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Blevins solid gold on Facebook

Postby penxv » Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:10 pm

"If there's a question of choosing between the mind and the heart -Follow the heart
because mind is a creation of the society.
It has been educated.
You have been given it by the society, not by existence.
The heart is unpolluted."

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Postby penxv » Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:13 am

"It is not your role to make others happy, it is your role to keep yourself in balance. When you pay attention to how you feel and practice self-empowering thoughts that align with who-you-really-are, you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you.
As we try to make sure that everyone is happy, balanced and content.But we also tend to leave one very important person out, and that person is our self. It's not selfish to take care of our self, we deserve to be happy to. It's when we are balanced and thriving we become an example to others.It's our journey of self discovery, to align our self with who we really are. We become teachers, but we also remain students because we continue to learn, and connect with every aspect of who we are. It's when we begin to start to observe our self in a positive and empowering way, that is when we begin to change, and others begin to observe us and notice the change. So our job is not to make others happy, our job is to bring out the best in our self, and support, and inspire others to do the same for them self as well. Happiness and balance truly is an inside job."

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Postby penxv » Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:14 pm

"Don't ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.
It is a mistake to believe that the silent person is ignorant. The silent person is almost always the one that you should listen to most, when he talks. Instead of spending time babbling about unimportant things, he listens, and learns. He spends time in thought instead of meaningless conversations about nothing. Ignorant is the last adjective that would describe him.
If you are looking for wisdom, look to the quiet man or woman who knows when it is time to speak and when it is time to be silent. The warrior's silence denotes wisdom and intelligence, not ignorance. But when he is ignorant of the subject at hand, you will not know, as he has the good sense to stay silent and learn, instead of trying to sound knowledgeable on a subject which he knows nothing about.
Likewise, the person who can stay calm in all situations is a person of quiet confidence. Do not read anything into his calm demeanor, except for the fact that he probably has his act together. The warrior, who is confident in himself, has no reason to lose his cool. His maintains his composure in spite of the storm around him.
In addition, his uncommon calmness does not signal acceptance of the situation, but rather his rational thought and self-confidence in his ability to handle whatever comes his way. You may even find that the more dire the situation, the more calm and rational the warrior becomes because he is even more focused than normal. While other men are losing their composure, he is taking everything in and rationally deciding how to respond to the situation. He is calm in the eye of the storm.
Many people also tend to look at the kind-hearted man as weak or wimpy. This is another common misconception. Kindness is not a weakness; it is a strength. A warrior's benevolence does not signify weakness, rather it signifies the warrior's good heart. You can have a good heart without being weak, in fact, I would suggest that it takes courage and self-confidence to be kind in every situation.
The weak do not have the self-confidence to be kind in every situation, only in the situations where there is no risk to them. The warrior has the self-confidence to be kind, even when his has to be firm. The warrior's benevolence is a sign of strength, not weakness. And it is a mistake to see his kindness as a sign of his weakness, a mistake that has cost many predators dearly.
The person who can maintain a calm silence in troubled times, and at the same time, can continue to be kind to everyone in his path, while they lose both their composure and their benevolence, is a person of honor and integrity. He has mastered the art of inner peace. But this in no way should be seen as weakness, ignorance, or acceptance of unacceptable situations. Those who truly understand, will hold such a person in great regard....

like Phewww did you get all that?"

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Postby penxv » Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:27 pm

Staying Positive around negative minded people
If you are anything like me, you’re sensitive to other people’s energy. You can walk into a room and feel what’s been going on there. Or when you meet someone, you immediately know what they’re about.
This is a real Gift, though it does have its challenges. For me, being sensitive to other people’s energy has been a lifelong lesson in boundaries and self-care. It always amazed me when people could be around anyone in any environment and remain undaunted.
I used to take things very personally. In fact, I took on other people’s energy as if it was my own!
Letting things, “roll off my back”, as others would encourage me to do, just wasn’t possible.
I’m an empath.
This means that I feel people’s emotions (and sometimes physical pain) as if they were my own. My guess is that you have some degree of this too. If you’ve ever struggled with any of the following, then you are most likely empathic:
Feeling exhausted after being around groups
Being drained after you help others
experiencing dramatic mood shifts
Wanting to please everyone
Compassion fatigue
Trust me, if you weren’t hardwired to be sensitive to other people’s energy, you wouldn’t experience these things. Trying to brush things off or move on as if you don’t care is not how you roll!
Being an empath is a remarkable gift. When channeled correctly, you have an intuitive awareness that guides you toward amazing opportunities. If you’re unskilled about managing the energy you’re receiving, it can wreak havoc on your life.
In order to stay positive around other people, you must do the following:
Cleanse your energy every day (for example: with sage)
Stay grounded in your body
Tune into your inner voice rather than into others
Be direct instead of nice
And most importantly…
Raise your vibration to love, so you are not affected by other people’s fear..
I’ve spent my life developing these skills. I know the power of harnessing my energy to benefit me and others, rather than deplete me. Being aware of my own needs, feelings and energy is a daily practice, and one with infinitely positive results. I encourage you to take up this practice immediately and watch your world change from chaos to bliss.

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Postby penxv » Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:07 pm

DEAR FRIENDS- A questing seeker asked of me today....
How can I be sure that I carried no shadow of karma into this life....
No Original Sin ....
No burden of pain.....
No ghosts haunting my sweet body or stains marring the pure and precious fabric of my soul....
How can I truly know that I was born free.....
To laugh and sing and dance the All of Me....
And spread my spirit's wings on this good and sacred earth...
How can I free my eyes to see.....
And heal my doubting blindness....
With the vision of my Shining Beauty and Rightness?
And this is what I told her.....
Go to a hospital where the mothers surrender and give birth to new life...
And walk among the glistening babes......
Or sojourn to a playground and sit for a time among the laughing innocents ......
Look deep into the clear and trusting eyes of those new and naked to the world.....
Listen to the psalms of joy in their youthful voices......
And the shrieks of pure happiness as the children of of love play....
Open your mind, open your heart, open your senses and open your soul....
Behold and feel the living proof right in front of you....
And for the first time you will see yourself....
And you'll know........
LOTS OF LOVE- YOUR FRIEND Scott ‪#‎TheBipolarRocknRoller‬

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Postby penxv » Sun Mar 06, 2016 11:09 pm


Or is it?

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