CIA Documents of Paranormals in China

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CIA Documents of Paranormals in China

Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:02 pm ... le-things/

CIA Document Confirms Reality Of Humans With ‘Special Abilities’ Able To Do ‘Impossible’ Things


The document is titled “Chronology of Recent Interest in Exceptional Functions of The Human Body in the People’s Republic of China.”

In the document, it outlines the Chinese governments’ interest in parapsychology (remote viewing, telepathy, psychokinesis, etc).

CIA link to document here: ... 00300011-9

Here is another called: “Research into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers.”: ... 00390001-2

This particular document, which was declassified through a Freedom of Information Act request (FOIA), outlines specific people with very special abilities and how they’ve been studied by thousands of scientists and governments around the world for a very long time.

Below is a brief outline of the document:

In 1979, a major Chinese science journal, Ziran Zachi (Nature Journal), carried a report on “non-visual pattern recognition” in which numerous accounts of exceptional human body function were confirmed. As a result, an unofficial preliminary organization to study this type of thing under the watch of Nature Journal

In 1980, the Journal and the Chinese Human Body Science Association held a parapsychology (remote viewing, telepathy, psychokinesis, clairvoyance and more) conference in Shanghai with participants from over 20 research institutes and universities

In 1981, over 100 centres to study children with purported exceptional abilities and mental capabilities were formed with the cooperation of more than 100 formally trained scholars

In 1982, the Chinese Academy of Sciences sponsored a public hearing in Beijing that more than 4000 scholars attended regarding cases of parapsychological abilities within humans. They called for “fair but strictly controlled” tests to lead to a final judgement

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:05 pm

One part of the article describes a specific person of study they found, verified by 19 researchers at some physics school in Beijing:

In April of 1982, a joint trial was arranged by the Party’s National Committee of Science at Beijing Teacher’s College. Proponents of both sides attended. The results were mostly negative, with the exception of a few, one of them being Zhang Baosheng

After this happened, two Chinese scientists, Chen Hsin and Mei Lei, gave a speech on it at the joint convention of the Parapsychological Association and the Society for Psychical Research held at Cambridge University.

Shortly after that in 1983, “a series of PK experiments with the subject Zhang Baosheng were conducted by 19 researchers led by Prof. Lin Shuhang of the physics department of Beijing Teachers college.”

He was able to do some special things, which is elaborated on later in the the article.

After this become known, as written in the document, “in 1984, Zhang Baosheng became a full-time subject of the military-run psi research team.”

What Was Zhang Baosheng Able To Do?

One of Zhang’s accomplishments involved moving sealed objects in and out of sealed containers.

Lin Shuhuang, as mentioned above who is from the physics department of Beijing Teacher’s College, studied this man for six months and described experiments where small pieces of paper were placed in a sealed test tube.

After five minutes, with scientists observing and video taping from various angles, the pieces of paper somehow appeared outside the tube despite the fact that the test tube was still sealed and undamaged.

He went on to do the same thing with other small objects like paper clips and even live insects.

In 1987, the researchers at the Institute of Space-Medico Engineering, also mentioned in the CIA document earlier in the article, made public a fraction of their work in the form of a film showcasing their work and what they had accomplished.

The film showed a medicine pill moving through an irreversibly sealed glass vial, which occurred in three frames of a 400 frame per second film.

source: ... gy&f=false

Another release (about Zhang) from the CIA (Research Into Paranormal Ability To Break Through Spatial Barriers) states:

A wooden cabinet 120 by 180 by 60 centimeters was used as a sealed container. Sheets of papers and boards with one of a kind markings were used as the target objects and placed inside the cabinet on the upper shelf. Without damaging the cabinet or opening the door, the person with ESP was able to remove the target objets and also was able to put them back inside. This demonstrates that even when using especially large container it is possible to completely break through spacial barriers, however, the success rate was much lower and was exceptionally difficult. ... 1_djvu.txt ... 0001-2.TXT

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:07 pm

Apparently, Zhang Wasn’t the Only One

According to Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS, from a declassified US Air Force document obtained via the Federation of American Scientists, Shuhuang reported that ‘gifted children’ were responsible for the teleportation of small, physical objects from one place to another. Some of these objects included watches, horseflies, other insects, radio micro-transmitters, photosensitive paper and more. The participants never touched the objects beforehand. The experiments were done under both blind and double-blind conditions and the researches involved came from various colleges and sectors of the Department of Defense. This is an exceptional case because it was deemed necessary that an unclassified Intelligence Information Report be prepared for public viewing. (source)

According to Dr. Dean Radin, Chief Scientists at the Institute of Noetic Sciences conducted an experiment involving mental teleportation of bits of paper out of a sealed plastic film container. This was documented in a report published in 2010 by retired research chemist Dong Shen. What’s even more fascinating is that these methods were taught to others and the success rate was 40 percent.

Dean Radin, the Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, states:

“Evaluating the details and credibility of these studies have been difficult because many of the papers appear only in Chinese. The techniques have not yet been reported outside of China, and the experimental methods employed in conducting such tests do not appear to be as rigorously controlled as compared to typical Western methods…”

According to Eric Davis, however,

“The results of the Chinese Teleportation experiments can simply be explained as a human consciousness phenomenon that somehow acts to move or rotate test specimens through a 4th spacial dimension, so that specimens are able to penetrate the solid walls/barriers of their containers without physically breaching them.” – Eric Davis, Ph.D, FBIS

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Postby Masato » Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:09 pm

Another great example comes from a study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, as seen in the the US National Library of Medicine. The stuy demonstrated that a woman with special abilities was and is still able to accelerate the germination of specific seeds for the purposes of developing a more robust seed stock. As the study states:

Chulin Sun is a woman with exceptional powers (Shen and Sun, 1996, 1998; Sun, 1998). A member of the Chinese Somatic Science Research Institute, she is a practitioner of Waiqi. Waiqi is a type of qigong that teaches the practitioner to bring the qi energy of traditional Chinese medicine under the control of the mind. Chulin Sun can induce plant seeds to grow shoots and roots several cm long within 20 min using mentally projected qi energy (Fig. 1). This has been demonstrated on more than 180 different occasions at universities as well as science and research institutions in China (including Taiwan and Hong Kong) as well as other countries (e.g., Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.) (Ge et al., 1998; Qin et al., 1998; Lee et al., 1999). We took part in and repeated the qi germination experiments seven times, and five of them succeeded (Ge et al., 1998). This remarkable effect on seed development has drawn widespread attention (Tompkins and Bird, 1973; Lee, 1998), but the biological mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon are unknown.

It was thought preliminarily that qi energy changed the structure of a germination-correlated gene site speeding up expression and advancing it in time.

Qi is believed to be everywhere on Earth; when you’re healthy, Qi is flowing freely through you, whereas when you’re unhealthy, you either have a blockage from Qi or your “Qi tank” is low. Perhaps Sun has learned how to harness universal energy, allow her to essentially speed up the growth process of the plants. This would make sense if you believe in the concept of oneness, that we are all fundamentally connected to one another including the plant life around us.

Among the most marvelous, most frightening and certainly most unbelievable possibilities suggested by psychic folklore is that human beings may be able to exert an observable influence upon the physical world — simply through the power of conscious intention; or unconscious intention, or; by some accounts, through the assistance of spiritual intelligences; 0r as a result of a mysterious principle known as synchronicity. Some scholars – such as Stephen Braude, professor of philosophy at the University of Maryland — take such reports very seriously, claiming that no honest person can examine the case study reports and easily dismiss them.

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