Greatest Story Never Told

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Re: Greatest Story Never Told

Postby Luigi » Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:10 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Made it half way through last night and there is so much to take in, so much I had no clue about that I really need to do some research into

It obviously comes across very pro Hitler and seem to leave out any negatives on the man, but considering the amount the negatives have been highlighted by history, I guess it can be forgiven

Going to watch the rest late tonight but wondering if they are going to go more into the concentration camps (besides the typhus breakout and the ziclone b being used as a delicing agent)

Do you guys feel that the reason Hitler is so demonized is so that other leaders do not attempt what he did pre-ww2 and cut out the Jewish banking system?

It seems obvious to me

Anybody have any good docs on hitlers connection to the thule society?

TGSNT is a good doc but keep in mind it is openly bias towards the third reich and gives a dishonest portrayal of the invasion of Poland.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Thu Jun 28, 2018 12:46 am

Luigi wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Made it half way through last night and there is so much to take in, so much I had no clue about that I really need to do some research into

It obviously comes across very pro Hitler and seem to leave out any negatives on the man, but considering the amount the negatives have been highlighted by history, I guess it can be forgiven

Going to watch the rest late tonight but wondering if they are going to go more into the concentration camps (besides the typhus breakout and the ziclone b being used as a delicing agent)

Do you guys feel that the reason Hitler is so demonized is so that other leaders do not attempt what he did pre-ww2 and cut out the Jewish banking system?

It seems obvious to me

Anybody have any good docs on hitlers connection to the thule society?

TGSNT is a good doc but keep in mind it is openly bias towards the third reich and gives a dishonest portrayal of the invasion of Poland.

Not arguing at all but what was dishonest about it?
They portrayed it as germans in east Prussia being segregated and brutally murdered if I remember right
What did they miss?
Would love to hear everything you have to give, I should probably read through this thread lol

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Postby Luigi » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:30 am

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:
Luigi wrote:
Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Made it half way through last night and there is so much to take in, so much I had no clue about that I really need to do some research into

It obviously comes across very pro Hitler and seem to leave out any negatives on the man, but considering the amount the negatives have been highlighted by history, I guess it can be forgiven

Going to watch the rest late tonight but wondering if they are going to go more into the concentration camps (besides the typhus breakout and the ziclone b being used as a delicing agent)

Do you guys feel that the reason Hitler is so demonized is so that other leaders do not attempt what he did pre-ww2 and cut out the Jewish banking system?

It seems obvious to me

Anybody have any good docs on hitlers connection to the thule society?

TGSNT is a good doc but keep in mind it is openly bias towards the third reich and gives a dishonest portrayal of the invasion of Poland.

Not arguing at all but what was dishonest about it?
They portrayed it as germans in east Prussia being segregated and brutally murdered if I remember right
What did they miss?
Would love to hear everything you have to give, I should probably read through this thread lol

Specifically they made it sound like the Germans in Prussia were being brutally massacred by Poles before Germany had invaded. There is zero historical records for this and its pretty illogical too. The Poles did start killing ethnic Germans but not until after Germany had invaded Poland. The truth is that if Hitler was just a defender of the German people he would have been satisfied with the Sudetanland and not invaded the rest of Czech land. He invaded Poland for the same reason; he wanted to expand the Lebensraum and was willing to gamble to do it.

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Postby Masato » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:02 pm

wow - another poster with the guts and brains to ask some simple questions about this, and mutherfuckin Luigi in the house! A+ day :D

I understood the alt theory to be that Poland was a pre-emptive grab to protect the people there from the threat of Bolshevism. Nazis saw the Bolsheviks were spreading and feared a complete European takeover, and started claiming some lines in the sand. If I am way off please correct me

Luigi; have you watched that entire doc? I would absolutely love your opinions and thought of it, as it fucked me up for a long time, lol. Agreed 100% they take it too far, they make Hitler out to be some fairytale savior, was likely a bit messier than that, lol But they do bring up some really amazing things to the table.

I am no longer able to swallow the 'official' story of it all, that Hitler just concocted this insane ideology of hate and racial genocide out of thin air, and somehow convinced everyone to go along with it and turn into lunatics.

Most of the times my suspicions lie in the scenario that Hitler was actually spilling the beans on some very real conspiracies, and they had to shut that shit down. Like forever. The lengths of demonization, cartoon-level over-simplification, one-sided good-guys/bad-guys versions of 'history', and absolute lockdown censorship about the topic to this day are so paranoid I just can't but help what is so desperately being covered up. Its the one topic that people absolutely cannot talk about, research, write about even to this day, in canada too free speech is just shut off on this one single topic, several people arrested and deported for this 'crime'. Have you seen this thread about Ursula Haverbeck? A perfectly sensible old woman asking perfectly sensible questions about her own history, but she gets goddamn arrested for it: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5544&p There is something there that the powers that be absolutely do not want people to see.

The other scenario is that it was all set up by the Rothchilds to divide and rule/reorganize Europe and Russia, and set up Israel, lol

I flip flop between the 2 in futility :D

Seriously having some sharper minds in this thread would be a dream come true, for me a LOTTA shit in my conspiracy puzzling comes down to this question, what exactly happened in those WW's, why exactly was Germany so villified in both wars, what exactly was Hitler campaigning against, if not just a mindless racial hatred with no substance? Why have the winners of this war gone to such lengths to cover their crimes, and persistently demonize the losing side in such consistent paranoia?

Something stinks about it, that's all I really know for sure. That documentary, as biased in the other direction as it is, really got me questioning a lot of things. Watch with a grain of salt, but watch nonetheless. I figure the propaganda we get from schools and MSM is so swung the other way, that this doc simply balances the other extreme, and truth will fall somewhere in the middle

Appreciate all insights and thoughts on the matter, thanks

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Postby Masato » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:12 pm

Illuminat3d0ne's question about Thule opens up a whole other branch of these musings...

Was the occult, alt-history stuff in the shadows of the Nazis also just more insane ravings of lunatics? Were they all in fact just wacked out New Age buffoons who fell for stupid myths and legends and decided they were true, and were so insane in their wacky beliefs that they actually went to war over it?

Or, could it be that some of these wacky beliefs might have been true? That they had stumbled on some truths that were revealing enough to raise the strength and conviction to do what they did?

It almost starts weaving into theories of past advanced civilizations and such, ancient megalithic sites that were destroyed and censored from mainstream history/academia. I know I'm reaching but there are several things about the Nazis, Thule, Vril etc that suggest maybe they really HAD discovered some fantastic secrets about History and Humanity, and the war maybe was really about exposing VS protecting those secrets.

We should make a distinction in this thread between hard factual history discussion vs more fantasy-prone theories, but both are valuable to me to consider.

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Postby Masato » Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:15 pm

Illuminat3d0ne wrote:Do you guys feel that the reason Hitler is so demonized is so that other leaders do not attempt what he did pre-ww2 and cut out the Jewish banking system?

Well look at any other country since that has resisted being assimilated into western banking systems. They all get demonized, destroyed, and demonized further just the same.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Jun 28, 2018 4:39 pm

Is the occult interest of the Nazis any more crazy than the occult interest of Western politics and media and entertainment which is completely intertwined with one another?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Thu Jun 28, 2018 5:48 pm

Canuckster wrote:Is the occult interest of the Nazis any more crazy than the occult interest of Western politics and media and entertainment which is completely intertwined with one another?

Not at all imo
I believe some of the leaders of western countries were into some of the exact same societies as hitler, at the same time as hitler

It's one of the reasons I always have a nagging suspicion that everything that happened was planned and hitler was helped out of Germany at the end and allowed to go free for doing his part

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Postby Luigi » Thu Jun 28, 2018 7:44 pm

Masato wrote:wow - another poster with the guts and brains to ask some simple questions about this, and mutherfuckin Luigi in the house! A+ day :D

I understood the alt theory to be that Poland was a pre-emptive grab to protect the people there from the threat of Bolshevism. Nazis saw the Bolsheviks were spreading and feared a complete European takeover, and started claiming some lines in the sand. If I am way off please correct me

Luigi; have you watched that entire doc? I would absolutely love your opinions and thought of it, as it fucked me up for a long time, lol. Agreed 100% they take it too far, they make Hitler out to be some fairytale savior, was likely a bit messier than that, lol But they do bring up some really amazing things to the table.

I am no longer able to swallow the 'official' story of it all, that Hitler just concocted this insane ideology of hate and racial genocide out of thin air, and somehow convinced everyone to go along with it and turn into lunatics.

Most of the times my suspicions lie in the scenario that Hitler was actually spilling the beans on some very real conspiracies, and they had to shut that shit down. Like forever. The lengths of demonization, cartoon-level over-simplification, one-sided good-guys/bad-guys versions of 'history', and absolute lockdown censorship about the topic to this day are so paranoid I just can't but help what is so desperately being covered up. Its the one topic that people absolutely cannot talk about, research, write about even to this day, in canada too free speech is just shut off on this one single topic, several people arrested and deported for this 'crime'. Have you seen this thread about Ursula Haverbeck? A perfectly sensible old woman asking perfectly sensible questions about her own history, but she gets goddamn arrested for it: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=5544&p There is something there that the powers that be absolutely do not want people to see.

The other scenario is that it was all set up by the Rothchilds to divide and rule/reorganize Europe and Russia, and set up Israel, lol

I flip flop between the 2 in futility :D

Seriously having some sharper minds in this thread would be a dream come true, for me a LOTTA shit in my conspiracy puzzling comes down to this question, what exactly happened in those WW's, why exactly was Germany so villified in both wars, what exactly was Hitler campaigning against, if not just a mindless racial hatred with no substance? Why have the winners of this war gone to such lengths to cover their crimes, and persistently demonize the losing side in such consistent paranoia?

Something stinks about it, that's all I really know for sure. That documentary, as biased in the other direction as it is, really got me questioning a lot of things. Watch with a grain of salt, but watch nonetheless. I figure the propaganda we get from schools and MSM is so swung the other way, that this doc simply balances the other extreme, and truth will fall somewhere in the middle

Appreciate all insights and thoughts on the matter, thanks

I watched it until a mix of talking about the atrocities, and mistrust made me stop. It really hurts to think of all those good men killing each other and destroying their homes. I was probably like 75% through it. I basically agree completely with you Mas; I thought it was great to give the counterbalance to what we get taught in school and media, and the production value was great. But at the same time you have to understand that it is a biased account, I think they even say at the start they are trying to present "the other side of the story" or something like that.

On the Rothschild thing, I never bought into the omnipotent puppetmaster talk, things are always more messy than that. They obviously had a hand in the Balfour declaration and the creation of Israel though. As for the idea they and other zionists brought America into the war, its complicated. Mainstream historians recognise the Balfour declaration, they would just dispute that as the reason for Americas entry. The official story goes that it was from U-boats wrecklessly sinking American ships(which happened to be smuggling arms to Britain). Ive seen good evidence that Woodrow Wilson had pro-Zionist sentiments(he studied biblical studies in school and was known for being accepting of Jews when much of society wasnt, he supported the Balfour Declaration, and expressed regret over "Jewish plight" in Europe). At the time of Americas entry it was already known that Britain was going to take Palestine and much of the Middle East from the Ottoman empire, and there had been preliminary talks about Zionism. It seems intuitive that all this contributed to Wilson's decision, but Im not sure to what degree. Personally I always though it intuitive than a society of British roots like the U.S. would support Britain in one way or another. I'm not surprised at all they were smuggling arms to them and they probably would have joined the war sooner if not for a lack of public support. Germanys gameplan was to win the war as fast as possible because they knew a ton of things could go wrong if they didn't, and thats just what happened. I used to feel really bad for Germany getting screwed at Versailes, losing so much just because they lost, but the more I study medieval history the more I see Germans were doing the exact same thing to East Euros. It was might = right just like history always has been. You dont get to complain when the same system takes away land it had previously given you.

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Postby Canuckster » Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:34 pm

I think you should be watching through the stuff you were uncomfortable with
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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