and was NOT cheap or easy. But the perverted Producer was smart enough to have limited potential witnesses by keeping his rapes/abuses down to he said/she said. And for more than a decade in the pre-Cosby & pre-Harvey days a reporter, lawyer, or cop wouldn't accuse in such instances without hard proof.

Parents were paid off in huge amounts. As in "never have to work again ever" amounts that cover cars, college tuition, homes and all they want for now. The parents and managers who "played ball" and went along with it? They were well rewarded. Not just with big payoffs, but production deals, television shows, feature films, even music careers. Many of the adults were even bribed with corporate stock. The victims were told they "had no choice" and had to accept the deals, or they themselves could get in trouble. So all that those actresses and their people had to do? Keep quiet, keep smiling and doing photo ops, and support the brands/shows/projects with positive PR. The best part for the Producer & Protector? They managed to make even more money off of even those cover-up deals by making new shows starring once-unknown backing players who had been abused. Like two shows that starred the same actress And on, and on, it went. Leaving a trail of money and destroyed lives in their wake.

Some of the young girls were just in their tweens when sexually abused and raped by the Producer or his team members. One very damaged victim says she was even a virgin when the Producer went from hugging her in her trailer, to physically laying on her and forcing himself in her. She turned to alcohol, drugs, running away, and anything that would allow her to numb the pain as her parents refused to give her money to live and refused to let her quit the business. Eventually it became too much for her, and she had an epic meltdown. Some of the victims were so exasperated by parents, managers, and even tutors refusing to believe or help them that they did quit the business altogether. Still others tipped off gossip bloggers, industry insiders, online Reddit threads, anonymous Myspace chats, and anyone they could find just to try and warn others and get the story out there any way they could. It worked to a small degree at least as people began to whisper. Meanwhile, the Protector still enjoyed his own perversions with barely-legal escorts and their escort mothers; escorts who were paid by trading sex for production deals at the studio; actresses who skipped over the casting couches and went straight to his house to trade sex for jobs on his TV shows; and yacht girls whom he moved into his houses as his girlfriends/sugar babies. All the while the Producer continued his abuses/crimes and even got bold enough to allude to them in his own shows.

As the years passed by, however, times changed. Victims become emboldened and struggled to find a voice, and old people get older/sicker and lose their last few marbles. Some even die and pass on. Those "girlfriends" of the Protector get greedy and sue for inclusion in the will. Family members get scorned, disinherited, and others fight and claw to be named as the New Boss, as this one has. Which brings us to the present day, and the earth now quaking beneath the feet of the corporation/studio/network, the Protector...and definitely the Producer. Several of the victims have begun to talk to lawyers who smell blood in the water. The big Executive fall guy? He passed away. They wanted to blame it all on him, since he's dead and can't defend himself. Only two big problems: 1. In a major corporate shuffle in the past year or two, several executives/board members got pushed out and they want revenge badly against the corporation and against the Protector. 2. One of the biggest victims of the Producer has a LOT of proof against him. Irrefutable proof that can bring the whole house down on them all.

The movie studio owned by the corporation is not doing well, and many in the industry have been reluctant to set up projects there because they're not sure if they'll ever get made. Meanwhile, the corporations networks are also falling into trouble. So even if everything behind the scenes were fine? It would still be a tough time there. So if a major scandal were to hit the offices, studio lots, and networks? It would trigger a domino effect that will send shareholders running and talent fleeing.

Because, you see #TimesUp is not just a movement, meme, or hashtag. It's literally a thing. Because time IS up for intimidation and silence of those victims. One is no longer a girl, and is now a woman. She's explored criminal charges, jurisdictions, statutes of limitations and exceptions to those. She's livid at her parents for their complicity, and wants revenge AND a bigger payday through a lawsuit for the career and life that was stolen from her - but only AFTER she makes it all public. So the time is up on the agreement her parents made, which doesn't apply to her now - as an adult. She lawyered up and they've hired investigators, forensic accountants, analysts, and a security outfit of global repute who has even worked for government intelligence operations. She's very serious about this - as are the other victims who endured similar abuse and complicity from parents, guardians, and managers. Several have engaged the services of the same law firm who employ experts in the field of crimes against children with the feds.

Also involved are the disgruntled former executives. So much so that they've turned to the Protector's all-time arch-nemesis who is known by ALL and is the owner of a massive conglomerate stretching throughout the world to guarantee they'll get the coverage they need to air their accusations. They also are getting friendly lawyers to protect them when they back the claims of the abuse victims (which otherwise could incriminate them for prior knowledge - but now indemnifies them since they are cooperating with the victims). Everyone is pursuing this all before the Protector finally dies. Then the studio and their assets (including a valuable back catalog/library of titles) can get gobbled up by another competitor. In fact, as I write this I know several news outlets at work on stories about abuses at other branches of the corporation, and executives there. So don't put too much faith in some strange movements and shuffling going on at the corporation/studio/networks - because it is just them setting up for future damage control and the scapegoating that is sure to come. Don't think for a second that every day the New Boss of the corporation wakes up that the boss is not wondering if this is THE day that their time runs out. The new boss is no dummy either, and knows #TimesUp for the metaphorical deal the corporation made with the devil all those years ago. Tick tock, tick tock.

The Protector
The Corporation
The Producer
The Network
The Other Network in trouble
Deceased Ex-Executive
Victim 1
Victim 2
Victim 3
Victim 4
New Boss
Payoff Shows ... m.html?m=1

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sat Jan 20, 2018 5:37 am

Some saying the absolute proof is Jamie Lynn spears child

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Postby Masato » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:01 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Dan Schneider is next :)

Good, I am still waiting for that fucker to get ousted. Here is a thread I made some time ago about the creepy inappropriate stuff he puts in his tween shows:


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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Sat Jan 20, 2018 11:05 pm

Masato wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Dan Schneider is next :)

Good, I am still waiting for that fucker to get ousted. Here is a thread I made some time ago about the creepy inappropriate stuff he puts in his tween shows: ... 3&t=4377&p

So you really don't know about this guy eh?
That thread goes into 1 show man... this is the creator of nearly every fucking kids show Nickelodeon did
Zoey 101, victorious, the Amanda show... the list goes on and fucking on
The stuff you list in that thread is in EVERY SINGLE FUCKING SHOW HE MAKES!
Watch his shows and watch for how much bare feet and foot play there is... there's a reason for that
He's raped from all from Brittany spears, Jamie Lynn spears, Ariana Grande, I'm forgetting a bunch of names but dude, I'm going to watch the fights but I need to post some shit for you guys

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 23, 2018 3:40 pm

^ fuckin right

How does something like this continue?? Why everyone getting upset over Weinstein abusing grown adults but this stuff with kids gets overlooked

I torlled Dan Schneider on Twitter for a while, lol to no response.

Is there no group or anyone even trying to go after this guy?

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 9:58 pm

People have been trying to go after him for years but he is untouchable
He makes the company a fortune, everything he made was a hit
Hopefully this is coming to an end

Ok let's kick this off with a little fun first

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:10 pm

Here's just a few behind the scenes clips
Seems he always has to have his hands all over the kids

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:23 pm

Check out this Twitter thread for some example of seriously questionable shit from his shows ... 1325375488

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Jan 23, 2018 10:30 pm

Also longtime rumours of him having unsupervised pool parties with the kids, paying extras to let him give them foot massages.... dude is a massive creep

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:10 am

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