I’m in Quebecoise-land

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Re: I’m in Quebecoise-land

Postby Masato » Sun Sep 02, 2018 8:32 pm

This is the cabin we rented, Lil' Masato in front. Was great, way out on a gravel road in rural Quebec. Small pond in the back, and 1 km from a calm river where we could kayak and use a rowboat with a small outboard motor:

Lil Masato and wife in the kayaks, my daughter was with me in the rowboat:

2 kms up the river was a waterfall, I rowed all the way there, partially cuz I wanted to, partially because I couldn't figure out how to get the fuckin propeller to spin, lol.. I could get the motor running but the propeller did nothing. Here is my daughter taking a pic of me trying to get the damn thing to work:

eventually I figured it out, was a little switch I didn't see before. Good because when we got to the falls it started pouring. We packed the 2 little kayaks and the whole family in the rowboat and motored back, it must have looked ridiculous lol, wish I'd taken a pic of it. The highlight of the trip for me, I love testing how far I can push the wife and kids into rough adventures :D:

Another artsy photo my daughter took, she takes pretty cool pics:

church in Montreal:

awesome dude's jacket in the church, lol:

Highlight for the kids was renting these electric bikes on an island in the St Lawrence river, took a 3-4 hour tour around the island on them. They are GREAT. Was funny watching all the older people doing the same tour on regular bikes and jealous like hell of us motoring around and passing them with ease, lol they had a throttle on the handles like a motorcycle, my kids were in heaven booting around on em:



Crazy beautiful island, mostly farms and little picturesque towns, lots of artists studios for the the wife to scope out. The southern tip is full of rich folk, supposedly Churchill and Roosevelt came to the island for tea after the war but I don't know exactly where


This is the Old Quebec City, several hundred years old and a main tourist spot for good reason, very pretty:



There was a little monument with UN flags all around it I found interesting... they gave a lame description of the symbol, talking about the circle and square, but nothing about the pyramids in the middle, nor the apparent 'as above/so below' themes:




Big Obelisk behind the hotel that no one seemed to really notice:

Here was another symbol I saw on many churches but did not recognize, I'd like to know what it is... looks like an M and and A?

More Old Quebec city, this little street was officially voted the most beautiful street in Canada or something:



I don't know who is sexier in this pic, the french babe in the striped pants, or the dude with the fro and the Slayer shirt, lol:

This busker was great, played several instruments, and was mixing and layering them together with his bare feet and a computer to make some pretty dope tunes:

These guys were good too:

Cool mural, many stories going on in 1 painting:

Some little corners of this town you'd swear you were in Europe:


Great trip. Now back to work to pay for it all, lol

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