Masato's Documentary Collection

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Masato's Documentary Collection

Postby greenseed » Fri May 08, 2015 10:53 pm

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Postby greenseed » Mon May 11, 2015 12:04 am

Kill me if you can is a docu-drama, which follows two boys (John and Mark), addicted to an Internet chat room.

There, they develop a close friendship, meet in real life, and hit it off. But what happens next is more shocking and extraordinary than anything you could ever imagine.

On the afternoon of July 16 2003, police arrest John for the attempted murder of his best friend Mark. What drove him to do it?

An incredible story emerges of how Mark has been recruited over the web to be a secret service agent by a spy mistress called Janet Dobinson. She promises him sex and riches if he passes an initiation test: to kill his friend John. The schoolboy is propelled into a world of espionage; his bland suburban surroundings become a landscape of mystery and intrigue.

But in court, facing charges of attempted murder, Mark finally learns the truth – Janet and a host of other people he met on the Internet are all fictitious characters invented by someone bent on manipulating his every move. But who would know enough to trick him into attempting murder?

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Postby greenseed » Mon May 11, 2015 12:14 am

The Men Who Made Us Spend

About the series
This three-part series lays bare the secrets of why we buy what we buy. Jacques Peretti investigates what keeps us hooked on spending, and confronts some of the men behind bestselling products and sales strategies that get inside our head.

Episode one
Jacques uncovers the importance of product lifespan – revealing how some products are still made to break, how fashion and aspiration are used by companies like IKEA and Apple to keep us constantly ‘upgrading’ – and how even brand new goods get sent for recycling.

Episode two
Jacques reveals how fear has a powerful hold over our behaviours – and how this has been exploited by those with products to sell. He meets the men who sold us cigarettes, cars, soap, and even water off the back of our anxieties – and our desire to have those anxieties banished. In Las Vegas, he meets the men promising to sooth our deepest-seated fear of all, of ageing and death.

Episode three
Jacques reveals how the lessons learned from selling to children were used to make childlike consumers of us all. From the rise of product-driven kids’ TV in the 80s, to the man who designed cars that appealed to children, and the contemporary creators of games that hook adults, Jacques asks how spending turned into a game – one that we can’t stop playing.

site made for the show with more info on advertising , marketing techniques:

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Postby Masato » Mon May 11, 2015 11:00 am

Greenseed kicking ass here

I can hardly keep up with all this quality

Laos is a fucked up story.

What is the 'Children full of Life' about? It rings a bell but I can't recall

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Postby greenseed » Mon May 11, 2015 3:50 pm

Cheers mansato

the stories of laos and cambodia from the vietnam war era are not widely know but are brutal examples of exploited groups suffering from proxy wars.

Children full of life is about an unconventional teacher in japan who encourages his kids to question authority and coming up with solutions to problems by themselves. also to help each other through hard times with community. it's an uplifting tear jerker. it's been a while since ive seen it but it came to mind recently so i thought i would post it. i learned of it through the great Yamez Korbette.

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Postby greenseed » Wed May 13, 2015 5:05 pm

Corbett's been on fire with great content these days. This one expands on parts of the Noble Lie doc from last page.

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Postby Masato » Thu May 14, 2015 11:34 am

Corbett is one of the best out there.

Sux I still can't find a mailing address for him... I put him in my book and everything, really wanna send him a copy but no dice :(

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Postby Canuckster » Thu May 14, 2015 12:11 pm

People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Masato » Thu May 14, 2015 5:58 pm

greenseed wrote:

Corbett's been on fire with great content these days. This one expands on parts of the Noble Lie doc from last page.

Just watched this, it's fascinating.

Once again, the 'official' story of a 'terrorist attack' is proved to be complete horseshit, and mountains of evidence withheld/ignored among piles of lies.

How do they keep getting away with it? Mainstream media is my answer. They have the final say what will be remembered in the minds of the public.

And also once again... simple security camera video tapes would lay the whole truth out once and for all about a great many things, but government won't release them (in this case, 'can't find them'). This is the same as the Pentagon @ 9/11... many security cameras from multiple angles all seized, and never released.


We all know.

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Postby greenseed » Sun May 24, 2015 3:35 pm

That one is very good eh Masato. i agree with all you're points. the only explanation is full cooperation of the msm.

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