Dreaming/Lucid Dreams etc

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Dreaming/Lucid Dreams etc

Postby Masato » Mon May 11, 2015 10:01 am

Hey all

We spend a LOT of our life in the dream-world, yet know almost nothing about it.

Personally, I tend to forget most of my dreams shortly after waking... but every so often I recall one that seems more than just unconscious brain-ramblings.

Is it futile to attempt to interpret dreams?

2 nights ago a friend had asked me about lucid dreaming. That night in my sleep/dream, I was approached by an ugly dark-haired fat lady who also brought up the topic of lucid dreaming. "You wanna lucid dream?" she asked. "Come with me!" - and in the dream I 'woke up', and we instantly turned into birds and began flying high and fast. I KNEW I was dreaming, and I KNEW I was flying as a bird. The sensation was as real as anyone could imagine.

It ended shortly after that, I think I woke up.

I have a few other dream-stories, but not many. I am no expert and have not done much research or practice with this dream state, though I am intensely curious about it, and if its possible to understand it better and perhaps gain some degree of control.

Or, perhaps we are not meant to cross the 2 worlds? Maybe dreamtime is for dreamtime, and waking time is for waking time, and that is the way it is?

Share your experiences with this mysterious part of our existence/who & what we are.


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Postby penxv » Mon May 11, 2015 11:53 am

You can induce something similar to lucid dreaming w/ a meditation technique called yoga nidra.

It's like focused energy along the different parts of your body and then visualization exercises. It's probably more effective done live in a class setting, but there are a bunch of YouTube videos available for people that want to try. Just google "yoga nidra"

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Postby Edge Guerrero » Tue May 12, 2015 1:53 pm

- I think i've read somewere that inducing lucidy dreaming isn't health, that's right Penxv?
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Postby penxv » Wed May 13, 2015 3:59 am

I don't know.

We spend 1/3 of our lives asleep, though. I think dreams should be taken seriously without taking them too seriously.

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Postby Masato » Wed May 13, 2015 6:57 am

What is the nature of the dreamworld?

-Is it all within our own brains/minds?
-Does our consciousness 'go' somewhere?
-Is that 'somewhere' private and unique to the individual, or is there a shared realm where we meet/interact with others?
-Could those we encounter in dreams be real beings, who continue to exist while we are awake?
-Are there beings that live only in the dreamworld?
-Why do we forget so fast after waking?

etc etc

It is totally bizarre how little understanding we have.

Its as if all the knowledge about it had been systematically erased, or something.


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Wed May 13, 2015 6:20 pm

Masato wrote:What is the nature of the dreamworld?

-Is it all within our own brains/minds?

- I think dreaming is a way to keep or brain entertained, or we would wake-up all the time without ever recovering enough.
-Does our consciousness 'go' somewhere?
- I like to think so, there's a place in greek culture called city of dreams Daimos Oneiros:THE ONEIROI were the dark-winged Daimones (Spirits) of dreams. They emerged each night like a flock of bats from their cavernous home in Erebos, the land of eternal darkness beyond the rising sun. The Oneiroi passed through one of two gates (pylai). The first of these, made of horn, was the source of the prophetic god-sent dreams, while the other, constructed of ivory, was the source of dreams which were false and without meaning. The term for nightmare was melas oneiros (black dream).
According to some the leader of the Oneiroi was Morpheus, a god who appeared in the dreams of kings in the guise of a man, delivering messages from the gods.


-Is that 'somewhere' private and unique to the individual, or is there a shared realm where we meet/interact with others?
- In the cartoon Potsworth and Co. aka Midnight Patrol is a shared place:

-Could those we encounter in dreams be real beings, who continue to exist while we are awake?
- I don't know, the only thing i know is that i am He-man, Spider-man, the terminator, Super-man and Batman
-Are there beings that live only in the dreamworld?
- I actually think that the answer is yes.
-Why do we forget so fast after waking?
[color=#0000FF] - Some people forget, others remender the dreams like a real thing.
And if we were there, isn't that real?

etc etc

It is totally bizarre how little understanding we have.

Its as if all the knowledge about it had been systematically erased, or something.

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Postby FionaO » Mon May 18, 2015 7:36 pm

Weird thing for me is how dreams can, some nights, be absurd flotsam that you can immediately dismiss, while others can be shatteringly profound or terrifying or so otherwise meaningful and powerful that you remember them all your life.

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Postby SRBrant » Tue May 19, 2015 12:27 am

I've been told that lucid dreams are a sign that you are in the Aether without a doubt, yet I've also been told that you're always in the Aether when you sleep. Odd. Perhaps lucid dreams are just a sign that lets you know you're in another world rather than in the chaotic soup of your subconscious.

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Postby Masato » Tue May 19, 2015 10:18 am

FionaO wrote:Weird thing for me is how dreams can, some nights, be absurd flotsam that you can immediately dismiss, while others can be shatteringly profound or terrifying or so otherwise meaningful and powerful that you remember them all your life.


I have I think only 1 of these dreams that stuck with me... (very significant to me, I'll post it here 1 day) + a few recurring themes that seem to keep coming back, but that's about it.

Most of my other dreams I tend to forget very fast, or are just rambling nonsense as Fiona pondered

When I was a kid I kept having a dream where I was being chased by something, but my feet were too heavy to run. Terrifying, I want to run but I can't because my legs are so heavy.

I don't recall where/how I got the idea, but somehow one night, instead of trying to run, I somehow was aware of the dream, and TURNED AROUND to face whatever was chasing me.

There was nothing there. I never had the dream again.

Now I have (semi) lucid flying dreams sometimes. Like Superman flying - really fast, they are great. I am sort of in control but going pretty fuckin fast, lol just sort of pitching altitude. Very fun

Fuck, now that I start typing I am remembering more dream experiences from my life that I haven't thought about in years..

weird, maybe I'll come back and post some.

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Postby Canuckster » Tue May 19, 2015 3:04 pm

I have dreams that I fly, and ones where I have the ability not to fly but to jump really high, like the original superman. The ones that really stick with me the most that I enjoy the most are the ones I have. Where I'm underwater with no scuba gear and can breathe perfectly fine. And I dive down for a long time.
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