What I've been up to

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What I've been up to

Postby johnkilo » Fri Nov 07, 2014 9:50 pm

Hello everyone. I know I have been missing for a while. Unfortunately October was a rough month for me health wise.

I was hoping to have a big reveal by now on what I've been working on, unfortunately I have had never ending problems with the paint I've been using.

Everyone knows by now that last year I made that battleship out of wood. This year I set off to make a car out of wood. I like many cars both old and new, but I decided on a 1970 Dodge Challenger T/A due to it seemingly being easier than modern cars that have much more complex shapes in their design. I was wrong about it being easy, as even with a fairly simple design, it has been very hard to capture the details.

For reference, here is what a real one looks like:


Every part of my model is ready to be put together, but unfortunately the entire project has been stalled thanks to the orange paint. The color is Hemi Orange. I've spraying it with aerosol cans. I went with enamel paint straight from Mopar (Chrysler) after reading that enamel dries glossy. After painting a few small pieces in orange, it seemed no matter how long I let it sit, it didn't dry. It seemed dry to the touch but oddly sticky at the same time... sort of hard to explain. When I picked it up a finger print would show up no matter what.

I bought two other orange paints from other companies, and they did the same thing. All in all I've spent $60+ on damn orange spray paint I'll never use again after this project.

I brought a couple pieces of test wood outside, hoping that the lower humidity and sun would help the paint dry better.

After spraying the test pieces, it seemed to be okay, so I went a head and painted the body of the car.

The first coat seemed to dry okay, but unfortunately the following coats developed the same problem of leaving finger prints. I went to a Lowes hardware store and talked to someone in their paint department about the paint. They suggested leaving a fan blowing on it for a while. Well I've had a fan blowing on it for 3 days, and it is still the same.

I've done some reading online, and I guess enamel paint takes forever to dry, and sometimes the outer coat dries but the coats underneath stay moist... creating a hard shell over soft paint. Right now I'm praying that's not the problem, and I guess I have no choice but to just let it sit for a long time.

Anyways, here is how it sits:


If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can help it dry fully, I'm all ears. I've but a lot of work into this. I know it seems small, but it has taken 2 months to get to where I am now with it, and I'd like to see it finished.

In happier news, I finished this painting for a friend.


In other news, Sherdog... at least the sub forums I'm interested in (F7 and the new MMA pics forum) seem to be dying. Most of the old regulars are gone and there doesn't seem to be many new posts compared to how it used to be.

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Postby Masato » Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:02 am

Hey man, welcome back!

That orange piece you posted is made of WOOD? really? How the hell did you get the shape so accurate?

Also, nice painting.

Also also, hope your health improves! Stay positive, eat yer greens and be creative yo. Some cannabis oil is powerful too if you can get it

And yeah Sherdog is weird now, I don't go anymore there is just no flow. Chuck is doing good to keep it alive but inevitably he will learn he should just come here and make this the new shoop central

glad to have you back dude, thanks for showing us the pics, can't wait to see more. Will you update us like you did with the battleship? that was super cool to see

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Postby johnkilo » Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:26 am

Thanks Masato.

I didn't take pictures every step of the way like the battleship, unfortunately, but it's pretty much the same process. I made blueprints of the car in the size I wanted the car to be. I traced the shape of the car from above and from the side onto wood I glued together. Then I cut the shape out. After that it is just a lot of sanding and making the detail pieces. The cabin part of the car is actually a separate piece that I later glued on to the body. Using wood it's hard to get every tiny detail, but I try my best. Also use a healthy amount of wood filler, not only to fill in imperfections in the wood, but to also get the right shapes.

Here is one picture I have before it was painted and still looking rough.


The battleship took a long time to make because of all the tiny details. The hardest thing about it was shaping the hull, making the detail pieces, and then painting it. The hardest thing about making this car is that the whole project is getting the shape right, which is hard, as well as making some detail pieces (the hood scoop, rear spoiler, side mirrors, and all the pieces under the car). Of course, the biggest time consumer has been the paint problems.

The most annoying thing as I actually made this car with the intention of selling it, along with some other wood working projects I have planned. With all the extra time I've put into it, I can't help but feel like I should charge more for it, but at the same time I don't want to make the price crazy. That is, if I can ever get the paint sorted. I can't sell it at all if fingerprints are going to show up on it with the slightest touch.

Anyways, I'm going to let the car project sit for now. I actually went to Home Depot today and bought $300 worth of oak. My brother is turning 30 in February (the same brother I made the battleship for). He just got a full time teaching position as an art teacher. He's been trying to get a teaching position since he graduated from college in 2008. He just got an apartment and needs a coffee table. So I figured a fancy coffee table would be a nice 30th birthday gift/congrats on the "real" job/house warming gift.

Edit: Forgot to add that machining the front and rear bumpers on the car out of aluminum took forever because I had to remake them 3 times thanks to the measurements on the compound vice I was using weren't correct.

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Postby Luigi » Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:52 am

My uncle actually has a 70s challenger. Never drives it. He always keeps it in his garage with a cover over it lol

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Postby Canuckster » Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:11 am

True automotive paint comes with a hardener.

the straight enamel out of a spray can that you are using will take forever to dry the way you're doing it.

Go to an automotive paint shop and get them to mix you a custom can of spray paint. This paint will be flat and need a clear coat. This will solve your problems as I have had to replace body panels in the past and do this very thing, the end result will be well worth it.
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Postby Luigi » Sun Nov 09, 2014 1:34 am


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Postby Edge Guerrero » Sun Nov 09, 2014 4:18 pm

johnkilo wrote:Hello everyone. I know I have been missing for a while. Unfortunately October was a rough month for me health wise.

- Arte you good now John?

In other news, Sherdog... at least the sub forums I'm interested in (F7 and the new MMA pics forum) seem to be dying. Most of the old regulars are gone and there doesn't seem to be many new posts compared to how it used to be.

- I joined sherdog because of the grappling forum, but stayed because of the F7, now the old roster is all gone.

Very nice work on the car John.
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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:29 pm

Is it still possible to gather some of them? So weird how it all fell apart

I tried to revive it here, we almost had it for a while :)

I miss a lot of our earlier poster, sheets, BobbyD, fungi, Joe Mama :(

GSPOAB and Chuck have dropped in too but not since.

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Postby Masato » Mon Nov 10, 2014 9:30 pm

PS: Keep rockin this project, johnkilo!!

Keep sending us pics I love these threads man - you are a super creative and talented dude

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Postby Luigi » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:27 pm

I think F7 fell apart mostly because of the division of mma content and non-mma content. There was also the fact that we hyped up the big tournament then VFC bitched out on it. Masato getting banned and Kimble going MIA made it worse.

I wanted to finish the tourney here but Avarice and Tomasz show no interest in the place, Bobby and MadDwarf have pretty much disappeared and Sheets is too busy with RL stuff.

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