Epoch Times ??

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Re: Epoch Times =War Propaganda

Postby Masato » Mon Jun 08, 2020 8:33 pm

Rambo John J wrote:I got one a few days back
wonder how many of these "newspapers" they sent out

Hey Rambo John J
Welcome back

How you surviving, comrade?

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Postby Rambo John J » Mon Jun 08, 2020 9:24 pm

Masato wrote:
Rambo John J wrote:I got one a few days back
wonder how many of these "newspapers" they sent out

Hey Rambo John J
Welcome back

How you surviving, comrade?

Thriving homeboy

stacking metals and projectiles hahaha

Hope you dudes are Aight

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Postby Masato » Tue Jun 09, 2020 1:03 am

Rambo John J wrote:
Masato wrote:
Rambo John J wrote:I got one a few days back
wonder how many of these "newspapers" they sent out

Hey Rambo John J
Welcome back

How you surviving, comrade?

Thriving homeboy

stacking metals and projectiles hahaha

Hope you dudes are Aight


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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 05, 2020 1:48 pm

Hey all

Is Epoch Times a RELIGIOUS platform as well???

I just stumbled on these documentaries, it is clearly produced by The Epoch Times, yet it has a massively religious/biblical approach to the information.

Its fascinating, a very good history of what some have called 'Communism by the Backdoor', and how its been a threat right around our backs all this time while we were trained to believe it was a thing of the past...

Anyways the point is that in this documentary, they frame Communism as the work of the DEVIL. In great detail, they break down about who the devil is, how he works, and how all his lies have resulted in this communistic takeover that we're seeing. And I don't mean subtle inferences or rhetoric, it is 1000% a religiously-framed documentary, at least so far.



Its also very good, lol

But it was shocking to see that it was made by the Epoch Times. They have caught my attention once again, what a bizarre and interesting source of media. Fundamental Christian Chinese Anti-CCP all in one? wtf lol

I am currently in Part 1. This thing is huge! Mind the spin, but imho it has a ton of quality truths and information. Enjoying so far:


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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:03 pm

One bit I caught very quickly that caught my attention was a comparison of the Cultural Revolution in China, to the 'victimhood' identity politics that we are seeing currently in the west.

I remember having it explained to me years ago that in the Cultural Revolution they somehow flipped the class structure, lower class became upper class and vice versa. That never made any sense to me.

But this doc compares that to what we see now where all classes of 'victimhood' are now placed at the top of the line, all the racial minorities and LGBTQs etc etc are all propped up as the heroes and are given preference for jobs etc. I am seeing this in my industry on LinkedIn, the racial profiling for hiring has become absurd. Reversely now anyone who is upper class and white is being shunned and shamed etc.

The documentary proposes that this is exactly the strategy that was used in the Cultural Revolution, that all the wealthy were ostracized and ripped of their positions, and the poor became celebrated. The rich and educated were suddenly the dumbest, the poor and broken suddenly the smartest.

I think that is fascinating, and suddenly all this identity politics/cultural marxist lunacy starts to make a lot more sense...

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Postby Diet Butcher » Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:17 pm

I haven't watched the doc yet... but yeah, Epoch Times is funded by Falun Gong which has been compared to Scientology. So it's obviously biased. But they still get a lot of legit news sources that the CCP state media tries to hide. So, kinda like a Rebel Media, Chinese version, lol.

And oh yeah, I see a lot of the same tactics used by BLM, LGBTQGFUYGJUUKHJLJOLJ, used by the CCP. Like, CCP being assholes to everyone. But as soon as someone stops tolerating their assholeness, they claim it's racism.

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Postby Masato » Wed Aug 05, 2020 2:21 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:I haven't watched the doc yet... but yeah, Epoch Times is funded by Falun Gong which has been compared to Scientology. So it's obviously biased. But they still get a lot of legit news sources that the CCP state media tries to hide. So, kinda like a Rebel Media, Chinese version, lol.

And oh yeah, I see a lot of the same tactics used by BLM, LGBTQGFUYGJUUKHJLJOLJ, used by the CCP. Like, CCP being assholes to everyone. But as soon as someone stops tolerating their assholeness, they claim it's racism.

I had heard Falung Gong was sort of cult-y, but I didn't expect at all that they would frame things in such christian/biblical terms. The whole first vid is literally about how communism is the plan of the devil.

I'm gonna watch all 10 parts over the next few days at work, it looks deep.

There was another independant doc maker who made a movie called 'Communism by the Backdoor' (I'm sure its on this forum somewhere), and he got roasted for it lol. Now Epoch Times saying the same thing on a main stage.

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:45 pm

Masato wrote:Hey all

So a little while ago, this documentary about Coronavirus was circulating EVERYWHERE, I don't know how they got their search engine algorhythyms to work so well but it was totally not an accident. The doc was a high production value, big budget, professionally made 'investigative' documentary coming to all kinds of conclusions... yet right in the very early stages of the pandemic where nobody really knows shit yet lol

I wont post the vid because it doesn't deserve it, but basically the WHOLE documentary was a massive 'Blame it on China' hitpiece, openly calling for war, with thick rhetoric of "CCP oppression evil" VS "USA freedom good".

The makers of the documentary? EPOCH TIMES.

Now, April 30 2020, I receive a newspaper in my mailbox that I've never received before - the EPOCH TIMES.

I only imagine that I'm not the only one who received this free paper today, likely millions of homes nationwide/(worldwide?) received one too.


EVERY SINGLE headline on the front page is about how this is all China's fault, and EVERY SINGLE article inside is about how this all China's fault. There are barely even any ads to be found, the whole thing is just a straight up anti-CCP propaganda hitpiece.

What is this trash? I hope to god the majority of those millions of homes has the eyes to recognize that this is not their daily 'newspaper' to be read and believed over morning coffee.

Just read the tone of these 'articles'. quotes and bylines - how hyper-inflated, irresponsibly un-professional, how war-mongering:







You got the newspaper in your irl mailbox?

Your around Toronto, if so that's super wierd, never got anything here and this is the first I'm hearing of this

Edit: do you live in a mostly Asian community or multi cultural?
Wondering if they are pushing this mainly to the Asian community because as I said, this is the first I've heard of it

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:48 pm

Diet Butcher wrote:30 minutes in they talk about Epoch Times.

I watch the guy on the left sometime, from time to time he gets on my nerves but it was nice getting to see China while he was there

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Postby Illuminat3d0ne » Wed Aug 12, 2020 5:55 pm

Masato wrote:
Diet Butcher wrote:30 minutes in they talk about Epoch Times.

hey man, good find that wasn't bad.

@ 30 minutes is not just a commentary on the Epoch Times, but they are discussing a clip from the CBC, our own monopoly government propaganda voice here in Canada. Very telling. in 1 short bit they actually referred to talk of coronavirus possibly coming from a lab is alluded to 'conspiracy theories' (yes they used those words), outright call it 'misleading', and claims that 'we know, scientifically, that it's not true'.

Well its not hard to see which script the CBC is following, lol. How bias can you get?

Great find. Canadians always seem to give the CBC such high praise but whenever there is a major issue they ALWAYS tow the line 100% and never veer off script. Controlled debate news network, I've seen it over and over, it's disgusting. So sad it seems most Canadians still give the CBC high praise, but I find it hard to not see how scary it is. I watched them repeat the official narrative of 911 for years without daring to poke a toe outside that tiny box they had to adhere to. Frightening.

No major media is not without huge political bias. Bigger the org, bigger the bias. State-run media like CBC should be huge red flags. Yet here we are where all media is in the hands of a few, alarmingly agree on almost all the major issues and agendas, and yet we still allow them to define our reality for us, they still hold influence over our minds as a people.

I really think that the day we can break that trance a whole lot of progress can be made rapidly, like a dam holding back water


This is off topic but I have to say something (like I always do lol)
I agree and at the same time disagree, I think this is the same as our difference of opinion on Netflix docs

I completely agree cbc tows the line when forced and are absolutely controlled and 100% bias, but they have also put out some amazing content

Shows like the firth estate alone uncovered so much shit and they did go after the government (mind you not the one that was currently in charge at the time) about allowing mk ultra testing to be done in Canada

I agree you always have to be skeptical of their content and make sure you take it in knowing that there is going to be bias that you have to filter through, but there they have produced some great content imo

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