Children Used in Canadian Legislature to Silence Truth

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Children Used in Canadian Legislature to Silence Truth

Postby Masato » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:31 pm

Hey all

This is a crazy vid.

For some reason there are a bunch of kids in the courtroom here, standing and sitting at the command of the lady in the black robe...

This MPP gets up and reads a document PROVING that the Ontario Government had broken the law via some electricity scam.

WTF moment comes at 1:27:

The kids all stand up when she claps (?), and the robed lady says:


MPP: It's true.


MPP: You can't withdraw the truth.

Yet... he is thrown out, his speech dismissed, even though it had evidence that the gov't had broken the law.

Now, this is freaky enough IMO, but the CHILDREN being used in this scene is ultra freaky. Seriously its like a scene from some Star Trek Episode about some bizarre government system on some backwards planet.

Who are these kids? Were they just there for some school field trip to see how government works? How were they so well trained like that to stand up when the robed figure wants to silence someone in the room? super weird, no?

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Ayrshire Grappler
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Postby Ayrshire Grappler » Thu Mar 01, 2018 3:59 pm

Anyone know what the hell is going on in this?
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