Do you believe in a higher power?

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Do you believe in a higher power?

Postby m25105 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 8:14 am

Simple question.

For myself, yes.

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue Jan 28, 2014 9:33 am

- I believe that's something more, but not the concepet that some religions teach, someone that gonna punish you because you doubt he existence. ( This is pretty futil in my view).
Maybe there's a hight power, the problem is that people like tho focus in some day reaching this incredible place, and go to some church or temple to get forgiven of their sins, instrad of being good people now.

They think about tomorrow instead of thinking today, we need to be good people every day, and not because someday we are gonna reach a better place, maye we already live in this place, but we are to selfish and self-centered to see this.
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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:00 am

Great post Edge
(and great thread, m25105!)

We would have to define 'higher power'... but if you mean some kinda non-physical stuff that is intelligent and beyond the 3D observable realty - then yes 100%.

Have seen/experienced too much weird shit to deny or continue living in the narrow realm we are boxed into through school.

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Postby Luigi » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:38 am

Ya my view is like a combination of the christian notion of God and the Hindu notion of Brahman(an great spiritual energy that permeates the universe, of which everything supernatural is a manifestation).

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:42 am

The Great TAO, baby...!!

From which anything can arise

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Postby m25105 » Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:06 pm

I'm going to elaborate my answer seeing as people are being frank here with their belief :)

I'm a Muslim, so I believe in one God. That doesn't mean I believe in a man living in the sky or something. But that I believe that there's one God, that He exists without time and place (since He created it) and that He has no beginning or end.

I think God (or to use the Arabic word Allah (which can't be bent, unlike God that can be bent into Gods, Goddess, Goddess's)) has blessed us with our minds, so that we can understand how things work and that everything has a purpose and a reason for why it works. In fact, I strongly think science is the best way to truly appreciate everything Allah has created through understanding how complex the universe and even our body is.

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Postby Masato » Tue Jan 28, 2014 12:14 pm

Thanks m25105

These are hard discussions to get into but so valuable to share if we can listen with respect

Science still has no way to grasp (yet) a great many things that are integral to the human experience imo... hopefully one day we can learn to bridge the gap.

My perspective is that reality is much more dream-like and unstable/subjective than we are taught to believe. I do not believe that because a science experiment produces a certain result, that this result is locked in and will occur at every other instance, for all time.

I also feel that people can exist in many different 'realities', that appear superficially to overlap. Our common ground is much thinner than our individual realms.

ALL of it is 'God', or Tao or Brahman etc. There is nothing that is NOT... the many parts we perceive are only parts/reflections of the whole. It is all ONE great 'happening' - this is the crux of my belief-system (Duality is illusion).

I have also done a LOT of psychedelics when I was younger - not for partying purposes, but for disciplined personal exploration of reality... and have experienced many things that have given me these views. I've also had several other supernatural experiences NOT on psychedelics too... I fully believe there are intelligent non-physical entities, be they spirits or angels or whatever, I don't know. I've encountered a few and they are strange indeed.

I think we experience much more if we are open to possibility; the further we are willing to accept is possible, the more we are likely to 'see'. In fact I feel that many daily miracles happen all the time but our thinking/programming tells us to to believe it and chalk it up to coincidence or even ignore it. Our thoughts shape our realities to a great degree. If you don't believe something it is impossible to see it.

Most humans are running around 3/4s blind, but its not our fault, we are conditioned to be this way imo

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Postby Luigi » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:15 pm

m25105 wrote:
I think God (or to use the Arabic word Allah (which can't be bent, unlike God that can be bent into Gods, Goddess, Goddess's)) has blessed us with our minds, so that we can understand how things work and that everything has a purpose and a reason for why it works. In fact, I strongly think science is the best way to truly appreciate everything Allah has created through understanding how complex the universe and even our body is.

Im pretty sure you can easily express notions of gods and goddesses with the Arabic word for god. Its been years since I have studied Arabic but Im pretty sure you make a noun feminine with an inflected /t/, so god(illah) would be something like iltah or illat? You can of course add the definite article al(the) if you want to emphasis monotheism.

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Postby m25105 » Wed Jan 29, 2014 5:00 am

Luigi wrote:
m25105 wrote:
I think God (or to use the Arabic word Allah (which can't be bent, unlike God that can be bent into Gods, Goddess, Goddess's)) has blessed us with our minds, so that we can understand how things work and that everything has a purpose and a reason for why it works. In fact, I strongly think science is the best way to truly appreciate everything Allah has created through understanding how complex the universe and even our body is.

Im pretty sure you can easily express notions of gods and goddesses with the Arabic word for god. Its been years since I have studied Arabic but Im pretty sure you make a noun feminine with an inflected /t/, so god(illah) would be something like iltah or illat? You can of course add the definite article al(the) if you want to emphasis monotheism.

Granted, I'm not an Arab, but from what I've been told is that Allah refers to The God.

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Postby Luigi » Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:17 am

Some insightful words from beyond the grave, written by Sir Richard Francis Burton:

All faith is false, all faith is true:
Truth is the shattered mirror strown
In myriad bits; while each believes
His little bit the whole to own.

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